Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Mobile Device Management (MDM) addresses the unique needs of a growing computing platform: mobile devices. It provides you with real management capabilities, including convenient configuration, self-service tools, and enhanced protection. It also keeps you up to date with best practices. These features are organized into a collection of settings called configuration profiles.

Installing these profiles on your iOS device enables you to connect securely to internal networks without needing to configure the settings on your own.

If you're new to the Stanford network, you'll be directed to the MDM installer page through the Stanford Network Self Registration (SNSR). You can also enroll directly in the MDM service.


  • Simplified configuration: MDM can automatically configure a bundle of settings including: Stanford email, calendar, and contacts; a passcode; encrypted backups; fraud warning alert activation; third-party cookie blocking; and VPN access.
  • Valuable self-service: You can access a self-service page from the MDM app or go to to remotely erase Stanford-only data or all the data from your device if it's lost or stolen.
  • Enhanced privacy and protection: MDM provides secure access on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to non-public data. It helps you set "best practices" privacy controls on your device.

Getting started

To install a managed profile on your device, visit the MDM Installer page. It asks a series of questions during the installation process, which is described in full on the Installing a Profile page.

To manage your device, use the My Devices page.

Learn more

Last modified May 3, 2013