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Visiting Scholars Program


The program is open only to senior scholars, judges, and governmental officials with a substantial record of professional achievement and a well-developed research agenda. Junior scholars and officials interested in studying at Stanford Law School should apply instead to the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS) or, if appropriate, to Stanford Law School's specialty LL.M. programs in corporate governance or law, science and technology. Information on these programs can be found on the Advanced Degree Programs webpage.


5-10 scholars per year

Selection Criteria

Visiting Scholars are selected on the basis of experience, prior professional achievements, and the quality of research proposals. All scholars must be proficient in the English language. Also, Visiting Scholars must have a Stanford Law School faculty sponsor, who will be in residence at the time of the Scholar's visit, and who is interested in the Scholar's proposed research plan.


Visiting Scholars enjoy access to the Stanford libraries, a carrel in the Stanford Law Library, a computer account, access to and unlimited printing from Lexis and Westlaw, and the opportunity to audit up to two courses on a non-credit basis with the consent of the instructor. Visiting Scholars also are welcome to attend a variety of workshops, colloquia and other academic presentations at the Law School. Visiting Scholars are eligible to use the University's recreational and athletic facilities, with the exception of the Stanford Golf Course.

Tuition and Fees

For the 2011-12 academic year, Visiting Scholars are charged $2,500 per academic quarter. The Law School calendar can be viewed here. In addition to tuition fees, there is a one-time administrative/visa processing fee of $200. Additional US government fees may be required.

Stanford does not offer any financial aid for Visiting Scholars, nor can the Law School defray tuition. Fees are payable in US dollars, in a check made out to "Stanford University", or by bank wire transfer, and are due upon arrival.

Application Process

Prospective visiting scholars must submit the following information in support of their application either by mail or by email (559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA 94305 Attn: Patsie Gray or by email at [email protected]):

  • A current resume, including a complete list of publications and any significant honors
  • A proposed research agenda (along with an explanation of why the applicant wishes to conduct the research at Stanford Law School)
  • Two letters of reference
  • The proposed dates of residence
  • A statement of the candidate's source of funding for his or her visit
  • Proof of personal financial resources in the amount of $2500/month for length of requested visit. Bank statements or letters from your home institution stating their support are examples of such documentation
  • Written confirmation from a Stanford Law School faculty member agreeing to sponsor your visit. A list of faculty can be found here: /directory/

Although we do not require TOEFL certification for visiting scholars, the application materials must include evidence of a strong proficiency in the English language. Applicants may be required to take an English proficiency examination at the U.S. Embassy.

Stanford does not provide housing for visiting scholars. Upon acceptance, we will provide you with links to local resources advertising housing, which you should research carefully before making a commitment. Click here for additional resources.

Visiting Scholars who are in J-1 visas are responsible for obtaining insurance for themselves and their dependents and must provide proof of insurance upon arrival to campus.

Application Deadlines

Summer arrival (June): Materials must be submitted by February 15th

Fall arrival (September): Materials must be submitted by April 15th

Winter arrival (January): Materials must be submitted by August 15th

Spring arrival (April): Materials must be submitted by November 15th

The maximum stay is one year, however, visitors have the option of staying for just one or two academic quarters if they choose to do so.

Normally, applications for stays of less than one quarter will not be considered.