HotPower '09

Workshop on Power Aware Computing and Systems (HotPower '09)

October 10, 2009

Big Sky Resort
Big Sky, MT

Co-located with SOSP '09

Power is increasingly becoming a central issue in designing systems, from embedded systems to data centers. We do not understand energy and its tradeoff with performance and other metrics very well. This limits our ability to further extend the performance envelope without violating physical constraints related to batteries, power, heat generation, or cooling.

HotPower hopes to provide a forum in which to present the latest research and to debate directions, challenges, and novel ideas about building energy-efficient computing systems. In addition, researchers coming to these issues from fields such as computer architecture, systems and networking, measurement and modeling, language and compiler design, and embedded systems will gain the opportunity to interact with and learn from one another.

The workshop is immediately before SOSP '09 at the Big Sky Resort in Big Sky, Montana.

Important Dates

Paper submission | Submission Rules June 8, 2009
June 15, 2009
Acceptance notification July 13, 2009
Camera-ready deadline August 3, 2009