Search for people by name, email address, work phone, or SUNet ID. Enter any of these terms in the search box and click Search. StanfordWho will search against all appropriate indexes, and return the results in sections, one for each type of match.
Example | Searches | Finds |
leland | first name |
Anyone whose first name is Leland.
last name |
Anyone whose last name is Leland, or a compound last name that includes Leland.
jan* | first name | may find more than 100 results, including people whose first name begins with "jan": Jan, Jane, Janet, Janice, Janus, etc. |
last name | may find more than 100 results, including people whose last name begins with "jan": Janacek, Janson, Janssen, Jantz | |
jane stanford stanford, jane |
full name |
Anyone whose first name is Jane, and last name is Stanford (or a compound name that includes Stanford).
j stanford | full name |
Anyone whose first name begins with J, and whose last name is Stanford (or a compound name that includes Stanford).
ja* stan* | full name |
Anyone whose first name begins with Ja, and whose last name (or part of a compound last name) begins with Stan. Names will be sorted by first name, then last name.
Example | Searches | Finds |
franklin |
email addresses that people have chosen as their published address |
Any person whose email username matches the search, with any domain name. |
franklin@ | published email address and SUNet ID aliases |
Any person whose email username matches the search, with any domain name. Any person whose SUNet ID or alias matches the search (since these may also be used as email addresses in the domain). |
franklin@gsb |
Any person whose email username and first part of the domain name matches the search. |
[email protected] |
One match: |
Example | Searches | Finds |
51234 | work phones associated with a person's Stanford affiliation(s) |
Phone numbers whose last 5 digits match the numbers entered.
725-1234 |
Example | Searches | Finds |
franklin | primary SUNet IDs and aliases | One match whose primary SUNet ID or alias is franklin. |
j.franklin |
One match whose primary SUNet ID or alias is either:
Click the show more options link below the search box to display options that let you expand or narrow your search.
Results are grouped in sections by the type of match, and ranked according to the accuracy of the match:
Only the first 100 listings will be displayed for each search type. This effectively limits only the more common first name ("Jennifer") and last name ("Li") searches. If your search results in more than 100 matches, try adding more letters of the name, or limiting the search to a specific population (in "more search options").
Last modified Mon, 29 Nov, 2010 at 10:38