- search:
Search Tips:
Searches are case insensitive.
AND operation: enter multiple words
Example: conservation food will match subjects containing both words
OR operation: use OR
Example: food OR conservation will match subjects containing either one of the words or both words
Use parentheses ( and ) to group search terms. Use (one set of related terms) OR (second set of related terms)
Example: (oil rationing) OR (fuel conservation) will match records containing the words oil and rationing as well as records containing the words fuel and conservation.
Enclose search term(s) in square brackets [ and ] to perform an exact word search.
Example: [views] will match views but not reviews.
Truncation: enter a group of root letters
Example: alban will match Albany, Albania, and Albans
Wild cards: use % (percent sign) for 0 or more characters, use _ (underscore) for exactly one character.
Example: b%t will match bat, but, boot, boat, bit, beet, bet, beat, etc.
Example: b_t will only match bat, but, bit, bet, etc.
Russian collection: use ' (single quote) for the soft sign, and use " (double quote) for the hard sign.
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