Publication Date: 2013-04-17
Source: The National Law Journal
Professor Deborah Rhode is listed in this National Law Journal article as one of several court scholars endorsing an effort by Supreme Court historian Peter Irons urging the Supreme Court to repudiate its decision from more than 70 years ago upholding the government's internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.
An effort was launched Wednesday urging the U.S. Supreme Court to repudiate the decisions it handed down nearly 70 years ago upholding the government's internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.
Supreme Court historian Peter Irons, who represented Fred Korematsu and Gordon Hirabayashi in earlier efforts to overturn the rulings, is behind the new campaign. On Wednesday, he submitted to each Supreme Court justice a paper he has written titled Unfinished Business: The Case for Supreme Court Repudiation of the Japanese American Internment Cases.
Irons is joined by other court scholars including Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of University of California, Irvine School of Law; Cornell Law School's Michael Dorf, Deborah Rhode of Stanford Law School, Norman Dorsen of New York University School of Law and Kermit Roosevelt III of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Roosevelt is distantly related to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who first authorized the internment.
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