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 Catalog and Search Tools

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Library Catalogs
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Library Catalogs

Library catalogs tell you what a library or group of libraries own (their holdings). They do not index periodicals or parts of books. For that you need to look at indexes and other networked databases. Choose the [?] near a database name to see help for that resource.

Systems Status and Known Issues

Stanford Catalogs


Stanford's catalog.


Stanford's old catalog.

Reserves Materials placed on reserve in most Stanford Libraries (excluding Lane, the GSB Library, & SLAC).
Technical Reports Technical reports and research papers held by the Stanford Libraries can be found using SearchWorks. See the Guide to Technical Reports to locate reports online.
GSB Library Catalog The Graduate School of Business Library's online catalog and information system.
LOIS Lane Medical Library's online catalog and information system.
Health Library Health Library at Stanford Hospital & Clinics catalog.
SLAC Library Catalogs SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Library's catalogs.

Selected Union Catalogs

Melvyl University of California's Web-based catalog.
World Catalog Holdings for thousands of libraries of various types and sizes.
Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog "60 million books and serials in library and book trade catalogs worldwide."
National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections "Records of archives and manuscript collections throughout the U.S."

Other Online and Web Catalogs

UCB Web Catalog

UC Berkeley's Web-based library catalog (formerly Pathfinder). Select from UCB Library OskiCat page.

UT Austin Web Catalog

UT Austin's Web-based library catalog.

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching A collection focusing on education, social science, and the current research and publishing interests of the Foundation. Please read the Borrowing Policy and click on "I Accept" to search the catalog.
Palo Alto Public Library Search the Palo Alto City Library Catalog and other resources.
San Francisco Public Library Select "The Catalog" to search San Francisco Public Library's Online Catalog
Library of Congress The Library of Congress Information System. See also their homepage.
British Library Integrated Catalogue "Details of over 10 million books, journals, reports, conferences and music scores covering every aspect of human thought since 1450..."
British Library National Sound Archive Catalog "Covering both published and unpublished recordings in all genres from pop, jazz, classical and world music, to oral history, drama and literature, dialect, language and wildlife sounds."
COPAC "A new national Online Public Access Catalogue, providing unified access to the online catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland."
Gabriel The Gateway to Europe's National Libraries
Israel Center for Digital Information Services includes access to union catalogs in Israel
Libweb Library servers via the World Wide Web.
World Bank/IMF Joint Library OPAC For international economics and public policy research on a global level

Last modified: June 26, 2012

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