Contact Information
Have a question about Stanford University?
Our frequently-asked questions page provides quick answers to many common questions about Stanford.
Stanford phone numbers and addresses
StanfordWho is Stanford's official online directory. You may also wish to consult a list of frequently-needed addresses and phone numbers, as well as a listing of other useful campus directories.
For undergraduate programs : The Office of Undergraduate Admission provides admission information and materials and can answer your admission-related questions.
For graduate programs :The Graduate Admission website contains information about graduate study at Stanford University and the admission process.
Employment lists open staff positions and benefits information. Open faculty positions are listed by school.
Other Questions
If you have a question, comment, or suggestion about Stanford's website, please complete our comment form. We will do our best to answer your question or forward it to the appropriate department or office. Please note that we are unable to respond to admission-related questions.
The Stanford University website is maintained by the Office of University Communications.