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Stanford Digital Repository home

What is the SDR?
The Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) is Stanford University Libraries' digital preservation system. The core repository provides “back-office” preservation services – data replication, auditing, media migration, and retrieval -- in a secure, sustainable, scalable stewardship environment. The SDR team consults with librarians, archivists, and others across the Stanford campus, providing technical guidance in order to create, build, and acquire digital collections that can remain usable in the face of inevitable technological change. Through this combination of technical strategies and programmatic activities, the SDR ensures ongoing access to digital information resources of enduring value to the Stanford community.

What is the SDR up to? Read the blog below.

SDR Blog

JHOVE2 Software Recognized in "Top 10 Digital Preservation Developments of 2011"

The Library of Congress' blog on digital preservation recently called attention to JHOVE2, software developed by Stanford Libraries in collaboration with the California Digital Library and Portico. The digital file analysis tool is named on a list of "10 developments from 2011 that deserve special consideration because of their broad impact on the practical work of stewarding content, or on raising the awareness of how important this work is for our culture."

Investigations on Storage and Versioning of Digital Objects

The SDR has recently been investigating open source storage solutions that include the ability to efficiently and securely preserve multiple-version digital objects which contain large binary files. This research follows up on previous discussions of versioning approaches on the Digital-Curation mailing list and at recent CurateCamps. Attached is a report containing an overview and summary of findings in MS Word, Acrobat, and Powerpoint formats, along with 3 detailed reports with details of my analysis of ReDD, Git, and Boar approaches.

Stanford Digital Repository ingests 125,000 Google-scanned books and other good news

It’s Preservation Week 2011 and the Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) -- SULAIR’s system for preserving digital content -- has plenty to celebrate.

HathiTrust: the other SDR

A few years ago, the University of Michigan, Indiana University, and the rest of the CIC announced their plans for preserving and making accessible the books in their collections that had been digitized by Google. The concept is an ambitious digital library named "The Shared Digital Repository." This announcement caught the attention of Stanford Libraries, since we too, as one of the original Google Books partners, were actively engaged in plans to manage and provide access to our widely expanding digitized collection.

Article on SDR published in D-Lib magazine

The SDR has five years of operational experience under its belt, and in this time has undergone a series of tests -- functional, technical, organizational tests -- that have proven to be important learning opportunities. These experiences, along with the general maturation of the larger digital preservation community, have informed the development of SDR 2.0, Stanford's second generation repository. Colleagues Tom Cramer and Katherine Kott co-wrote a paper, published this week in D-Lib magazine, on the topic.

SDR Media Migration Complete!

In May of this year, the Stanford Digital Repository accomplished another first: a complete media migration.

What do we mean by “media migration”? Media migration involves making copies of stored digital files onto new storage media. Because storage media – like CDs, DVDs, hard drives, and digital tape – have short useful lifetimes and are subject to failure, media migration is one of the more fundamental operations of a digital archive.

New JHOVE2 alpha release v. 0.6.0

Good news from one of the SDR's Special Projects! The announcement from the JHOVE2 listserv is copied below.

A new alpha release of JHOVE2 is now available for download and evaluation (v. 0.6.0, 2010-03-17). Distribution packages (in zip and tar.gz form) are available on the JHOVE2 public wiki at (

The new JHOVE2 architecture reflected in this prototype is described in the attached architectural overview (

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