In circumstances where continuous enrollment is not possible, students may request a suspension of their enrollment by means of a leave of absence. Failure to be either enrolled by the study list deadline or to be approved for a leave of absence by the start of a term will result in the discontinuation of the student’s program.
Stanford requires graduate students to maintain continuous enrollment for all terms of the academic year (excluding Summer quarters) from admission through conferral of the degree. However, the university also recognizes that circumstances may arise where this may not be possible. In such circumstances, a student may request a leave of absence for up to one year, or four quarters, or be placed on an involuntary leave of absence. During the period of an approved leave, the student will not be registered.
Graduate students who do not meet the requirement for continuous registration during the academic year must obtain an approved leave of absence, in advance, for the term(s) they will not be registered. The leave of absence must be reviewed for approval by the chair or director of graduate studies of the student’s major department and, if the student is in the United States on a foreign student visa, by the Bechtel International Center. The granting of a leave of absence is at the discretion of the department and subject to review for approval by the Office of the Registrar.
The University may condition its approval of a petition for leave of absence on the student's meeting such requirements as the University deems appropriate in the individual case for the student to be eligible to return (such as, in the case of a leave for medical reasons, proof of treatment or an interview with a provider at Vaden or CAPS).
New graduate students and approved coterminal students may not take a leave of absence during their first quarter. Coterminal students are required to register their first graduate quarter. However, new Stanford students may request a deferment from the department.
For students with multiple degree programs or majors, note that leaves of absence are only granted for all programs and majors. Students in multiple degree programs may not therefore request a leave from one, but not the other.
Leaves of absence are granted for a maximum of one calendar year, or four quarters. Leaves requested for a longer period are approved only in exceptional circumstances (for example, mandatory military service). An extension of leave, for a maximum of one year or four quarters, is approved only in unusual circumstances. Extension requests must be made before the expiration of the original leave of absence. Leaves of absence for graduate students may not exceed a cumulative total of two years (eight quarters including Summer quarters).
Students on an approved leave of absence retain their admitted student status; however, they are not registered and therefore do not have the rights and privileges of registered students. Students on leave may complete course work for which an ‘Incomplete’ grade was reported in a prior term and are expected to comply with the one-year maximum time limit for resolving incompletes; the leave of absence does not extend the one-year maximum time limit for completion.
Leaves do not delay candidacy or master's program expiration dates. Failure to return as scheduled or to secure an extension of a prior leave will result in cancellation of registration privileges and a substantial reinstatement fee (in the event the student successfully seeks reinstatement after this time). Official department or University requirements (e.g., qualification examinations) cannot be fulfilled during the leave period.
When a student is granted a leave of absence after the beginning of the term, courses in which the student was enrolled after the final study list deadline appear on the student's transcript and show the symbol 'W' (withdrew).
Students who fail to be either enrolled by the final study list deadline or approved for a leave of absence by the start of a term are discontinued by the Office of the Registrar. They are required to apply for reinstatement through the Graduate Admissions office before they can return to the same degree program. The decision to approve or deny reinstatement is made by the student’s department or program. Departments are not obliged to approve reinstatements of students. Reinstatement decisions are made at the discretion of the department of the program and may be based on the applicant’s academic status when last enrolled, activities while away from campus, the length of the absence, the perceived potential for successful completion of the program, and the ability of the department to support the student both academically and financially, as well as any other factors or considerations regarded as relevant by the department or program.
Reinstatement information is available from the Graduate Admissions office. A fee is required. Reinstatement applications must be submitted prior to the first day of the term for which re-enrollment is requested if the student is registering for courses. See GAP 5.4, Voluntary Terminations and Reinstatements.
1.2.1 International Students and Visa Status
Nonimmigrant students and their dependents must maintain an appropriate visa status at all times. An absence from the U.S. of 5 or more months will result in termination of F-1 or J-1 status. If a student remains outside the U.S. for 5 or more months, a new I-20 or DS-2019 is necessary for re-entry. For further information contact the Bechtel International Center.
1.2.2 Financial Aid and Loans
Students receiving and financial support (assistantships or fellowships) should notify their department of any anticipated leave of absence as soon as possible. Graduate assistantship appointments and most fellowship programs require the student to be registered and enrolled in order to receive support. Such support is therefore not available to students while on a leave of absence.
Students should notify the Financial Aid Office of their intent to seek a leave if they are receiving any type of aid. Students with loans must notify all lenders of their intent to leave the university and request exit information before leaving campus (Stafford and private loans through the Financial Aid Office; Perkins and Institutional loans through Student Financial Services). Students are cautioned to consider carefully the effect of leaves on their loan status; lenders may count the leave period as part of the total grace period. Stanford will provide enrollment status to the National Student Loan Clearing House. Students who receive loan disbursements directly may be required to repay portions of their loans.
1.2.3 University Housing
University housing is generally not available to students on leave. Students with questions about room-and-board refunds should contact the Stanford Housing Assignment Services or the central office of the University Dining Services (for board refunds). Students with medical disabilities that require university medical services and women students on leave of absence while expecting the birth of a child may petition to remain in campus housing for one term while on leave. Approval requires good academic standing, department recommendation, and no outstanding financial obligations to Stanford. Address questions to Housing Assignment Services.
1.2.4 Health Insurance
A leave of absence processed by the Office of the Registrar before the first day of instruction will automatically cancel health insurance coverage. There is no cancellation of health insurance coverage or fees for leaves processed on or after the first day of classes. Contact Vaden Health Service for additional information.
1.2.5 Library Privileges
Contact the Privileges Division, Green Library, for access and borrowing privileges while on leave.
Students who take a leave from the university voluntarily on or before the first day of classes will receive a full tuition refund. Such students are not included in university records as registered for the term.
An active student in good standing who voluntarily takes a leave after the first day of instruction, but before the end of the first 60 percent of the term (term withdrawal deadline), will receive a pro rata refund. There is no refund after the first 60 percent of the term (trm withdrawal deadline). Courses in which the student was enrolled after the final study list deadline will appear on the student’s record and will show the grade of ‘W’ (withdrew).
The Leave of Absence form includes quarterly deadlines for receiving a partial tuition refund. A leave of absence submitted after the deadline is granted only for approved health and emergency reasons.
Graduate students returning to campus within the time period indicated on an approved leave of absence must complete the Returning Graduate Student Request to Register form, and submit it to the Office of the Registrar in advance of the first day in the quarter in which they will reenroll. In this circumstance, no reinstatement process or fee is required. Returning graduate students should stay in communication with their department and their adviser about their plans for reenrollment.
The Office of the Registrar will discontinue the academic program for students who do not return within the time period indicated on an approved leave of absence, or for whom other arrangements to continue the leave are not approved. Students whose program is discontinued for failure to enroll after a leave of absence must apply for reinstatement in order to return (see GAP 5.4, Voluntary Terminations and Reinstatements).
Students should clear all outstanding bills with Student Financial Services before returning to campus. Graduate students may apply for loans four weeks before the first day of classes in the quarter in which they plan to return. See the Financial Aid Office web site for detailed application requirements.
Graduate degree programs and candidacy must be valid in the term of reenrollment. A leave of absence does not extend the candidacy period.
An involuntary leave of absence can be imposed in circumstances in which a student:
Students whose circumstances warrant a review under the Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy, will be apprised, in writing, of University concerns and will be provided an opportunity to respond to concerns in writing or in person or via telephone before a review committee convened by the Dean of Student Life. Students placed on involuntary leave of absence can appeal an unfavorable decision to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs. The University can condition a student's return to registered student status on such requirements as the University deems appropriate in the individual case (such as, in the case of a leave for medical reasons, proof of treatment of an interview with a provider at Vaden or CAPS or its designee). The Dean of Students publishes the full Involuntary Leave of Absence policy [ ].
1. | Informs department and adviser of circumstances leading to a leave of absence. Discusses alternatives. | Student |
2. | Completes the Leave of Absence form and gathers necessary signatures. | Student |
3. | Reviews and either approves or denies the request. | Department |
4. | For international students, reviews and signs leave of absence form. | Bechtel Center |
5. | Mails or delivers the approved form to the Student Services Center. (Timeliness of delivery relative to the start of the quarter will determine whether any tuition will be required for that quarter.) | Student |
6. | If the leave is approved, adjusts the student’s status in PeopleSoft. | Registrar |
7. | Makes any necessary arrangements for housing, insurance, etc. | Student |
1. | Informs department and adviser of intended date for return from leave. | Student |
2. | Completes and sign the Returning Graduate Student Request to Register form and mails or delivers to the Student Services Center. | Student |
3. | If the return is within the requested period of time, reinstates the student’s status in PeopleSoft. | Registrar’s Office |
4. | Makes any necessary arrangements for housing, insurance, etc. | Student |
5. | Files a study list by the deadline date for the first quarter of reenrollment. | Student |
1. | Notifies the office of the Dean of Student Life about any concerns that might lead to an involuntary leave of absence. . (See Student Affairs policy web page.) | Department |
2. | Determines whether or not to proceed with an involuntary leave review. | Dean of Student Life, upon consultation as appropriate |
3. | Meets with the student and notifies the student that an involuntary leave is under review. Informs student that he/she can prepare a written statement and meet in person with the advisory committee to present his/her perspective and respond to concerns that were raised. | Dean of Student Life |
4. | Prepares written statement for meeting with advisory committee, if desired. | Student |
5. | Convenes an advisory board. | Dean of Student Life |
6. | Reviews appropriate materials and formulates recommendation. | Advisory Board |
7. | Receives recommendation from the advisory committee. Prepares initial determination and meets with student to inform of outcome. If a leave is imposed, the written decision must address: a) a time-frame when the student could be eligible to return; and b) the conditions the student will need to satisfy to be eligible for return. | Dean of Student Life |
8. | If the student wishes to appeal a decision to be placed on involuntary leave, files an appeal to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs within ten days. | Student |
9. | Communicates final appeal determination to student. | Vice Provost for Student Affairs |