Karl Deisseroth, M.D., Ph.D.

E-mail: deissero at stanford.edu

Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Department of Bioengineering
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University

318 Campus Drive West
Clark Center W083
Department of Bioengineering
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

1988-1992 A.B., Biochemical Sciences, summa cum laude, Harvard University
1992-2000 M.D., Stanford University Medical School (MSTP Program)
1994-1998 Ph.D. Stanford University (Neuroscience)

Postgraduate Training
2000-2001 MD internship/licensure, Stanford
2000-2004 Psychiatry Residency, Stanford

Specialty Board Certification
2006 Diplomate, American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry

Previous Academic and Administrative Appointments
2004-2005 Principal Investigator and Clinical Educator, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University School of Medicine
2005-2008 Assistant Professor of Bioengineering and Psychiatry, Stanford
2009 Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Psychiatry, Stanford
2009 HHMI Early Career Investigator

National and International
2005-2007 Scientific advisor, nonprofit: Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research
2007-2009 Member, NIH Molecular Neurogenetics chartered study section (MNG)
2007- Ad hoc member, NIH study sections
2007- Scientific advisor, nonprofit: Kinetics Foundation for Parkinson's Research
2008- Woods Hole and Cold Spring Harbor couses; yearly optogenetics teaching
2008- Stanford, optogenetics course for visiting students
2009- NARSAD Council (Brain and Behavior Research Foundation)
2010- Elected to the Institute of Medicine
2011- Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
2010- Chair of Undergraduate Education in Bioengineering
2004- Inpatient and outpatient care: attending physician, inpatient and outpatient service, interventional psychiatry

Honors and Awards
1990-1992 John Harvard Scholarship: Academic Achievement of the Highest Distinction, Harvard
1992 Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard
1992 Summa cum laude, Harvard
1992 Highest Honors, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Harvard
1997 Stanford Yanofsky Graduate Research Award
2002 NIMH Outstanding Resident Award
2004 American Psychiatric Association Resident Research Award
2004 Charles E. Culpeper Scholarship in Medical Science Award
2005 Klingenstein Fellowship Award and Robert H. Ebert Clinical Scholar Award
2005 Whitehall Foundation Award
2005 NARSAD Young Investigator Award
2005 American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education Young Faculty Award
2005 McKnight Foundation Technological Innovations in Neuroscience Award
2005 Coulter Foundation Early Career Translational Research Award in Biomedical Engineering
2005 NIH Director's Pioneer Award
2006 Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE)
2007 McKnight Foundation Scholar Award
2007 Top 10 Technologies Award, MIT Technology Review
2008 Brilliant 10 Award, Popular Science
2008 World Economic Forum Lecturer, Davos Switzerland
2008 William M. Keck Foundation Medical Research Award
2008 Lawrence C. Katz Prize, Duke University, for optogenetics
2008 Schuetze Prize, Columbia University, for optogenetics
2009 Society for Neuroscience YIA Award, for optogenetics
2009 Society for Neuroscience Special Lecture: "Optogenetics: Development and Application"
2010 Gill YIA Award, Indiana University, for optogenetics
2010 Koetser Prize laureate, Zurich Switzerland, for optogenetics
2010 Nakasone Prize laureate, International Human Frontier Science Program/HFSP, for optogenetics
2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) Election
2011 Alden Spencer Prize, Columbia, for optogenetics
2012 Perl/UNC Prize, for optogenetics
2012 Zuelch Prize, Max-Planck Society, for optogenetics
2012 Record Prize, Baylor, for optogenetics
2012 National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

  1. Deisseroth K. Optogenetics and psychiatry: applications, challenges, and opportunities. Biol Psychiatry. Jun 15;71(12):1030-2. [ PDF ]

  2. Ferenczi E, Deisseroth K. When the electricity (and the lights) go out: transient changes in excitability. Nat Neurosci. 2012 Jul 26;15(8):1058-60. [ PDF ]

  3. Tanaka KF, Matsui K, Sasaki T, Sano H, Sugio S, Fan K, Hen R, Nakai J, Yanagawa Y, Hasuwa H, Okabe M, Deisseroth K, Ikenaka K, Yamanaka A. Expanding the Repertoire of Optogenetically Targeted Cells with an Enhanced Gene Expression System. Cell Rep. 2012 Jul 26. [ePub]. [ PDF with Supplemental Information ]

  4. Song J, Zhong C, Bonaguidi MA, Sun GJ, Hsu D, Gu Y, Meletis K, Huang ZJ, Ge S, Enikolopov G, Deisseroth K, Luscher B, Christian KM, Ming GL, Song H. Neuronal circuitry mechanism regulating adult quiescent neural stem-cell fate decision. Nature. 2012 Jul 29 [ePub] [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  5. Stefanik MT, Moussawi K, Kupchik YM, Smith KC, Miller RL, Huff ML, Deisseroth K, Kalivas PW, Lalumiere RT. Optogenetic inhibition of cocaine seeking in rats. Addict Biol. 2012 Jul 24. [ePub] [ PDF ]

  6. Threlfell S, Lalic T, Platt NJ, Jennings KA, Deisseroth K, Cragg SJ. Striatal dopamine release is triggered by synchronized activity in cholinergic interneurons. Neuron. 2012 Jul 12;75(1):58-64. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  7. Liu X, Ramirez S, Pang PT, Puryear CB, Govindarajan A, Deisseroth K, Tonegawa S. Optogenetic stimulation of a hippocampal engram activates fear memory recall. Nature. 2012 Mar 22;484(7394):381-5. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  8. Tye KM, Deisseroth K. Optogenetic investigation of neural circuits underlying brain disease in animal models. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2012 Mar 20;13(4):251-66. [ PDF ]

  9. Ledri M, Nikitidou L, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, Kirik D, Deisseroth K, Kokaia M. Altered profile of basket cell afferent synapses in hyper-excitable dentate gyrus revealed by optogenetic and two-pathway stimulations. Eur J Neurosci. 2012 Jul;36(1):1971-1983. [ PDF ]

  10. Gee S, Ellwood I, Patel T, Luongo F, Deisseroth K, Sohal VS. Synaptic activity unmasks dopamine D2 receptor modulation of a specific class of layer V pyramidal neurons in prefrontal cortex. J Neurosci. 2012 Apr 4;32(14):4959-71. [ PDF ]

  11. Tan KR, Yvon C, Turiault M, Mirzabekov JJ, Doehner J, Labou�be G, Deisseroth K, Tye KM, L�scher C. GABA neurons of the VTA drive conditioned place aversion. Neuron. 2012 Mar 22;73(6):1173-83. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  12. Watanabe HC, Welke K, Schneider F, Tsunoda S, Zhang F, Deisseroth K, Hegemann P, Elstner M. Structural model of channelrhodopsin. J Biol Chem. 2012 Mar 2;287(10):7456-66. [ PDF ]

  13. Kato HE, Zhang F, Yizhar O, Ramakrishnan C, Nishizawa T, Hirata K, Ito J, Aita Y, Tsukazaki T, Hayashi S, Hegemann P, Maturana AD, Ishitani R, Deisseroth K, Nureki O. Crystal structure of the channelrhodopsin light-gated cation channel. Nature. 2012 Jan 22 [ePub]. [ PDF | Supplemental Information | News & Views]

  14. Zhang F, Vierock J, Yizhar O, Fenno LE, Tsunoda S, Kianianmomeni A, Prigge M, Berndt A, Cushman J, Polle J, Magnuson J, Hegemann P, Deisseroth K. The microbial opsin family of optogenetic tools. Cell. 2011 Dec 23;147(7):1446-57. [ PDF | Supplemental Information]

  15. Witten IB, Steinberg EE, Lee SY, Davidson TJ, Zalocusky KA, Brodsky M, Yizhar O, Cho SL, Gong S, Ramakrishnan C, Stuber GD, Tye KM, Janak PH, Deisseroth K. Recombinase-driver rat lines: tools, techniques, and optogenetic application to dopamine-mediated reinforcement. Neuron. 2011 Dec 8;72(5):721-33. [ PDF | Supplemental Information]

  16. Mattis J, Tye KM, Ferenczi EA, Ramakrishnan C, O'Shea DJ, Prakash R, Gunaydin LA, Hyun M, Fenno LE, Gradinaru V, Yizhar O, Deisseroth K. Principles for applying optogenetic tools derived from direct comparative analysis of microbial opsins. Nat Methods. 2011 Dec 18 [ePub]. [ PDF | Supplemental Information]

  17. Anikeeva P, Andalman AS, Witten I, Warden M, Goshen I, Grosenick L, Gunaydin LA, Frank LM, Deisseroth K. Optetrode: a multichannel readout for optogenetic control in freely moving mice. Nature Neuroscience. 2011 Dec 4;15(1):163-70. [ PDF | SolidWorks File]

  18. English DF, Ibanez-Sandoval O, Stark E, Tecuapetla F, Buzs�ki G, Deisseroth K, Tepper JM, Koos T. GABAergic circuits mediate the reinforcement-related signals of striatal cholinergic interneurons. Nat Neurosci. 2011 Dec 11;15(1):123-30. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  19. Domingos AI, Vaynshteyn J, Voss HU, Ren X, Gradinaru V, Zang F, Deisseroth K, de Araujo IE, Friedman J. Leptin regulates the reward value of nutrient. Nat Neurosci. 2011 Nov 13;14(12):1562-8. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  20. Blumhagen F, Zhu P, Shum J, Sch�rer YP, Yaksi E, Deisseroth K, Friedrich RW. Neuronal filtering of multiplexed odour representations. Nature. 2011 Nov 13;479(7374):493-8. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  21. Ellender TJ, Huerta-Ocampo I, Deisseroth K, Capogna M, Bolam JP. Differential modulation of excitatory and inhibitory striatal synaptic transmission by histamine. J Neurosci. 2011 Oct 26;31(43):15340-51. [ PDF ]

  22. Zhao S, Ting JT, Atallah HE, Qiu L, Tan J, Gloss B, Augustine GJ, Deisseroth K, Luo M, Graybiel AM, Feng G. Cell type-specific channelrhodopsin-2 transgenic mice for optogenetic dissection of neural circuitry function. Nat Methods. 2011 Sep;8(9):745-52. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  23. Kohl MM, Shipton OA, Deacon RM, Rawlins JN, Deisseroth K, Paulsen O. Hemisphere-specific optogenetic stimulation reveals left-right asymmetry of hippocampal plasticity. Nat Neurosci. 2011 Sep 25;14(11):1413-5. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  24. Mateo C, Avermann M, Gentet LJ, Zhang F, Deisseroth K, Petersen CC. In vivo optogenetic stimulation of neocortical excitatory neurons drives brain-state-dependent inhibition. Curr Biol. 2011 Oct 11;21(19):1593-602. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  25. Paz JT, Bryant AS, Peng K, Fenno L, Yizhar O, Frankel WN, Deisseroth K, Huguenard JR. A new mode of corticothalamic transmission revealed in the Gria4(-/-) model of absence epilepsy. Nat Neurosci. 2011 Aug 21;14(9):1167-73. [ PDF | Supplemental Information ]

  26. Wang J, Wagner F, Borton DA, Zhang J, Ozden I, Burwell RD, Nurmikko AV, van Wagenen R, Diester I, Deisseroth K. Integrated device for combined optical neuromodulation and electrical recording for chronic in vivo applications. J Neural Eng. 2011 Dec 7;9(1):016001 [ePub]. [ PDF]

  27. Goshen I, Brodsky M, Prakash R, Wallace J, Gradinaru V, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K. Dynamics of Retrieval Strategies for Remote Memories. Cell. 2011 October;147:678-89. [ PDF | Comment | Nature Reviews Neuroscience | Trends in Cognitive Sciences]

  28. Yizhar O, Fenno LE, Prigge M, Schneider F, Davidson TJ, O'Shea DJ, Sohal VS, Goshen I, Finkelstein J, Paz JT, Stehfest K, Fudim R, Ramakrishnan C, Huguenard JR, Hegemann P, Deisseroth K. Neocortical excitation/inhibition balance in information processing and social dysfunction. Nature. EPub 2011 July 27. [ PDF | Supplement | News & Views]

  29. Yizhar O, Fenno LE, Davidson TJ, Mogri M, Deisseroth K. Optogenetics in Neural Systems. Neuron. 2011 July;72:9-34. [ PDF]

  30. Fenno LE, Yizhar O, Deisseroth K. The development and application of optogenetics. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 2011 July;34:389-412. [ PDF]

  31. Stuber G., Sparta D., Stamatakis A.M., van Leeuwen W.A., Hardjoprajitno J.E., Cho S., Tye K.M., A. Kempadoo K.A., Zhang F., Deisseroth D., Bonci A.Excitatory transmission from the amygdala to nucleus accumbens facilitates reward seeking. Nature. 2011 June 29; Online. [ PDF | Supplement]

  32. Tye KM, Prakash R, Kim SY, Fenno LE, Grosenick L, Zarabi H, Thompson KR, Gradinaru V, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K. Amygdala circuitry mediating reversible and bidirectional control of anxiety. Nature. 2011 Mar 17;471(7338):358-62. [ PDF | Supplement | Supplementary Movie]

  33. Berndt A, Schoenenberger P, Mattis J, Tye KM, Deisseroth K, Hegemann P, Oertner TG. High-efficiency channelrhodopsins for fast neuronal stimulation at low light levels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Apr 19. [Epub ahead of print] [ PDF ]

  34. Carl�n M, Meletis K, Siegle JH, Cardin JA, Futai K, Vierling-Claassen D, R�hlmann C, Jones SR, Deisseroth K, Sheng M, Moore CI, Tsai LH. A critical role for NMDA receptors in parvalbumin interneurons for gamma rhythm induction and behavior. Mol Psychiatry. 2011 Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print] [ PDF ]

  35. Pagliardini S, Janczewski WA, Tan W, Dickson CT, Deisseroth K, Feldman JL. Active expiration induced by excitation of ventral medulla in adult anesthetized rats. J Neurosci. 2011 Feb 23;31(8):2895-905. [ PDF ]

  36. T�nnesen J, Parish CL, S�rensen AT, Andersson A, Lundberg C, Deisseroth K, Arenas E, Lindvall O, Kokaia M. Functional integration of grafted neural stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons monitored by optogenetics in an in vitro Parkinson model. PLoS One. 2011 Mar 4;6(3):e17560. [ PDF ]

  37. Diester I, Kaufman MT, Mogri M, Pashaie R, Goo W, Yizhar O, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K, Shenoy KV. An optogenetic toolbox designed for primates. Nat Neuro. Epub 2011 Jan 30. [ PDF ]

  38. Deisseroth, K. Optogenetics. Nat Methods. 2011 Jan;8(1):26-9. Epub 2010 Dec 20. [ PDF | Nature Method of the Year Primer ]

  39. Brown MT, Bellone C, Mameli M, Labou�be G, Bocklisch C, Balland B, Dahan L, Luj�n R, Deisseroth K, L�scher C. Drug-driven AMPA receptor redistribution mimicked by selective dopamine neuron stimulation. PLoS One. 2010 Dec 31;5(12):e15870. [ PDF ]

  40. Witten IB, Lin SC, Brodsky M, Prakash R, Diester I, Anikeeva P, Gradinaru V, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K. Cholinergic interneurons control local circuit activity and cocaine conditioning. Science. 2010 Dec 17;330(6011):1677-81. [ PDF | Supplement ]

  41. Covington HE 3rd, Lobo MK, Maze I, Vialou V, Hyman JM, Zaman S, LaPlant Q, Mouzon E, Ghose S, Tamminga CA, Neve RL, Deisseroth K, Nestler EJ. Antidepressant effect of optogenetic stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex. J Neurosci. 2010 Dec 1;30(48):16082-90. [ PDF ]

  42. Stroh A, Tsai HC, Ping Wang L, Zhang F, Kressel J, Aravanis A, Santhanam N, Deisseroth K, Konnerth A, Schneider MB. Tracking stem cell differentiation in the setting of automated optogenetic stimulation. Stem Cells. 2010 Nov 18. [ PDF ]

  43. Ciocchi S, Herry C, Grenier F, Wolff SB, Letzkus JJ, Vlachos I, Ehrlich I, Sprengel R, Deisseroth K, Stadler MB, M�ller C, L�thi A. Encoding of conditioned fear in central amygdala inhibitory circuits. Nature. 2010 Nov 11. [ PDF ]

  44. Haubensak W, Kunwar PS, Cai H, Ciocchi S, Wall NR, Ponnusamy R, Biag J, Dong HW, Deisseroth K, Callaway EM, Fanselow MS, L�thi A, Anderson DJ. Genetic dissection of an amygdala microcircuit that gates conditioned fear. Nature. 2010 Nov 11;468(7321):270-6. [ PDF ]

  45. Carter ME, Yizhar O, Chikahisa S, Nguyen H, Adamantidis A, Nishino S, Deisseroth K, de Lecea L. Tuning arousal with optogenetic modulation of locus coeruleus neurons. Nat Neurosci. 2010 Dec;13(12):1526-33. Epub 2010 Oct 31. [ PDF ]

  46. Deisseroth K. Controlling the brain with light. Sci Am. 2010 Nov;303(5):48-55. [ Link | PDF ]

  47. Lobo MK, Covington HE 3rd, Chaudhury D, Friedman AK, Sun H, Damez-Werno D, Dietz DM, Zaman S, Koo JW, Kennedy PJ, Mouzon E, Mogri M, Neve RL, Deisseroth K, Han MH, Nestler EJ. Cell type-specific loss of BDNF signaling mimics optogenetic control of cocaine reward. Science. 2010 Oct 15;330(6002):385-90. [ PDF ]

  48. Llewellyn ME, Thompson KR, Deisseroth K, Delp SL. Orderly recruitment of motor units under optical control in vivo. Nat Med. 2010 Oct;16(10):1161-5. Epub 2010 Sep 26. [ PDF ]

  49. Weick JP, Johnson MA, Skroch SP, Williams JC, Deisseroth K, Zhang SC. Functional control of transplantable human ESC-derived neurons via optogenetic targeting. Stem Cells. 2010 Nov;28(11):2008-16. [ PDF ]

  50. Gourine AV, Kasymov V, Marina N, Tang F, Figueiredo MF, Lane S, Teschemacher AG, Spyer KM, Deisseroth K, Kasparov S. Astrocytes control breathing through pH-dependent release of ATP. Science. 2010 Jul 30;329(5991):571-5. Epub 2010 Jul 15. [ PDF ]

  51. Shoham S, Deisseroth K. Special issue on optical neural engineering: advances in optical stimulation technology. J Neural Eng. 2010 Aug;7(4):040201. Epub 2010 Jul 19. [ PDF ]

  52. Johansen JP, Hamanaka H, Monfils MH, Behnia R, Deisseroth K, Blair HT, LeDoux JE. Optical activation of lateral amygdala pyramidal cells instructs associative fear learning. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jul 13;107(28):12692-7. Epub 2010 Jun 25. [ PDF ]

  53. Kravitz AV, Freeze BS, Parker PR, Kay K, Thwin MT, Deisseroth K, Kreitzer AC. Regulation of parkinsonian motor behaviours by optogenetic control of basal ganglia circuitry. Nature. 2010 Jul 29;466(7306):622-6. Epub 2010 Jul 7. [ PDF ]

  54. Busskamp V, Duebel J, Balya D, Fradot M, Viney TJ, Siegert S, Groner AC, Cabuy E, Forster V, Seeliger M, Biel M, Humphries P, Paques M, Mohand-Said S, Trono D, Deisseroth K, Sahel JA, Picaud S, Roska B. Genetic reactivation of cone photoreceptors restores visual responses in retinitis pigmentosa. Science. 2010 Jul 23;329(5990):413-7. Epub 2010 Jun 24. [ PDF ]

  55. Tecuapetla F, Patel JC, Xenias H, English D, Tadros I, Shah F, Berlin J, Deisseroth K, Rice ME, Tepper JM, Koos T. Glutamatergic signaling by mesolimbic dopamine neurons in the nucleus accumbens. J Neurosci. 2010 May 19;30(20):7105-10. [ PDF ]

  56. Jin Hyung Lee, Remy Durand, Viviana Gradinaru, Feng Zhang, Inbal Goshen, Dae-Shik Kim, Lief E. Fenno, Charu Ramakrishnan & Karl Deisseroth Global and local fMRI signals driven by neurons defined optogenetically by type and wiring. Nature. 2010 Jun 10;465(7299):788-92. [ PDF | Supplement | News & Views ]

  57. Wang Y, Dye CA, Sohal V, Long JE, Estrada RC, Roztocil T, Lufkin T, Deisseroth K, Baraban SC, Rubenstein JL. Dlx5 and Dlx6 regulate the development of parvalbumin-expressing cortical interneurons. J Neurosci. 2010 Apr 14;30(15):5334-45. [ PDF ]

  58. Gradinaru V, Zhang, F, Ramakrishnan C, Mattis J, Prakash R, Diester I, Goshen I, Thompson K, Deisseroth K. Molecular and Cellular Approaches for Diversifying and Extending Optogenetics. Cell 2010 Epub 2010 March 18. [ PDF with Supplementary Material | Commentary ]

  59. Zhang F, Gradinaru V, Adamantidis AR, Durand R, Airan RD, de Lecea L, Deisseroth K. Optogenetic interrogation of neural circuits: technology for probing mammalian brain structures. Nat Protoc. 2010;5(3):439-56. Epub 2010 Feb 18. [ PDF ]

  60. Cardin JA, Carl�n M, Meletis K, Knoblich U, Zhang F, Deisseroth K, Tsai LH, Moore CI. Targeted optogenetic stimulation and recording of neurons in vivo using cell-type-specific expression of Channelrhodopsin-2. Nat Protoc. 2010;5(2):247-54. Epub 2010 Jan 21. [ PDF ]

  61. Gunaydin LA, Yizhar O, Berndt A, Sohal VS, Deisseroth K, Hegemann P. Ultrafast optogenetic control. Nat Neurosci. 2010 Mar;13(3):387-92. [ PDF | Supplementary Materials]

  62. Zhu P, Narita Y, Bundschuh ST, Fajardo O, Sch�rer YP, Chattopadhyaya B, Bouldoires EA, Stepien AE, Deisseroth K, Arber S, Sprengel R, Rijli FM, Friedrich RW. Optogenetic Dissection of Neuronal Circuits in Zebrafish using Viral Gene Transfer and the Tet System. Front Neural Circuits. 2009 Dec 11;3:21. [ PDF ]

  63. Zhang J, Laiwalla F, Kim JA, Urabe H, Van Wagenen R, Song YK, Connors BW, Zhang F, Deisseroth K, Nurmikko AV. Integrated device for optical stimulation and spatiotemporal electrical recording of neural activity in light-sensitized brain tissue. J Neural Eng. 2009 Oct;6(5):055007. [ PDF ]

  64. Carter ME, Adamantidis A, Ohtsu H, Deisseroth K, de Lecea L. Sleep homeostasis modulates hypocretin-mediated sleep-to-wake transitions. J Neurosci. 2009 Sep 2;29(35):10939-49. [ PDF ]

  65. T�nnesen J, S�rensen AT, Deisseroth K, Lundberg C, Kokaia M. Optogenetic control of epileptiform activity. PNAS 2009 Jul 21;106(29):12162-7. [ PDF ]

  66. Sohal VS, Zhang F, Yizhar O, Deisseroth K. Parvalbumin neurons and gamma rhythms enhance cortical circuit performance. Nature. 2009 Apr 26. Epub ahead of print [ PDF | Supplementary Materials]

  67. Cardin JA, Carl�n M, Meletis K, Knoblich U, Zhang F, Deisseroth K, Tsai LH, Moore CI. Driving fast-spiking cells induces gamma rhythm and controls sensory responses. Nature. 2009 Apr 26. Epub ahead of print [ PDF ]

  68. Tsai HC, Zhang F, Adamantidis A, Stuber GD, Bonci A, de Lecea L, Deisseroth K. Phasic Firing in Dopaminergic Neurons Is Sufficient for Behavioral Conditioning. Science. 2009 Apr 23. [ PDF | Supplementary Material ]

  69. Zimmermann G, Wang LP, Vaughan AG, Manoli DS, Zhang F, Deisseroth K, Baker BS, Scott MP. Manipulation of an innate escape response in Drosophila: photoexcitation of acj6 neurons induces the escape response. PLoS ONE. 2009;4(4):e5100. Epub 2009 Apr 2. [ PDF ]

  70. Gradinaru V, Mogri M, Thompson KR, Henderson JM, Deisseroth K. Optical deconstruction of parkinsonian neural circuitry. Science. 2009 Apr 17;324(5925):354-9. [ PDF | Supplementary Material | NewsFocus]

  71. Airan RD, Thompson KR, Fenno LE, Bernstein H, Deisseroth K. Temporally precise in vivo control of intracellular signalling. Nature. 2009 Apr 23;458(7241):1025-9. [ PDF | | Supplementary Materials | News & Views]

  72. Li HH, Roy M, Kuscuoglu U, Spencer CM, Halm B, Harrison KC, Bayle JH, Splendore A, Ding F, Meltzer LA, Wright E, Paylor R, Deisseroth K, Francke U. Induced chromosome deletions cause hypersociability and other features of Williams-Beuren syndrome in mice. EMBO Mol Med. 2009 Apr;1(1):50-65. [ PDF ]

  73. Berndt A, Yizhar O, Gunaydin LA, Hegemann P, Deisseroth K. Bi-stable neural state switches. Nat Neurosci. 2008 Dec 8. Epub ahead of print. [ PDF ]

  74. Zhao S, Cunha C, Zhang F, Liu Q, Gloss B, Deisseroth K, Augustine GJ, Feng G. Improved expression of halorhodopsin for light-induced silencing of neuronal activity. Brain Cell Biol. 2008 Aug;36(1-4):141-54. [ PDF ]

  75. Douglass AD, Kraves S, Deisseroth K, Schier AF, Engert F. Escape behavior elicited by single, channelrhodopsin-2-evoked spikes in zebrafish somatosensory neurons. Curr Biol. 2008 Aug 5;18(5):1133-7. [ PDF ]

  76. Gradinaru V, Thompson KR, Deisseroth K. eNpHR: a Natronomonas halorhodopsin enhanced for optogenetic applications. Brain Cell Biol. 2008 Aug;36(1-4):129-39. [ PDF ]

  77. Hu ES, Airan RD, Vijaykumar R, Deisseroth K. Brain circuit dynamics. Am J Psychiatry. 2008 Jul;165(7):800. [ PDF ]

  78. Schneider MB, Gradinaru V, Zhang F, Deisseroth K. Controlling neuronal activity. Am J Psychiatry. 2008 May;165(5):562. [ PDF ]

  79. Zhang F, Prigge M, Beyriere F, Tsunoda SP, Mattis J, Yizhar O, Hegemann P, Deisseroth K. Red-shifted optogenetic excitation: a tool for fast neural control derived from Volvox carteri. Nat Neurosci. 2008 Apr 23. [ PDF ]

  80. Gradinaru V, Thompson KR, Zhang F, Mogri M, Kay K, Schneider MB, Deisseroth K. Targeting and readout strategies for fast optical neural control in vitro and in vivo. J Neurosci. 2007 Dec 26;27(52):14231-8. [ PDF | Thy-1::ChR2-EYFP Mouse | Wildtype Mouse Control]

  81. Airan RD, Hu ES, Vijaykumar R, Roy M, Meltzer LA, Deisseroth K. Integration of light-controlled neuronal firing and fast circuit imaging. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2007 Dec 17. [ PDF ]

  82. Hwang RY, Zhong L, Xu Y, Johnson T, Zhang F, Deisseroth K, Tracey WD. Nociceptive neurons protect Drosophila larvae from parasitoid wasps. Curr Biol. 2007 Dec 18;17(24):2105-16. [ PDF ]

  83. Adamantidis AR, Zhang F, Aravanis AM, Deisseroth K, de Lecea L. Neural substrates of awakening probed with optogenetic control of hypocretin neurons. Nature. 2007 Nov 15;450(7168):420-4. [ PDF ]

  84. Aravanis A, Wang LP, Zhang F, Meltzer L, Mogri M, Schneider MB, Deisseroth K. An optical neural interface: in vivo control of rodent motor cortex with integrated fiberoptic and optogenetic technology. J. Neural Eng. 2007 Sept; 4:S143-S156. [ PDF | Cover Image ]

  85. Airan RD, Meltzer LA, Roy M, Gong Y, Chen H, Deisseroth K. High-speed imaging reveals neurophysiological links to behavior in an animal model of depression. Science. 2007 Aug 10;317(5839):819-23. [ PDF | NIMH Press | SciAm Coverage ]

  86. Zhang F, Aravanis AM, Adamantidis A, de Lecea L, Deisseroth K. Circuit-breakers: optical technologies for probing neural signals and systems. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2007 Aug;8(8):577-81. [ PDF | Corrigendum | Cover Image]

  87. Arenkiel BR, Peca J, Davison IG, Feliciano C, Deisseroth K, Augustine GJ, Ehlers MD, Feng G. In vivo light-induced activation of neural circuitry in transgenic mice expressing channelrhodopsin-2. Neuron. 2007 Apr 19;54(2):205-18. [ PDF ]

  88. Wang H, Peca J, Matsuzaki M, Matsuzaki K, Noguchi J, Qiu L, Wang D, Zhang F, Boyden E, Deisseroth K, Kasai H, Hall WC, Feng G, Augustine GJ. High-speed mapping of synaptic connectivity using photostimulation in Channelrhodopsin-2 transgenic mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 8;104(19):8143-8. [ PDF ]

  89. Zhang F, Wang LP, Brauner M, Liewald JF, Kay K, Watzke N, Wood PH, Bamberg E, Nagel G, Gottschalk A, Deisseroth K. Multimodal fast optical interrogation of neural circuitry. Nature. 2007 Apr 5;446:633-39. [ PDF | N&V; | 2007 Highlight ]

  90. Deisseroth K, Feng G, Majewska AK, Miesenbock G, Ting A, Schnitzer MJ. Next-generation optical technologies for illuminating genetically targeted brain circuits. J Neurosci. 2006 Oct 11; 26(41):10380-6. [ PDF ]

  91. Zhang F, Wang LP, Boyden ES, Deisseroth K. Channelrhodopsin-2 and optical control of excitable cells. Nat Methods. 2006 Oct; 3(10):785-92. [ PDF ]

  92. Deisseroth K, Malenka RC. GABA excitation in the adult brain: a mechanism for excitation- neurogenesis coupling. Neuron. 2005 Sep 15;47(6):775-7. [ PDF ]

  93. Meltzer LA, Yabaluri R, Deisseroth K. A role for circuit homeostasis in adult neurogenesis. Trends Neurosci. 2005 Dec;28(12):653-60. [ PDF ]

  94. Boyden ES, Zhang F, Bamberg E, Nagel G, Deisseroth K. Millisecond-timescale, genetically targeted optical control of neural activity. Nat Neurosci. 2005 Sep;8(9):1263-8. [ PDF ]

  95. Deisseroth K, Singla S, Toda H, Monje M, Palmer TD, Malenka RC. Excitation-neurogenesis coupling in adult neural stem/progenitor cells. Neuron. 2004 May 27;42(4):535-52. [ PDF ]

  96. Deisseroth K, Mermelstein PG, Xia H, Tsien RW. Signaling from synapse to nucleus: the logic behind the mechanisms. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2003 Jun;13(3):354-65. [ PDF ]

  97. Deisseroth K, Tsien RW. Dynamic multiphosphorylation passwords for activity-dependent gene expression. Neuron. 2002 Apr 11;34(2):179-82. [ PDF ]

  98. Mermelstein PG, Deisseroth K, Dasgupta N, Isaksen AL, Tsien RW. Calmodulin priming: nuclear translocation of a calmodulin complex and the memory of prior neuronal activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Dec 18;98(26):15342-7. [ PDF ] [ Erratum ]

  99. Wu GY, Deisseroth K, Tsien RW. Activity-dependent CREB phosphorylation: convergence of a fast, sensitive calmodulin kinase pathway and a slow, less sensitive mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Feb 27;98(5):2808-13. [ PDF ]

  100. Wu GY, Deisseroth K, Tsien RW. Spaced stimuli stabilize MAPK pathway activation and its effects on dendritic morphology. Nat Neurosci. 2001 Feb;4(2):151-8. [ PDF ]

  101. Mermelstein PG, Bito H, Deisseroth K, Tsien RW. Critical dependence of cAMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation on L-type calcium channels supports a selective response to EPSPs in preference to action potentials. J Neurosci. 2000 Jan 1;20(1):266-73. [ PDF ]

  102. Graef IA, Mermelstein PG, Stankunas K, Neilson JR, Deisseroth K, Tsien RW, Crabtree GR. L-type calcium channels and GSK-3 regulate the activity of NF-ATc4 in hippocampal neurons. Nature. 1999 Oct 14;401(6754):703-8. [ PDF ]

  103. Zuhlke RD, Pitt GS, Deisseroth K, Tsien RW, Reuter H. Calmodulin supports both inactivation and facilitation of L-type calcium channels. Nature. 1999 May 13;399(6732):159-62. [ PDF ] [ News and View ]

  104. Deisseroth K, Heist EK, Tsien RW. Translocation of calmodulin to the nucleus supports CREB phosphorylation in hippocampal neurons. Nature. 1998 Mar 12;392(6672):198-202. [ PDF ]

  105. Bito H, Deisseroth K, Tsien RW. Ca2+-dependent regulation in neuronal gene expression. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 1997 Jun;7(3):419-29. [ PDF ]

  106. Bito H, Deisseroth K, Tsien RW. CREB phosphorylation and dephosphorylation: a Ca(2+)- and stimulus duration-dependent switch for hippocampal gene expression. Cell. 1996 Dec 27;87(7):1203-14. [ PDF ]

  107. Deisseroth K, Bito H, Tsien RW. Signaling from synapse to nucleus: postsynaptic CREB phosphorylation during multiple forms of hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Neuron. 1996 Jan;16(1):89-101. [ PDF ]

  108. Deisseroth K, Bito H, Schulman H, Tsien RW. Synaptic plasticity: A molecular mechanism for metaplasticity. Curr Biol. 1995 Dec 1;5(12):1334-8. [ PDF ]

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