
12/11 2011 HHMI Annual Report names anxiety study one of 'ten big stories' of 2011.
12/10 2010 Method of the Year: Optogenetics. Method of the Year Primer.
12/10 2010 Science: breakthroughs of the decade.
07/10 Article on optogenetics published in Forbes.
04/10 KD is awarded the international HFSP Nakasone Prize, for optogenetics (Citation)
01/10 Society for Neuroscience features optogenetics in Inside Science Forum, with KD and Feng Zhang.
01/10 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) features KD and optogenetics.
10/09 KD is awarded the Young Investigator Award from the Society for Neuroscience (Citation)
10/09 KD gives SFN special lecture on optogenetics
10/09 Ilka is awarded the Human Frontier Science Program Fellowship
10/09 Tom is awarded the Walter V. and Idun Berry Fellowship
09/09 KQED special features KD and Optogenetics in Illuminating Depression. (Producer's notes)
09/09 KD's Scientist Abstract is added to the HHMI website.
03/09 Mice Get Hooked on Light. MIT Technology Review.
12/08 Viviana receives the Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship.
12/08 Murtaza receives the Stanford Graduate Fellowship.
12/08 Ramin receives the Stanford Dean's Fellowship Award.
12/08 Cell imaging: Light activated Nature Technology Feature.
11/08 Ilana receives the Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship.
10/08 Ilka receives a fellowship from the German Academic Research Exchange DAAD.
08/08 Inbal receives the Rothschild and Machiah Fellowships.
06/08 Lisa receives a Stanford Bio-X Graduate Student Fellowship.
04/08 Ofer receives fellowships from EMBO and the Human Frontiers in Science Program.
03/08 Kim receives a 2008 NARSAD Young Investigator Award.
03/08 KD receives the Larry C. Katz Memorial Prize Lecture at Duke University.
03/08 Feng receives the Larry C. Katz Memorial Lecture award at the 2008 Neural Circuits Meeting at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
06/07 The Natronomonas pharaonis halorhodopsin manuscript is one of Nature's favorite papers in 2007.
08/07 "The Beam of Light That Flips a Switch That Turns on the Brain" in Science Times.
06/07 Feng receives the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA).
03/07 Optogenetics is selected as one of the top 10 emerging technologies (TR10) by MIT's Technology Review. [ Details ]
02/07 Raag receives the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA).
12/06 Optogenetics News Focus in the December 2006 issue of Science.
09/06 Liping receives the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine postdoctoral fellowship.
07/06 KD receives the 2006 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.

09/05 KD receives the NIH pioneer award.
08/05 KD is one of four recipients awarded a Technological Innovations in Neuroscience Award for 2005-2007 by the McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience.
07/05 K.D. receives award from the H. L. Snyder Medical Foundation to help develop high-speed optical control methods
05/05 KD receives a Coulter Early Career Translational Research Award.
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