Case No: EC16
Title: HP E-Services.Solutions
Publication Year: 2000
Author(s): Garth Saloner;   Michelle Moore; Cara Snyder
Abstract Text: This business case study describes the development of a new, Internet-focused strategy for Hewlett-Packard led by Nick Earle, President and Chief Evangelist of E-Services.Solutions (ESS), a 90 person group in HP's Cupertino, California offices. The case, set in April 2000, illustrates how a large, established firm on the supply side of the industry made the change to an e-commerce focused strategy. The formation of the original task force, the group's mandate, Carly Fiorina's adoption of ESS, the new value proposition, early deals, culture, operations and plans for integration of ESS with the rest of HP are described.
Keywords: Electronic Commerce, Computer Industry, Organizational Change, managment of change
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