Tools for Researchers

Technology initiatives and research support services are key components of the IRiSS research infrastructure.

Technology Initiatives

Research Support Services

Additional Resources for Social Science Researchers

Academic Computing - ATS Program Stanford’s Academic Technology Specialists work in alignment with the University's commitment to excellence in education and its general vision to improve teaching, learning, and research by implementing and developing new technologies.

Academic Technology Specialist: Vijoy Abraham is the IRiSS Academic Technology Specialist and works to develop technology tools for use in research across the social sciences.

Experimental Research. IRiSS established the Research Experience Program (REP) to expand access to human subjects for non-medical research. For information about access to the human subject pool/REP, visit or send email to the program coordinator Lynn Chin.

ITS Compute Environments For those seeking to run memory- and CPU-intensive jobs, ITS offers the "corn" and newly minted "FarmShare" timesharing systems. This cluster is comprised of multi-core SUN Blade servers with large RAM and swap disk facilities.  These machines also have numerous site-licensed statistical and mathematical modeling software packages available.  The FarmShare system itself consists of 20 servers with 24 cores each with a min of 96 GB of RAM per server.  This new resource is available to any University member.  More information is available at theFarmShare wiki.

Social Science Data and Software (SSDS) is a group within the Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) that provides services and support to Stanford faculty, staff and students in the acquisition of social science data and the selection and use of quantitative (statistical) and qualitative analysis software.

ITS Collaborative Tools Installer  IT Services now offers a web-based tool for installing instances of Drupal, MediaWiki, or WordPress into department and group accounts.  Installation and updates are handled through this automated installer, allowing university-affiliates to get immediately up and running with these tools.