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Richard N. Zare

Photo Gallery Index

o2012‑10‑30 Photos from Bucknell: Picture of Campus   Another Photo of Campus   Professor Zare holding Two Flares   Professor Zare about to Plunge Two Lit Flares into a Bucket of Water in the name of Science
o2010‑06‑18 Group photo taken after group meeting
o 2010‑06‑01 Dick Zare in Nanjing, China
o 2010-05-24 Zarelab alums Dr. Maria Dulay and Dr. Simon Clemett featured on the local news. Maria organized a Science Fair at her son Adam's school, Vargas Elementary, in Sunnyvale, CA.
o 2010-03-30 Priestley Medal Presentation and Address, ACS Spring 2010 National Meeting, San Francisco
o2010-02-19 Dick Zare, Prof. John Harrison (Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand), and Nate Bartlett with a two color laser setup tuned to perform stimulated Raman pumping in deuterium gas (D2).
o2010-01-06 President Obama poses with Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics
and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) winners in the Blue Room of the White House.
o2009‑12‑08 Important information for new Stanford Chemistry faculty (Dick-rolled!)
Photos from the ACS Fellowship Award Ceremony
Inaugural class of ACS Fellows honored for excellence in chemistry, service to society, Chemical & Engineering News.
o 2009-03-27 Group photo taken after group meeting
o o 2008-11-05 Video and Photos of a Modified Methanol/Air-fueled Bottle Rocket
o 2008-04-11 Group photo taken after group meeting
o o 2008-03-21 Videos and Photos of a Methanol/Air-fueled Bottle Rocket
photo2008-01-10 Receiving H. Julian Allen Award, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California
o 2007-06-27 Photo by Andy Freeberg (copyright paid for)
o 2007-06-15 Group photo taken after group meeting
o 2006-11-28 A photo from a lecture on "Chemical Fizzics" given at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, published in Manawatu Standard
o 2006-08-04 Group photo taken after group meeting
o 2005-10-28 Group photo taken after group meeting
o 2003-09-18 Receiving the Laurance and Naomi Carpenter Hoagland Prize for excellence in undergraduate education, Stanford's highest teaching award
o 2003-06-20 Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, France to receive Honorary Degree,
o 2003-01-19 The HPCE 2003 conference in San Diego, CA. January 19, 2003
o 2002 Royal Society of Chemistry 2002
o 2002-06-17 Hunan University commencement,
o 2002 Visit to Sangnam-gwan at Yonsei University
o 2001 University of York Graduation 2001
o 2001-05-09 State University of West Georgia Commencement_
o Research
o 2000 National Science Board's 50th Anniversary, 2000
o 2000 National Medal of Science & Technology Awards dinner, 2000
o 2000 Uppsala University, 2000
o 1998 National Science Board Public Service Awards, 1998
o Chemical & Engineering News event
o OMB/NSB reception
o 1997 National Science Board Annual Awards, Washington, DC, 1997
o Mexico
o China
o 1997 HPCE Kyoto, 1997
o 1997 Switzerland, 1997
o 1996 Antarctica, 1996
o 1996-08 On PBS's "Newshour with Jim Lehrer,"
o 1996 Bing Award Chem 32 party
o 1987 Ken McKendrick's going away party (picture from Eckart Hasselbrink)
o 1987-02 February 1987
o 1986 Summer 1986
o 1983 National Medal of Science