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Born: Cleveland, Ohio, November 19, 1939
Married: Susan Shively Zare
Children: Bethany Jean; Bonnie Sue; Rachel Amdur
1961 B.A. (Chemistry and Physics), Harvard University
1961-1963 Postgraduate work, University of California at Berkeley
1964 Ph.D. (Chemical Physics), Harvard University, (NSF Predoctoral Fellow)
1964-1965 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA), University of
1965-1966 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1966-1968 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Colorado
1968-1969 Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astrophysics and Department of Chemistry,
University of Colorado
1969-1977 Professor, Department of Chemistry, Columbia University
1975-1977 Higgins Professor of Natural Science, Columbia University
1977- Professor, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University
1980-1985 Shell Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University
1982 Christensen Fellow, St. Catherine's College, Oxford University
1984-1986 Stanford University Fellow
1985- Fellow Adjoint, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado
1987- Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science, Stanford University
1992- Professor of Physics, Stanford University
2006-2010 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor, Stanford University
2012 The Torbern Bergman Medal, The Swedish Chemical Society, The Analytical Division
2011 Honorary Membership into the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (JSAC)
2011 Einstein Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
2011 King Faisal International Prize in Science (shared with George M. Whitesides)
2010 R. B. Bernstein Award in Stereodynamics (shared with R.D. Levine)
2010 Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society
2010 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Basic Sciences category (shared with
Michael E. Fisher)
2010 Priestley Medal, American Chemical Society
2010 Theodore William Richards Award, Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society
2009 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM),
U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy
2009 F. A. Cotton Medal for Excellence in Chemical Research, Texas A&M University, Department of
Chemistry and Texas A&M Section, American Chemical Society
2008 George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education, American Chemical Society
2007 H. Julian Allen Award, in recognition of co-authorship of "UV Irradiation of Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons in Ices: Production of Alcohols, Quinones, and Ethers," Science 283, 1135-1138
(1999), NASA Ames Research Center
2007 Dudley R. Herschbach Award for Excellence in Research in the field of Collision Dynamics,
Dynamics of Molecular Collisions Meeting, Santa Fe
2007 Honorary Doctorate, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Göteberg, Sweden
2006 Oesper Award, University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society
2005 Chandler Medal, Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, Pupin Medal "for service to the
nation", Columbia University School of Engineering
2005 Wolf Prize in Chemistry, Israel
2005 Nichols Medal, New York Section of the American Chemical Society
2004 James Flack Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of Chemistry, Northeastern
Section of the American Chemical Society
2003 Laurance and Naomi Carpenter Hoagland Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Education,
Stanford University
2003 Honorary Doctorate, Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse, France
2002 Distinguished Chemist Award, American Chemical Society Sierra Nevada Section
2002 Honorary Doctorate, Hunan University
2000-2001 California Separation Science Society (CaSSS) Scientific Achievement Award
2000 Madison Marshall Award, American Chemical Society, North Alabama
2001 Honorary Doctorate, D Univ, The University of York, York, UK
2001 Honorary Doctorate, State University of West Georgia
2001 Faraday Medal & Lectureship, Royal Society of Chemistry
2001 Charles Lathrop Parsons Award, American Chemical Society, "to recognize outstanding public
service by a member of the American Chemical Society"
2000 Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education, American Chemical Society
2000 Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science, American Physical Society
2000 Doctor of Philosophy, honoris causa, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
1999 The Welch Award in Chemistry
1999 Doctor of Science, honoris causa, Columbia University
1999 E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy
1998 Distinguished Service Award, National Science Board
1998 Centennial Medal, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
1998 G. M. Kosalapoff Award, Auburn Section, American Chemical Society
1998 ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry
1997 Eastern Analytical Symposium Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of
Analytical Chemistry
1997 Allan V. Cox Medal for Faculty Excellence Fostering Undergraduate Research, Stanford University
1997 NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Award
1997 Phi Beta Delta (Honorary Member)
1997 California Scientist of the Year
1996 The Bing Fellowship Award, "to recognize excellence in teaching and commitment to
undergraduate education"
1995 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Chemical Instrumentation
1993 Dannie-Heineman Preis, Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen
1993 Doctor of Science, Honorary Degree, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland
1993 The Pauling Award, Puget Sound, Oregon and Portland Sections of the American Chemical Society
1993 The Harvey Prize, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
1993 Doctor of Science, Honorary Degree, Northwestern University
1991 National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences, for "pioneering laser-based techniques,
deep insights, and seminal contributions, which have influenced every facet of chemical reaction
1991 Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry, American Chemical Society
1990 Willard Gibbs Medal, Chicago Section, American Chemical Society
1990 Doctor of Science, Honorary Degree, University of Arizona
1990 ISCO Award for Significant Contributions to Instrumentation for Biochemical Separations
1987 Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Stanford University
1986 Kirkwood Award Medal, Yale University, New Haven Section of the American Chemical Society
1986 Michelson-Morley Award, Case Institute of Technology, Case Western Reserve University
1985 Irving Langmuir Prize, American Physical Society, for "seminal innovations in developing many
experimental and theoretical processes"
1985 Harrison Howe Award, Rochester Section, American Chemical Society
1985 Remsen Award, Maryland Section, American Chemical Society
1984 Evans Award, The Ohio State University
1983 National Medal of Science, for "seminal contributions to molecular spectroscopy, photochemistry, and
chemical reaction dynamics, especially for his incisive theoretical methods and the development of
the experimental technique of laser-induced fluorescence"
1983 Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh Award
1981 Earle K. Plyler Prize, American Physical Society
1979 Michael Polanyi Medal, presented at the Faraday Discussions of the Chemistry Society,
Birmingham, England
1974 Fresenius Award, given by Phi Lambda Upsilon Honorary Chemical Society to the most outstanding
chemist under age 35
1967-1969 Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship
1961 Phi Beta Kappa
2012 Member, Advisory Board, School of New Sciences, DGIST, Daegu, South Korea
2012 Honorary Professorship, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)
2011 Member, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Wonderfest, Inc.
2010 Chair, International Evaluation Committee, National Science Foundation of China
2009 Associate Fellow, TWAS, Academy of Sciences for the Developing World
2009 Fellow, American Chemical Society
2008 Honorary Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences
2008 Fellow, Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research
2008 Fellow, Association for Women in Science
2007 Honorary Fellow, Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI)
2007 Advisor, Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation
2006 President, Molecular Frontiers Foundation
2006 Senior Presidential Advisor, Hunan University
2006 Chair, Academic Advisory Committee, Biomedical Engineering Center, Hunan University
2006 Professor of Biomedical Engineering Center, Hunan University
2006-2008 Faculty Affiliate, Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research
2004 Member of the European Academy of Sciences
2004 Foreign Member, Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
2004 Foreign Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
2004 Honorary Member, The World Jewish Academy of Sciences
2001 Honorary Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry
1999-2001 Foreign Council Member, Institute for Molecular Science (Japan)
1999 Foreign Member, Royal Society (London)
1997-2000 Chairman, President’s National Medal of Science Selection Committee
1997 Fellow, California Council on Science and Technology
1995 Chairman of the Board of Directors, Annual Reviews Inc.
1995-1998 Council Member, National Academy of Sciences
1992-1995 Chair, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National Research Council
1996-1998 Member, National Science Board, 1992-1998; Chairman, National Science Board
1992-1995 Vice-Chair of Board of Directors, Annual Reviews, Inc.
1991 Honorary Fellow, California Academy of Sciences
1991 Fellow, Optical Society of America
1991 Member, American Philosophical Society
1989-1992 Member, Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable of the National Academy of Sciences
1987 Chairman, Panel on Basic Science and Technology Centers, National Academy of Sciences
1985-1987 Member, Directed Energy Weapons study panel, American Physical Society (APS)
1985 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
1985-1986 Chairman, Division of Chemical Physics (DCP) American Physical Society (APS) Vice-Chairman, 1984-1985
1983-1985 Member, Committee on Atomic and Molecular Science (CAMS), National Research Council
1982-1985 Editor, Chemical Physics Letters
1980-1982 Chairman, National Science Foundation Advisory Panel (Chemistry Division)
1976 Member, National Academy of Sciences
1976 Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1969 Fellow, The American Physical Society
1969 Non-Resident Fellow, Joint Institute of Laboratory Astrophysics Member, The Chemical Society (London)
Editorial Advisory Boards:
Chemistry World
Honorary Board member of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (PCCP)
Analytical Sciences
Angewandte Chemie
Central European Journal of Chemistry
Chemical Physics
Chemical Physics Letters
Molecular Physics
Journal of Separation Sciences
Chinese Journal of Chromatography
Previously on Board of Editors:
The Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
Cambridge University Press
Applied Physics
Accounts of Chemical Research
Analytical Chemistry
Chemical & Engineering News
The Journal of Chemical Physics
The Journal of Physical Chemistry
Optics Letters
Scientific Advisory Boards:
Pufendorf Institute, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
International Advisory Board of the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (PCOSS), Xiamen, China
Hybrid Vigor Institute
Eksigent, Inc.
Pharmacyclics, Inc.
Prolinx, Inc.
Cepheid, Inc.
Advisory Council for Chemistry at Oxford
Electronic Nobel Museum/Young Scholars Program
Previously on Scientific Advisory Board:
Faraday Transactions
Miller Institute
Affymax, Inc.
2012 Izatt-Christensen Lecturer, Bringham Young University
2011 Plenary Lecture, Recent Trends in Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Chemical Systems,
University of Hyderabad
2011 Plenary Lecture, Celebration of Chemistry @ IITK, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
2011 Plenary Lecture, The Third Asian Spectroscopy Conference, Science and Art Center of
Xiamen Universityc
2011 Plenary Lecture, IUPAC International Congress on Chemical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan
2011 The Thirtieth Annual Barnett Lectureship, Northeastern, The Barnett Institute of Chemical and
Biological Analysis
2011 The 22nd Annual Frontiers in Chemistry Symposium, The Scripps Research Institute
2010 Plenary Lecture, 45� Congreso Mexicano de Qu�mica y 29� Congreso Nacional de Educaci�n
Qu�mica, Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico
2010 Vail Lectures, Wake Forest University
2010 Plenary Lecture, International Conference on Chemical Education, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Global Vision Lecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2010 Plenary Lecture, Chemistry Division, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2010 Plenary Lecture, 4th International Symposium on Bioanalysis, Biomedical Engineering and
Nanotechnology, Changsha, China
2010 Plenary Lecture, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Plenary Lecture, Isranalytica, Tel Aviv, Israel
2009 MTSU Distinguished Lecture, Middle Tennessee State University
2009 NanQiang Lecture, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
2009 Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Lecture, Bangalore, India
2009 Dr. Emily Davis and Dr. Homer C. Weed Lecture, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
University of Arizona
2009 A. R. Gordon Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
2009 Abbott Chemistry Lectures, University of North Dakota
2009 Phyllis Johnson Patrick Lecture, Kansas State University
2009 Platinum Jubilee Lecture, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India
2008 Robert S. Mulliken Lecture, University of Georgia
2008 Leland Wilson Endowed Lecture, University of Northern Iowa
2008 Frank Whitmore Lecture, The Pennsylvania State University
2008 Helen Murray Free Endowed Lecture, University of Wooster
2008 Plenary Lecture, 10th National Symposium, Chemical Research Society of India, Bangalore, India
2007 William A. Chupka Lectureship in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Yale University
2007 The Arnold C. Ott Lectureship in Chemistry, Grand Valley State University
2007 3M/Ronald A. Mitsch Lecture in Chemistry, Hamline University
2007 18th Leopold Marcus Lecture, Department of Chemistry, Washington University in St. Louis
2007 Nobel Laureates 2007 Beijing Forum on Energy and the Environment, Beijing, China
2007 Plenary Lecture, Ninth Annual Beckman Scholars Symposium, Irvine, California
2007 Roberts Lecturer, University College, London, UK
2007 Distinguished Frontiers Speaker, The University of Toledo
2007 Ritter Memorial Lectures, Miami University of Ohio
2007 Keynote Speaker, Honors Week Celebration, Kent State University
2007 Morino Lectures, University of Tokyo and Kyoto University, Japan
2006 Plenary Speaker, New Zealand Institute of Chemistry Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand
2006 Sir Neil Waters Distinguished Lectureship, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
2006 Michael Faraday Lecture, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India
2006 Oesper Lecture, University of Cincinnati
2006 Mission Bay Seminar, University of California at San Francisco
2006 Cal Giddings Lecture, University of Utah
2006 Keynote Lecture, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), Purdue University
2006 Plenary Lecture, International Workshop on Bioanalytical Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering,
Hunan University, Changsa, China
2006 Distinguished Zhang Dayu Lecture, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Dalian, China
2006 Lectures in Modern Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
2006 Spring Colloquium Speaker, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Washington
2006 Frontiers in Chemical Research Lecturer, Texas A & M University
2006 G. Wilse Robinson Lecturer, Texas Tech University
2006 Vessman Lecture, Chalmers University, Göteborg, Sweden
2006 Plenary Speaker, Photon Science Institute Launch, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
2005 Purves Lecturer, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
2005 Plenary Speaker, Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACCS),
Quebec City, Canada
2005 Plenary Speaker, ScotCHEM Launch, Edinburgh, Scotland
2005 Plenary Speaker, CONNECT 2005, 12th Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) National
Convention, Sydney, Australia
2005 PECRUM Lecturer (Perspective on Chemistry Research at the University of Michigan)
2005 Keynote Speaker, Atlanta Undergraduate Research Alliance (AURA)
2004 Arthur D. Little Lecturer, MIT
2004 William E. Mahoney Lecturer, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2004 Mitchum E. Warren, Jr. Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University
2004 Robert A. Jenkins Memorial Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Wyoming
2004 Charles Herron Lecturer, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida State University
2004 Noyes Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon
2003 Plenary Lecturer, Singapore International Chemistry Conference 3, Singapore
2003 S. Dexter Squibb Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina
2002 Haberman Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Marquette University
2002 Samuel M. McElvain Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2002 George Gamow Memorial Lecture, University of Colorado at Boulder
2001 L. Carroll King Memorial Lectures, The Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University
2001 R. T. Majors Lecturer, The Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut
2001 Flygare Memorial Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2001 Faraday Lecturer, Royal Society of Chemistry
2000 Hirschmann Lecturer, Oberlin College
2000 Carr Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Coe College
2000 Manuel G. Menendez Memorial Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Georgia
2000 Anderson Lecture, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Denison University
2000 The Timothy J. O�Leary, S. J. Distinguished Scientist Lecturer, The Science Departments of
Gonzaga University
1999 Lyle Ramsay Dawson Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky
1999 S. C. Lind Lecture, East Tennessee Section of the American Chemical Society
1999 Charles M. Knight Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, The University of Akron
1999 The O. K. Rice Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1999 The Lloyd B. Thomas Chemistry Scholars Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri
1999 The Joe L. Franklin Memorial Lecture, Department of Chemistry, Rice University
1998 Harry Emmett Gunning Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta
1998 Clifford C. Hach Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Wyoming
1998 Barre Lecturer, University of Montreal, Canada
1998 Kosalopoff Lecturer, Auburn University
1998 Centenary Lecturer, Royal Society of Chemistry
1998 Anson L. Clark Memorial Lecturer, University of Texas at Dallas
1998 Billings Distinguished Lecturer, Montana State University
1997 Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Lecturer, West Virginia University
1997 Robert Maurer Lecture, Department of Physics, University of Arkansas
1997 Frank G. and Jean M. Chesley Lectureship, Carleton College
1996 Jacob Bigeleisen Endowed Lecture, State University of New York Stony Brook
1996 Gooch-Stephens Lectureship, Baylor University
1996 DuPont Distinguished Speaker, Indiana University
1996 G.B. Kistiakowsky Lecturer, Harvard University
1996 Alexander M. Cruickshank Lecturer, Gordon Research Conference
1995 Leroy Eyring Lecturer, Arizona State University
1995 Velmer Fassel Lecturer, Iowa State University
1995 Richard C. Lord Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1995 Fred J. Robbins Lecturer, Pomona College
1995 Moses Gomberg Lecturer, University of Michigan
1995 Lemieux Lecturer, University of Ottawa
1994 Frederic LeRoy Conover Memorial Lecturer, Vanderbilt University
1994 Raymond Lemieux Lecturer, University of Ottawa
1994 Peter Smith Lecturer, Duke University
1993 Paul C. Cross Lecturer, University of Washington
1993 Linus Pauling Distinguished Lecturer, Oregon State University
1993 R.B. Bernstein Memorial Lecturer, UCLA
1993 Nalbandov Lecturer, University of Illinois
1992 George C. Pimental Lecturer, UC Berkeley
1992 Robert S. Mulliken Lecturer, University of Chicago
1991 Arthur D. Little Lecturer, Northeastern University
1991 J. T. Donald Lecturer, McGill University
1991 Frederick Kaufman Lecturer, University of Pittsburgh
1991 Peter A. Leermakers Symposium Lecturer, Wesleyan University
1991 Russell Marker Lecturer in the Chemical Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
1991 Ernest H. Swift Lecturer, California Institute of Technology
1990 Amy/Mellon Lecturer, Purdue University
1990 Distinguished Scientists Lecturer, Trinity University
1989 E. K. C. Lee Lecturer, University of California at Irvine
1989 Geoffrey Frew Fellow, Australian Academy of Sciences
1989 Max T. Rogers Lecturer, Michigan State University
1989 Joel Broberg Lecturer in Chemistry, North Dakota State University
1989 Gustavson Lecturer, University of Denver
1989 Kennedy Lecturer, Washington University, St. Louis
1989 John Albert Southern Lecturer, Furman University
1989 Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, University of Texas at Austin
1988 Procter and Gamble Lecturer, University of Illinois at Champaign- Urbana
1988 Xerox Lecturer, Simon Fraser University
1988 Marvel-Monsanto Lecturer, University of Arizona
1988 Appleton Lecturer, Brown University
1987 Walter J. Chute Distinguished Lecturer, Dalhousie University
1987 Edgar Fahs Smith Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania
1987 Charles A. McDowell Lecturer in Chemical Physics, University of British Columbia
1986 Weizmann Memorial Lecturer, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
1986 Kirkwood Lecturer, Yale University, New Haven Section of the American Chemical Society
1986 Friend E. Clark Lecturer, West Virginia University
1986 Michelson-Morley Lecturer, Case Western Reserve University
1986 Fritz London Memorial Lecturer, Duke University
1986 Merck Distinguished Lecturer, Rutgers University
1986 "Frontiers of Science" Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Florida
1985 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Lecturer, Dartmouth College
1985 Davis Lecturer, University of New Orleans
1985 Priestley Lecturer, Pennsylvania State University
1985 Coover Lecturer, Iowa State University
1985 Francis E. Blacet Lecturer, University of California at Los Angeles
1984 Plenary Lecturer, Lasers '84
1984 John E. Willard Lecturer, University of Wisconsin
1984 Evans Lecturer, Ohio State University
1984 "Frontiers in Chemical Research" Distinguished Lecturer, Texas A&M University
1983 Distinguished Scientist Lecturer, University of Arizona
1983 ICPEAC Plenary Lecturer, XIII International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic
Collisions, Berlin, Germany
1983 William Draper Harkins Lecturer, University of Chicago
1983 Falk-Plaut Lecturer, Columbia University
1982 Dreyfus Scholar in Residence, Hope College
1982 Venable Lecturer, University of North Carolina
1982 Albert W. Noyes Lecturer, University of Texas at Austin
1982 Jeremy Musher Memorial Lecturer, Hebrew University
1982 Guggenheim Lecturer, Reading University
1982 Hinschelwood Lecturer, Oxford University
1981 Research Scholar, Drew University
1981 University Professor, University of Arkansas
1981 Honor Lecturer in Chemistry, Arizona State University
1980 McGregory Lecturer, Colgate College
1980 Baker Lecturer, Cornell University
1980 Kolthoff Lecturer, University of Minnesota
1980 William Pyle Philips Lecturer in Chemistry, Haverford College
1979 Frank T. Gucker Lecturer in Chemistry, Indiana University
1979 Peter C. Reilly Lecturer, University of Notre Dame
1979 Francis Clifford Phillips Lecturer, University of Pittsburgh
1978 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Michigan State University
1977 Edward U. Condon Lecturer in Chemical Physics, University of Colorado
1977 Distinguished University Lecturer, University of Utah
1977 Sherwin Williams Lecturer, University of Illinois
1977 Frontiers in Chemistry Lecturer, Wayne State University
1976 Westinghouse Invited Lecturer in Chemistry, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1976 FMC Lecturer, Princeton University
1975 Harold Herborg Nielsen Lecturer, Ohio State University
1972 Arthur D. Little Visiting Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology