Sexual Assault Prevention & Support
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For emergency medical care, first call 911 (or 9-911 from a campus phone), or go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room. Otherwise...

Please call the YWCA Sexual Assault Center at Stanford


Services include an anonymous and confidential 24-hour hotline for emergencies, as well as non-urgent information, questions, and concerns.

When you call the hotline, you will be put in contact with professionally trained and certified advocates from the YWCA Sexual Assault Center at Stanford. The 24-hour hotline provides access to emergency assistance, confidential counseling, information, and referrals:
  • Accompaniment for sexual assault survivors to the hospital, police station, through court proceedings, and campus judicial services.
  • Confidential Counseling in person, on a limited basis over the phone
  • Information about sexual assault and abusive relationships
  • Referrals to Stanford services, local clinics, counselors, and victim assistance organizations
  • Advocacy on behalf of survivors to public agencies, legal and judicial services, and law enforcement
You may call regardless of whether you are a victim of sexual assault, know someone who is, or would like further information.
Click here for alternative
Rape/Domestic Violence Crisis Hotlines.