Live Scan
Applicant Live Scan Services - What must I do?
Please see your employer or agency first. - The requesting agency will provide the appropriate forms, billing accounts and will explain the process.Some important things to remember when you appear for fingerprints are:
- APPOINTMENTS: You CAN make an appointment for service.
- The Preferred Method of making an appointment is online at:
- You may also call (650) 725-2499 to secure your personal appointment.
- Live Scan service is from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, and 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM on Friday
- Please be prompt. If you are late you may have to reschedule or WAIT for the next available opening.
- Bring the completed "Request for Live Scan Service - Application Submission" - BCII 8016 form or other approved form. This form should be completely filled out by your employer. Each form requires a separate printing and additional fees.
- WALK-INS: Absolutely no walk-ins on Friday! Please make an appointment.
- Walk-in hours are Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 11:00am & 1:15pm to 3:30pm subject to availability. There are no walk in hours on Fridays
- IDENTIFICATION: Valid photographic ID must be presented. Acceptable forms are:
- Drivers License or Identification Card
- Military Identification Card
- Passport
- Alien registration card
- Processing Fees assessed by the Department of Justice may be billed directly to your agency, if previously set up. If the agency does not have a DOJ account, the applicant must pay all fees at time of the scan.
- There will be a $20.00 rolling fee collected for each job application, unless otherwise informed by employer. Applicants or volunteers with non-profit organizations will be charged $10.00 local fingerprinting fees. These fees are subject to change without notice.
- Acceptable forms of payment are:
- Travelers Checks *
- Cashiers checks or money orders *
- Cash *
- Agency billing number
- Imprinted personal check
Please provide exact change for fingerprint fee payment

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© Stanford University. Stanford, California 94305. (650) 723-2300.