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What can an interconnected system of pipes, pumps, generators and a really long extension cord tell us about global warming?

Bringing the Lab to the Reef

It is often necessary to perform scientific research under the strictly controlled conditions of a laboratory. At other times, information gathered from the natural environment is required. But what happens when you need both? Dug into a tropical beach on American Samoa, Stanford graduate student Tom Oliver built a makeshift marine lab to examine the effect of warmed seawater on coral health. Take a look at what is involved in building a coral reef lab.

See the results in "Adapting to the Heat".


Oliver, T. (2007, January 7). Tom A. Oliver. Hopkins Marine Station. Retrieved 11 August 2008 from https://www.stanford.edu/group/Palumbi/PeoplePages/Oliver.html

Palumbi, S. & Oliver, T. (2006, March) Genetic Evidence of Dispersal Limitation and Local Adaptation in Samoan Reef Corals: Report on Ongoing Research: March, 2006. University of Hawai`i at Manoa. PDF retrieved 15 September 2008 from https://www.botany.hawaii.edu/basch/uhnpscesu/pdfs/sam/Palumbi2006AS.pdf

           All content property of microdocs project.                                                                                                                          Last updated November 5, 2010.
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