Director, Center for Conservation Biology
Bing Professor of Environmental Science, Department of Biology
Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment
Gretchen C. Daily
An ecologist by training, Daily’s work spans scientific research, teaching, public education, and working with leaders to advance practical approaches to environmental challenges. Daily’s scientific research is on countryside biogeography and the future dynamics of biodiversity change; on the scope for harmonizing biodiversity conservation and agriculture; on quantifying the production and value of ecosystem services across landscapes; and on new policy and finance mechanisms for integrating conservation and human development in major decisions.
Daily co-founded the Natural Capital Project (, an international effort focused on achieving this integration through research, practical tools, and policy-oriented demonstrations in contrasting places around the world. Daily works extensively with private landowners, economists, lawyers, business people, and government agencies to incorporate environmental issues into business practice and public policy.
Daily received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Stanford University. She is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and serves on the boards of the Stockholm Resilience Center and The Nature Conservancy. She has published ~200 scientific and popular articles and her most recent books are The New Economy of Nature: The Quest to Make Conservation Profitable, with journalist Katherine Ellison, and Natural Capital: Theory and Practice of Mapping Ecosystem Services, co-edited with several colleagues.
Kareiva, PK, H Tallis, TH Ricketts, GC Daily, and S Polasky, Eds. In press. The Theory & Practice of Ecosystem Service Valuation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Daily, GC and K Ellison. 2002. The New Economy of Nature: The Quest to Make Conservation Profitable, Island Press, Washington, DC. [also published in Chinese and Japanese]
Levin, S, GC Daily, RK Colwell, J Lubchenco, HA Mooney, E-D Schulze, and D Tilman, Eds. 2001. The Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Daily, GC, Ed. 1997. Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems, Island Press, Washington, DC.
Ehrlich, PR, AH Ehrlich, and GC Daily. 1995. The Stork and the Plow: The Equity Solution to the Human Dilemma, Putnam Press, New York, NY; reprinted by Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.
Journal Articles
Brauman, KA, DL Freyberg, and GC Daily. In review. Evapotranspiration from forest and pasture in the tropics: A case study in Kona, Hawai`i.
Brauman, KA, DL Freyberg, and GC Daily. In review. Land cover effects on groundwater in the Tropics: Ecohydrologic mechanisms.
Li, J, M Feldman, S Li, and GC Daily. In review. Rural household income and inequality under payment for ecosystem services: The Sloping Land Conversion Program in Western China.
Ceballos, G, RM Pringle, G Santos, J Pacheco, F Mendoza, PR Ehrlich, and GC Daily. In review. Countryside biogeography of a neotropical herpetofauna.
Nelson, EJ and GC Daily. 2010. Modelling ecosystem services in terrestrial systems. F1000 Biology Reports 2: 53.
Brauman, KA, DL Freyberg, and GC Daily. 2010. Forest structure influences on rainfall partitioning and cloud interception: A comparison of native forest sites in Kona, Hawai’i. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150: 265-275.
Brosi, BJ, GC Daily, CP Chamberlain and M Mills. 2009. Detecting changes in habitat-scale bee foraging in a tropical fragmented landscape using stable isotopes. ForestEcology and Management 258: 1846-1855.
Walker, B, S Barrett, S Polasky, V Galaz, C Folke, S Barrett, G Engström, F Ackerman, K Arrow, S Carpenter, K Chopra, GC Daily, P Ehrlich, T Hughes, N Kautsky, S Levin, KG Mäler, J Shogren, J Vincent, T Xepapadeas, and A de Zeeuw. 2009. Looming global-scale failures and missing institutions. Science 325: 1345-1346.
Fischer, J, BJ Brosi, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, R Goldman, J Goldstein, DB Lindenmayer, AD Manning, HA Mooney, L Pejchar, J Ranganathan, and H Tallis. 2009. Fostering constructive debate: a reply to Chappell et al. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7: 84.
Daily, GC, SM Polasky, JH Goldstein, PM Kareiva, HA Mooney, L Pejchar, TH Ricketts, J Salzman, R Shallenberger. 2009. Ecosystem services in decision-making: time to deliver. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7: 21-28.
Nelson, E, G Mendoza, J Regetz, S Polasky, H Tallis, DR Cameron, KMA Chan, GC Daily, J Goldstein, PM Kareiva, E Lonsdorf, R Naidoo, TH Ricketts, and MR Shaw. 2009. Modeling multiple ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, commodity production, and tradeoffs at landscape scales. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7: 4-11.
Pejchar, L, RM Pringle, J Ranganathan, G Duran, F Oviedo, and GC Daily. 2008. Seed dispersal by birds in a human-dominated landscape. Biological Conservation 141: 536-544.
Brosi, BJ, GC Daily, T Shih, F Oviedo, and G Durán. 2008. The effects of forest fragmentation on bee communities in tropical countryside. J. Applied Ecology 45: 773-783.
Goldstein, J, L Pejchar, and GC Daily. 2008. Using return-on- investment to guide restoration: a case study from Hawai’i. Conservation Letters 1: 236-43.
Chan, KMA and GC Daily. 2008. The payoff of conservation investments in tropical countryside. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, USA 49: 19341-19346.
Ranganathan, J, R Daniels, S Chandran, PR Ehrlich, and GC Daily. 2008. Sustaining biodiversity in ancient tropical countryside. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, USA 105: 17892-17854. Featured as “Editor’s Choice,” Science 322: 1164.
Fischer, J, B Brosi, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, R Goldman, J Goldstein, DB Lindenmayer, AD Manning, HA Mooney, L Pejchar, J Ranganathan, and H Tallis. 2008. Should agricultural policies encourage land-sparing or wildlife-friendly farming? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment6(7): 380-385.
Santos-Barrera, G, J Pacheco, F Mendoza-Quijano, F Bolaños, G Cháves, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, and G Ceballos. 2008. Diversity, natural history and conservation of amphibians and reptiles from the San Vito Region, southwestern Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical 56(2): 755-778.
Daily, GC and PA Matson. 2008. Ecosystem services: From theory to implementation. Special Feature. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, USA 105 (28): 9455-9456.
Goldman, RL, H Tallis, P Kareiva, and GC Daily. 2008. Field evidence that ecosystem service projects support biodiversity and diversify options. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, USA 105 (27): 9445-9448.
Kremen, C, GC Daily, AM Klein, and D Scofield. 2008. Inadequate assessment of the ecosystem service rationale for conservation: A reply to Ghazoul. Conservation Biology 22(3): 795-798.
Goldman, RL, L Pejchar, and GC Daily. 2008. Assessing the conservation value of a human-dominated island landscape: Plant diversity in Hawai’i. Biological Conservation 17: 1765-1781.
Brosi, BJ, PR Armsworth, and GC Daily. 2008. The optimal design of agricultural landscapes for pollination services. Conservation Letters 1: 27-36.
Turner, RK, and GC Daily. 2008. The ecosystem services framework and natural capital conservation. Environmental and Resource Economics 39: 25-35.
Armsworth, PR, KMA Chan, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, C Kremen, MA Sanjayan, and TR Ricketts. 2007. Ecosystem service science and the way forward for conservation. Conservation Biology 21(6): 1383-1384.
Goldman, RL, BH Thompson, and GC Daily. 2007. Institutional incentives for managing the landscape: Inducing cooperation for the production of ecosystem services. Ecological Economics 64: 333-343.
Brauman, KA, GC Daily, TK Duarte, and HA Mooney. 2007. The nature and value of ecosystem services: An overview highlighting hydrologic services. Annual Review in Environment and Resources 32: 67-98.
Arrow, KJ, GC Daily, P Dasgupta, P Ehrlich, L Goulder, G Heal, S Levin, K-G Mäler, S Schneider, D Starrett, and B Walker. 2007. Consumption, investment and future well-being: Reply to Daly et al. Conservation Biology 21: 1363-1365.
Ranganathan, J, KMC Chan, and GC Daily. 2007. Satellite detection of bird communities in tropical countryside. Ecological Applications 17(5): 1499-1510.
Brosi, B, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 2007. Bee community shifts with landscape context in a tropical countryside. Ecological Applications 17: 418-430.
Şekercioğlu, CH, S Loarie, F Oviedo Brenes, PR Ehrlich, and GC Daily. 2007. Persistence of forest birds in the Costa Rican agricultural countryside. Conservation Biology 21: 482-494.
Goehring, DM, GC Daily, S Dasgupta, and PR Ehrlich. 2007. Range occupancy and endangerment: a test with a butterfly community. American Midland Naturalist 157: 106-120.
Pejchar, L, P Morgan, M Caldwell, C Palmer, and GC Daily. 2007. Evaluating the potential for conservation development: Biophysical, economic, and institutional perspectives. Conservation Biology 21(1): 69-78.
Chan, KMA, R Shaw, D Cameron, EC Underwood, GC Daily. 2006. Conservation planning for ecosystem services. Public Library of Science, Biology 4: 2138-2152.
Goldstein, J, GC Daily, JB Friday, PA Matson, RL Naylor, and PMVitousek. 2006. Business strategies for conservation on private lands: Koa forestry as a case study. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, USA103(26): 10140-10145.
Pereira, HM and GC Daily. 2006. Modeling biodiversity dynamics in countryside landscapes. Ecology87: 1877-1885.
Mayfield, MM, D Ackerly, and GC Daily. 2006. The diversity and conservation of plant reproductive and dispersal functional traits in human-dominated tropical landscapes. Journal of Ecology 94: 522-536.
Armsworth, PR, GC Daily, P Kareiva, and JN Sanchirico. 2006. Land market feedbacks can undermine conservation. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, USA 103(14): 5403-5408.
Pacheco, J, G Ceballos, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, G Suzán, B Rodríguez-Herrera, and E Marcé. 2006. Diversidad, historia natural y conservación de los mamíferos de San Vito de Coto Brus, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical54(1): 219-240.
Mayfield, MM, MF Boni, GC Daily, and D Ackerly. 2005. Species and functional diversity of native and human-dominated plant communities. Ecology86: 2365-2372.
Foley, JA, R DeFries, GP Asner, C Barford, G Bonan, SR Carpenter, FS Chapin, MT Coe, GC Daily, HK Gibbs, JH Helkowski, T Holloway, EA Howard, CJ Kucharik, C Monfreda, J Patz, LC Prentice, N Ramankutty, PK Snyder. 2005. Global consequences of land use. Science 309: 570-574.
Maas, M, P Balvanera, A Castillo, GC Daily, HA Mooney, PR Ehrlich, M Quesada, A Miranda, VJ Jaramillo, F García-Oliva, A Martínez-Yrizar, H Cotler, J López-Blanco, A Pérez-Jiménez, A Búrquez, C Tinoco, G Ceballos, L Barraza, R Ayala, and J Sarukhán. 2005. Ecosystem services of tropical dry forests: insights gained from long-term ecological and social research on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Ecology and Society10 (1): 17. [online] URL:
Mayfield, M and GC Daily. 2005. Countryside biogeography of Neotropical herbaceous and shrubby plants. Ecological Applications 15: 423-439.
Şekercioğlu, CH, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 2004. Ecosystem consequences of bird declines. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, USA101(52): 18042-18047.
Arrow, K, P Dasgupta, LH Goulder, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, GM Heal, S Levin, K-G Mäler, S Schneider, D Starrett, and B Walker. 2004. Are we consuming too much? Journal of Economic Perspectives18(3): 147-172.
Ricketts, TH, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, C Michener. 2004. Economic value of tropical forest to coffee production. Proc. National Academy of Sciences, USA 101: 12579-12582.
Pereira, HM, GC Daily, and J Roughgarden. 2004. A framework for assessing the relative vulnerability of species to land-use change. Ecological Applications14(3): 730-742.
Heal, GM, B Walker, S Levin, K Arrow, P Dasgupta, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, K-G Mäler, N Kautsky, J Lubchenco, S Schneider, and D Starrett. 2004. Genetic diversity and interdependent crop choices in agriculture. Resource and Energy Economics 26: 175-184.
Luck, GW, TH Ricketts, GC Daily, and M Imhoff. 2004. Alleviating spatial conflict between people and biodiversity. Proc.National Academy of Sciences, USA 101(1): 182-186.
Daily, GC, G Ceballos, J Pacheco, G Suzán, and A Sánchez-Azofeifa. 2003. Countryside biogeography of Neotropical mammals: Conservation opportunities in agricultural landscapes of Costa Rica. Conservation Biology 17(6): 1814-1826.
Luck, GW, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 2003. Population diversity and ecosystem services. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18(7): 331-336.
Ellison, K and GC Daily. 2003. Making conservation profitable. Conservation in Practice
4: 13-19.
Luck, GW and GC Daily. 2003. Bird assemblages in a tropical countryside: species richness, composition, and foraging behavior differ with landscape context. Ecological Applications13(1): 235-247.
Horner-Devine, MC, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, and CL Boggs. 2003. Countryside biogeography of tropical butterflies. Conservation Biology 17: 168-177.
Liu, J, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, and G Luck. 2003. The effect of household dynamics on resource consumption and biodiversity. Nature 421: 530-533. (Cited as an “"NSF Science Highlight from 2003”)
Sánchez-Azofeifa, GA, GC Daily, AP Pfaff, and C Busch. 2003. Integrity and isolation of Costa Rica’s national parks and biological reserves: Examining the dynamics of land cover change. Biological Conservation109: 123-135.
Goehring, DM, GC Daily, CH Sekercioglu. 2002. Distribution of ground-dwelling arthropods in tropical countryside habitats. Journal of Insect Conservation 6(2): 83-91.
Hughes, JB, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 2002. Agricultural policy can help preserve tropical forest birds in countryside habitats. Ecology Letters 5: 121-129.
Şekercioğlu, CH, PR Ehrlich, GC Daily, D Aygen, D Goehring, and RF Sandi. 2002. Mysterious disappearance of insectivorous birds from tropical forest fragments. Proc.National Academyof Sciences, USA 99: 263-267.
Ricketts, TH, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 2002. Does butterfly diversity predict moth diversity? Testing a popular indicator taxon at local scales. Biological Conservation 103: 361-370.
Salzman, J, B Thompson, and GC Daily. 2001. Protecting ecosystem services: Science, economics, and policy.Stanford Environmental Law Journal 20: 309-332. Reprinted in part in Doremus, H and R Rosenberg. 2002. Environmental Policy Law: Problems, Cases, and Readings, Foundation Press, 4th Ed.
Heal, G, GC Daily, J Salzman, PR Ehrlich, C Boggs, J Hellmann, J Hughes, C Kremen, T Ricketts. 2001. Protecting natural capital through ecosystem service districts. Stanford Environmental Law Journal 20: 333-364.
Daily, GC. 2001. Ecological forecasts. Nature411: 245.
Ricketts, TH, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, and JP Fay. 2001. Countryside biogeography of moths in a fragmented landscape: biodiversity in native and agricultural habitats. Conservation Biology 15: 378-388.
Balvanera, P, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, T Ricketts, SA Bailey, S Kark, C Kremen, H Pereira. 2001. Conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services. Science 291: 2047.
Daily, GC, PR Ehrlich, and GA Sánchez-Azofeifa. 2001. Countryside biogeography: Utilization of human-dominated habitats by the avifauna of southern Costa Rica. Ecological Applications 11: 1-13.
Daily, GC. 2000. Management objectives for the protection of ecosystem services. Environmental Science and Policy 3: 333-339.
Hughes, JB, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 2000. Conservation of insect diversity: A habitat approach. Conservation Biology 14: 1788-1797.
Daily, GC, T Söderqvist, S Aniyar, K Arrow, P Ehrlich, C Folke, A-M Jansson, B-O Jansson, S Levin, N Kautsky, K-G Mäler, D Simpson, D Starrett, D Tilman, and B Walker. 2000. Reply to Czech. Science On-line, 17 October.
Daily, GC, T Söderqvist, S Aniyar, K Arrow, P Dasgupta, P Ehrlich, C Folke, A-M Jansson, B-O Jansson, N Kautsky, S Levin, J Lubchenco, K-G Mäler, D Simpson, D Starrett, D Tilman, and B Walker. 2000. The value of nature and the nature of value. Science 289: 395-396.
Daily, GC. 2000. Ecosystem assessment then and now. Issues in Science and
Kremen, C, J Niles, M Dalton, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, J Fay, D Grewal, and RP Guillery. 2000. Economics of forest conservation across scales. Science 288: 1828-1832.
Arrow, K, GC Daily, P Dasgupta, S Levin, K-G Mäler, E Maskin, D Starrett, T Sterner, and T Tietenberg. 2000. Managing ecosystem resources. Environmental Science and
Daily, GC and BA Walker. 2000. Environmental sustainability: Seeking the great transition. Nature 403: 243-245. (Listed by Nature as a“Classic Paper on Science and Sustainable Development.”)
Daily, GC. 1999. Developing a scientific basis for managing Earth’s life-support systems. Conservation Ecology 3(2): 14. [online] URL:
Ehrlich, PR, G Wolff, GC Daily, JB Hughes, SC Daily, M Dalton, and LH Goulder. 1999. Knowledge and the environment. Ecological Economics 30: 267-284.
Holl, KD, GC Daily, SC Daily, PR Ehrlich, and S Bassin. 1999. Knowledge and attitudes toward population and the environment: University students in Costa Rica and the United States. Environmental Conservation 26(1): 66-74.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1999. Managing Earth’s ecosystems: An interdisciplinary challenge. Ecosystems 2: 277-280.
McMichael, AJ, B Bolin, R Costanza, GC Daily, C Folke, K Lindahl-Kiessling, E Lindgren, and B Niklasson. 1999. Sustainable health in a globalized world. BioScience 49: 205-210.
Hughes, JB, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 1998. Conservation monitoring of frugivorous butterfly communities with bait traps. Revista de Biología Tropical 46(3): 697-704.
Daily, GC, P Dasgupta, B Bolin, P Crosson, J du Guerny, PR Ehrlich, C Folke, AM Jansson, B-O Jansson, N Kautsky, A Kinzig, S Levin, K-G Mäler, P Pinstrup-Andersen, D Siniscalco, and B Walker. 1998. Food production, population growth, and the environment. Science 281: 1291-1292.
Hughes, JB, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 1998. Response: Populations as “species-in-waiting”? Science 280: 2032-2033.
Hughes, JB, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 1997. Population diversity: its extent and extinction. Science 278: 689-692.
Daily, GC, SE Alexander, PR Ehrlich, LH Goulder, J Lubchenco, PA Matson, HA Mooney, S Postel, SH Schneider, D Tilman, and GM Woodwell. 1997. Ecosystem services: Benefits supplied to human societies by natural ecosystems. Issues in Ecology 2:1-18.
Daily, GC, and PR Ehrlich. 1996. Development, global change, and the epidemiological environment. Environment and Development Economics 1: 311-346.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1996. Nocturnality and species survival. Proc.National Academy of Sciences USA 93: 11709-11712.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1996. Socioeconomic equity, sustainability, and carrying capacity. Ecological Applications 6: 991-1001.
Power, M, D Tilman, JA Estes, BA Menge, WJ Bond, LS Mills, GC Daily, JC Castilla, J Lubchenco, and RT Paine. 1996. Challenges in the quest for keystones. BioScience 46: 609-620.
Daily, GC, and PR Ehrlich. 1996. Global change and human susceptibility to disease. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 21: 1-20.
Postel, S, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 1996. Human appropriation of renewable fresh water. Science 271: 785-788.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1996. Nothing new. BioScience 46: 5-6.
Daily, GC, PR Ehrlich, and M Alberti. 1996. Managing Earth's life support systems: The game, the players, and getting everyone to play. Ecological Applications 6(1): 19-21.
Daily, GC. 1995. Foreclosing the future. People and the Planet4(4): 18-19.
Holl, KD, GC Daily and PR Ehrlich. 1995. Knowledge and perceptions in Costa Rica regarding environment, population, and biodiversity issues. Conservation Biology 9: 1548-1558.
Daily, GC. 1995. Restoring value to the world's degraded lands. Science 269: 350-354. Reprinted in Owen, L and T Unwin, eds. 1997. Environmental Management: Readings and Case Studies (Blackwell, Oxford), pp. 235-242.
Daily, GC, AH Ehrlich, and PR Ehrlich. 1995. Socioeconomic equity: a critical component of environmental preservation. AMBIO 20(1): 2-3.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1995. Preservation of biodiversity in small rainforest patches: rapid evaluations using butterfly trapping. Biodiversity and Conservation 4: 35-55.
Daily, GC, PR Ehrlich, AH Ehrlich. 1995. Population and immigration policy in the United States (Response to Bartlett and Lytwak (1995)). Population and Environment. 16: 521-526. Reprinted in FOCUS 6: 61-63 (1996), Carrying Capacity Network.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1994. Influence of social status on individual foraging and community structure in a bird guild. Oecologia 100: 153-165.
Ehrlich, PR, HR Sparrow, TD Sisk, and GC Daily. 1994. Notes on butterfly distributions in Southern Costa Rica. J. Tropical Lepidoptera 5(1): 21-23.
Daily, GC, AH Ehrlich, and PR Ehrlich. 1994. Optimum human population size. Population and Environment 15(6): 469-475. Reprinted in RB Mitchell, Ed. 2008. International Environmental Politics, Volume 1, pp. 115-120, SAGE Publications, London.
Holl, KD, GC Daily and PR Ehrlich. 1993. The fertility plateau in Costa Rica: a review of causes and remedies. Environmental Conservation 20(4): 317-323.
Ehrlich, PR and GC Daily. 1993. Science and the management of natural resources. Ecological Applications 3(4): 558-560.
Daily, GC. 1993. Heartwood decay and
Ehrlich, PR and GC Daily. 1993. Population extinction and saving biodiversity. AMBIO 22(2/3): 64-68.
Ehrlich, PR, AH Ehrlich, and GC Daily. 1993. Food security, population, and environment. Population and Development Review19(1): 1-32. Reprinted in D Lorey, Ed. 2002. Environmnetal Challenges of the Twenty-First Century, Scholarly Resources Books.
Daily, GC, PR Ehrlich, and NM Haddad. 1993. A double keystone bird in a keystone species complex. Proc.National Academy of Sciences USA 90: 592-594.
Ehrlich, PR and GC Daily. 1992. Sapsuckers, swallows, aspen, willow, and rot. American Birds 47(1): 18-20.
Ehrlich, PR, GC Daily, and LH Goulder. 1992. Government, bedrooms, and the environment: a response to Keith Griffin. Contention 2(1): 45-47.
Ehrlich, PR, GC Daily, and LH Goulder. 1992. Population growth, economic growth, and market economies. Contention 2(1): 17-35.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1992. Population, sustainability, and carrying capacity. BioScience 42(10): 761-771. Reprinted in part in CF Hohm, Ed. 1995. Population: Opposing Viewpoints, Greennhaven Press, Inc., San Diego, pp. 82-89; also reprinted in FB Samson and F Knopf, Eds. 1997. Readings in Ecosystem Management, Springer-Verlag, pp. 435-450; and reprinted in R Costanza, C Perrings, and C Cleveland, Eds. 1997. Ecological Economics, Edward Elgar Pub., Glos.
Daily, GC, PR Ehrlich, and D Wheye. 1991. Determinants of spatial distribution in a population of the subalpine butterfly Oeneis chryxus. Oecologia 88(4): 587-596.
Daily, GC, PR Ehrlich, HA Mooney, and AH Ehrlich. 1991. Greenhouse economics: learn before you leap. Ecological Economics 3: 1-10.
Holl, KH, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 1991. Integrated Pest Management in Latin America. Environmental Conservation 17(4): 341-350.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1990. An exploratory model of the impact of rapid climate change on the world food situation. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B 241: 232-244.
Ehrlich, PR and GC Daily. 1988. Red-naped Sapsuckers feeding at willows: possible keystone herbivores. American Birds 42(3):357-365.
Book Chapters and Published Reports
Daily, GC, P Kareiva, S Polasky, T Ricketts, and H Tallis. In press. Mainstreaming natural capital into decisions. Pp. 3-14 in P Kareiva, H Tallis, TH Ricketts, GC Daily and S Polasky, Eds. The Theory & Practice of Ecosystem Service Valuation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Ehrlich, PR, LD Ross, and GC Daily. In press. Cultural evolution and ecosystem services. Pp. 350-351 in P Kareiva, H Tallis, TH Ricketts, GC Daily and S Polasky, Eds. The Theory & Practice of Ecosystem Service Valuation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Ranganathan, J and GC Daily. In press. Integrating biodiversity and agriculture: A success story in South Asia. Pp. 230-231 in P Kareiva, H Tallis, TH Ricketts, GC Daily and S Polasky, Eds. The Theory & Practice of Ecosystem Service Valuation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Nelson, E, R Cameron, J Regetz, S Polasky and GC Daily. In press. Terrestrial biodiversity. Pp. 229-245 in P Kareiva, H Tallis, TH Ricketts, GC Daily and S Polasky, Eds. The Theory & Practice of Ecosystem Service Valuation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Goldstein, JH, G Caldarone, C Colvin, TK Duarte, D Ennaanay, N Hannahs, E McKenzie, G Mendoza, S Wolny, and GC Daily. 2010. The Natural Capital Project, Kamehameha Schools, and InVEST: Integrating Ecosystem Services into Land-Use Planning in Hawai`i. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity.
Levy, K, GC Daily, and S Myers. In press. Ecosystem services and human health: A conceptual framework. Pp. xxx-xxx in C Ingram, C Rumbaitis Del Rio, A DeClerck, Eds., Integrating Ecology and Poverty Alleviation and International Development Efforts: A Practical Guide. Springer, New York, NY.
Goldman, R. L., G. C. Daily, and P. Karieva. 2010. Trade-offs in making ecosystem services and human well-being conservation priorities. In Trade-offs in Conservation: deciding what to save, eds N. Leader-
Tallis, H, Y Wang, B Fu, B Zhu, W Zhu, M Chen, C Tam, and GC Daily. 2010. The Natural Capital Project. The Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 41: 10-13.
Goldman, RL and GC Daily. 2010. Landscape-scale conservation: Fostering partnerships through ecosystem service approaches. Pp. 195-218 in JA Roumassett, KM Burnett, and AM Balisacan Eds. Sustainability Science for Watershed landscapes, ISEAS Publishing, Singapore.
Gleick, P et al. [with many coauthors]. 2010. Climate change and the integrity of science. Science 328: 689-690.
Daily, GC, M Cornelius, CJ Katz Jr., and B Shillinglaw. 2010. Conservation on our watch: Beyond charity, beyond reserves, and beyond white. Pp. 166-167 in Hoekstra, JM, JL Molnar, M Jennings, C Revenga, MD Spalding, TM Boucher, JC Robertson, and TJ Heibel, with K Ellison. The Atlas of Global Conservation: Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities to Make a Difference. The University of California Press, Berkeley.
Tallis, H, JH Goldstein and GC Daily. 2009. The Natural Capital Project. Pp. 288-290 in NS Sodhi and PR Ehrlich, Eds. Conservation Biology for All, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Ranganathan, J and GC Daily. 2009. Countryside biogeography: harmonizing biodiversity and agriculture. Pp. 251-252 in NS Sodhi and PR Ehrlich, Eds. Conservation Biology for All, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Conte, MC, C Giardina, N Hannahs, JB Friday, and JS Greenwell. 2009: The Emission-Reduction Potential of Native Forest Restoration in Hawai‘i. GC Daily, JH Goldstein, and J Kaulukukui, Eds. Report to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Task Force of the Hawai’i State Legislature. Submitted 14 August 2009. Honolulu, HI. 46 p.
Daily, GC. 2009. The impact of the population explosion on the environment. Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause 7(2): 17-18.
Tallis, H, GC Daily, J Grant, P Kareiva, and T Ricketts. 2008. Including natural capital in environmental decision making. Pp. 272-301 in The Role of the Environment in Poverty Alleviation. Fordham University Press, NY.
Brauman, KA and GC Daily. 2008. Ecosystem services. Pp. 1148-1154 in SE Jorgensen and BD Fath, Eds., Human Ecology. Vol. 2 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, Elsevier, Oxford.
Ranganathan, J and GC Daily. 2008.La biogeografía del paisaje rural: Oportunidades de conservación en paisajes de Mesoamérica manejados por humanos. Pp. 15-30 in CA Harvey and JC Sáenz, Eds. Evaluación y conservación de biodiversidad en paisajes fragmentados de Mesoamérica, Editorial INBio, Costa Rica.
Goldman, RL, BH Thompson, and GC Daily. 2007. Managing for ecosystem services on U.S. agricultural lands. Pp. 97-111 in K Arha, T Josling, DA Sumner, and BH Thompson, Eds., U.S. Agricultural Policy and the 2007 Farm Bill, Woods Institute for the Environment,
Pejchar, L, JH Goldstein, and GC Daily. 2007. Making the restoration of natural capital profitable on private land: Koa forestry on Hawai’i Island. Pp. 216-223 in J Aronson, S J Milton, and J Blignaut, Eds., Restoring Natural Capital: Science, Business, and Practice, Island Press, Washington, DC.
Brosi, BJ, GC Daily, and F Davis. 2006. Agricultural and urban landscapes. Pp. 256-274 in J.M. Scott, D.D. Goble, and F.W. Davis, Eds. The Endangered Species Act at Thirty: Conserving Biodiversity in Human-Dominated Landscape.Island Press, Washington, DC.
Fox, J, GC Daily, BH Thompson, KMA Chan, A Davis, A Niño-Murcia. 2006. Conservation banking. Pp. 228-243 in JM Scott, DD Goble, and FW Davis, Eds. The Endangered Species Act at Thirty: Conserving Biodiversity in Human-Dominated Landscapes.Island Press, Washington, DC.
Daily, GC. 2006. Countryside biogeography. Pp. 685-686 in MJ Groom, GK Meffe, CR Caroll, and contributors, Eds., Principles of Conservation Biology. Sinauer Associates, Inc, Sunderland, MA, 3rd Edition.
Díaz, S, D Tilman, J Fargione, FS Chapin, R Dirzo, T Kitzberger, B Gemmill, M Zobel, M Vilá, C Mitchell, A Wilby, GC Daily, M Galetti, WF Laurance, J Pretty, R Naylor, A Power, and D Harvell. 2005. Biodiversity regulation of ecosystem services. Chapter 11 (Pp. 297-329) in Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Current State and Trends. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Daily, GC. 2005. Why biodiversity matters. Pp. 15-23 in B. Babbit and J. Sarukhán, Co-Chairs, Conserving Biodiversity, The Aspen Institute, Washington, D.C.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Advisory Board. 2003. Introduction and conceptual framework. Pp. 26-48 in Ecosystems and Human Well-being: A Framework for Assessment. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Island Press, Washington, DC.
Daily, GC and K Ellison. 2003. Understanding nature’s services to societies. Pp. 34-41 in Waage, S, Ed. Ants, Galileo, and Gandhi: Designing the Futureof Business through Nature, Genius, and Compassion. Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, U.K.
Ranganathan, J and GC Daily. 2003. Carrying capacity. Pp. 115-117 In Demeny, Paul, and Geoffrey McNicoll. Encyclopedia of Population. Macmillan Reference USA, New York.
Daily, GC. 2001. Biography: Paul R. Ehrlich. In RE Munn, HA Mooney, and P Canadell, Eds.Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change: Biological and Ecological Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK.
Daily, GC and S Dasgupta. 2001. Ecosystem services. Pp. 353-362 In The Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Academic Press, San Diego.
Daily, GC. 2000. Biodiversity and happiness. Pp. 227-239 In Forces of Change: A New View of Nature, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the National Geographic Society, Washington, DC.
Field, CB, GC Daily, FW Davis, S Gaines, PA Matson, J Melack, and NL Miller. 1999. Confronting climate change in California: Ecological Impacts on the Golden State. Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA and Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC.
Daily, GC. 1999. Management objectives for the protection of ecosystem services. Issue Paper, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, September.
Watson, R, J Dixon, S Hamburg, A Janetos, R Moss, and contributors (including GC Daily). 1998. Protecting Our Planet, Securing Our Future: Linkages Among Global Environmental Issues and Human Needs. United Nations Environment Programme, U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and The World Bank.
Tilman, GD, DN Duvick, SB Brush, RJ Cook, GC Daily, GM Heal, S Naeem, and D Notter. 1998. Benefits of Biodiversity. CAST (Council on Agricultural Science and
Raven, P. (Chair) et al. (including GC Daily). 1998. Teaming with Life: Investing in Science to Understand and Use America’s Living Capital. Report of the President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and
Daily, GC. 1997. Countryside biogeography and the provision of ecosystem services. Pp. 104-113 In PH Raven, Ed. Nature and Human Society: The Quest for a Sustainable World, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Hughes, JB, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 1997. The loss of population diversity and why it matters. Pp. 71-83 In PH Raven, Ed. Nature and Human Society: The Quest for a Sustainable World, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Daily, GC. 1997. Ecosystem services: Benefits supplied to human societies by natural ecosystems. Summary Report, Ecological Society of America, Washington, D.C.
Daily, GC. 1997. Introduction: What are ecosystem services? Pp. 1-10 in GC Daily, Ed. Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems, Island Press, Washington, D.C.
Daily, GC, PA Matson, and PM Vitousek. 1997. Ecosystem services supplied by soil. Pp. 113-132 in GC Daily, Ed. Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems, Island Press, Washington, D.C.
Daily, GC. 1997. Valuing and safeguarding Earth’s life-support systems. Pp. 365-374 in GC Daily, Ed. Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems, Island Press, Washington, D.C.
Smith, FDM, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 1995. Human population dynamics and biodiversity loss. In TM Swanson, Ed., The Economics and Ecology of Biodiversity Decline: The Forces Driving Global Change, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
Bond, WJ, JC Castilla, GC Daily, JA Estes, J Lubchenco, BA Menge, LS Mills, HA Mooney, RT Paine, ME Power, and D Tilman. 1995. Keystone species: What are they and why do they matter? P. 290 in VH Heywood, Exec. Ed. Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge University Press.
Daily, GC. 1995. Population. In Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, Oxford Univ. Press, New York.
Holdren, JP, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 1995. The meaning of sustainability: biogeophysical aspects. Pp. 3-17 in Defining and Measuring Sustainability: The Biogeophysical Foundations, Ed. by M. Munasinghe and W. Shearer, The United Nations University and The World Bank, Washington, DC.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1995. Population extinction and the biodiversity crisis. Pp. 41-51 in C Perrings, KG Mäler, C Folke, CS Holling and BO Jansson (eds.), Biodiversity Conservation: Problems and Policies, Dordrecht, Kluwer academic Press. Reprinted in Wild Earth, Winter 1997/98: 35-45.
Daily, GC. 1993. Social constraints on restoration ecology. Pp. 9-16 in Nature Conservation III: Reconstruction of Fragmented Ecosystems ed. by DA Saunders, RJ Hobbs, and PR Ehrlich. Surrey Beatty & Sons: Perth.
Ehrlich, PR, GC Daily, AH Ehrlich, P Matson, and P Vitousek. 1989. Global change and carrying capacity: implications for life on earth. In DeFries, RS and TF Malone, eds., Global Change and Our Common Future (National Academy Press, Washington, DC), pp. 19-27.
Popular Articles
Daily, GC. 2010. Biodiversity loss. Scientific American April: 38.
Daily, GC and K Ellison. 2007. New York, pionnière pour la protection de l’eau. Le Monde Diplomatique: L’Atlas environnement, pp. 84-85.
Daily, GC. 2005. Natur und Profit. Greenpeace Magazin (Germany) Jan/Feb: 20-21.
Daily, GC. 2004. Conservation in human-dominated landscapes. Environmental Review11(5): 8-14.
Ellison, K and GC Daily. 2002. Natural assets. Nature Conservancy 52: 88.
Ellison, K and GC Daily. 2002. Banking on the Earth.
Ellison, K and GC Daily. 2002. Napa: How a town can live with a river and not get soaked.
Grist (1 June).
Daily, GC and K Ellison. 2002. The new economy of nature. ORION21: 54-59.
Ellison, K and GC Daily. 2002. Saving the Earth just might be cheaper than destroying it <and other titles>. The San Jose Mercury News (10 April),
Ellison, K and GC Daily. 2002. Money really does grow on trees (and in wetlands). The
Ceballos, G, GC Daily, PR Ehrlich, J Pacheco, G Suzán, A Sánchez-Azofeifa, B Stephens, and J Mieren. 1999. Countryside biogeography of Neotropical mammals: A Costa Rican case study. Amigos Newsletter 52: 5-7.
Ehrlich, PR and GC Daily. 1998. Sapsuckers at work. Whole Earth Summer: 24-26.
Ehrlich, PR, GC Daily, SC Daily, N Myers, and J Salzman. 1997. No middle way on the environment. The Atlantic Monthly, December: 98-104.
Daily, GC. 1997. Various versions of an op-ed on the value of natural ecosystems were published, as follows: As Earth Day nears, look at value of ecosystems. The San Francisco Examiner 19-20 April, weekend edition, p. 4A; Putting a price on nature. The Ventura County Sunday Star 20 April, p. D5; Value of natural ecosystems. The Monterey County Herald 20 April, p. A16; Taking stock of eco-wealth. The Plain Dealer 22 April, p. 9-B; Natural investments make sense. The Bangor
Daily, GC. 1995. Will we sacrifice the air we breathe, the water we drink? The Tri-Valley Herald, 8 September, p. A-19.
Ehrlich, PR, AH Ehrlich, and GC Daily. 1995. What it will take. Mother Jones, September Issue.
Boggs, CL and GC Daily. 1995. Politics, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services. The Stanford Daily, 8 June (Graduation Issue).
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1994. Butterflies used as a rapid assessment
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1993. Social dominance and saving biodiversity. Amigos Newsletter (Organization for Tropical Studies) 38: 14-15.
Ehrlich, PR and GC Daily. 1993. Dominance and the details of dicky-bird dining. American Birds 47(3): 195-197.
Daily, GC and PR Ehrlich. 1991. Figs, fun, and Tangara Tanagers. Amigos Newsletter (Organization for Tropical Studies): 34: 6-9.
Ehrlich, PR and GC Daily. 1991. Birding for fun: seeking sapsucker secrets. American Birds 44(5): 1067-1070.
Sisk, T, GC Daily, and PR Ehrlich. 1989. Waterfowl, wetlands, and global warming: hunters must rediscover their roots in conservation. CaliforniaWaterfowl Vol. XV (III): 28-29.