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1 - 10 of 39 results for: SLAVLIT

SLAVLIT 129: Poetry as System: Introduction to Theory and Practice of Russian Verse (SLAVLIT 229)

The history and theory of Russian versification from the 17th to the 20th century. Prerequisite: reading knowledge of Russian.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DBHum | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

SLAVLIT 167: Introduction to Russian Cultural Studies

The fundamentals of literary analysis of poetics and rhetoric, as well as concepts and topics in Russian intellectual history. Goal is to improve students' comprehension and expression in Russian while building a conceptual vocabulary for understanding Russian literature and historical thought. In Russian. Prerequisite: third-year Russian or equivalent.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBHum | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

SLAVLIT 169: Advanced Russian Seminar: Reading Pushkin's Evgenii Onegin

A close reading of Pushkin's masterpiece in the context of the changes that were taking place in literary life of his times. Eugene Onegin and the birth of modern Russian novel. The evolution of Pushkin's literary style and narrative techniques. Final paper. In Russian. Prerequisites: three years of Russian or consent of instructor.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 2-4 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

SLAVLIT 179: Literature from Old Rus' and Medieval Russia (SLAVLIT 279)

From earliest times through the 17th century. The development of literary and historical genres, and links among literature and art, architecture, and religious culture. Readings in English; graduate students read in original.
Terms: Spr | Units: 2-4 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Zhivov, V. (PI)

SLAVLIT 182: Pushkin's Eugene Onegin

Russian literature's central masterpiece. In Russian.\n\n (Fleishman)
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

SLAVLIT 183: Readings in the Russian Press (SLAVLIT 283)

For students at the fifth-year Russian level. Advanced language training based on Russian newspapers and magazines. Discussion of issues regarding the Russian media and reading articles of a typical Russian press format.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

SLAVLIT 184: The History of the Russian Literary Language (SLAVLIT 284)

Major structural and semantic changes from the 10th to the 19th centuries. Recommended: 211, 212.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4-5 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

SLAVLIT 187: Russian Poetry of the 18th and 19th Centuries (SLAVLIT 287)

Required of majors in Russian language and literature; open to undergraduates who have completed three years of Russian, and to graduate students. The major poetic styles of the 19th century as they intersected with late classicism, the romantic movement, and the realist and post-realist traditions. Representative poems by Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Zhukovskii, Pushkin, Baratynskii, Lermontov, Tiutchev, Nekrasov, Fet, Soloviev. In Russian.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 3-4 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

SLAVLIT 188: Russian Poetry

Required of majors in Russian literature. Developments in 19th- and 20th-century Russian poetry including symbolism, acmeism, futurism, and literature of the absurd. Emphasis is on close readings of individual poems. Discussions in Russian.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-4 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Gruen, I. (PI)

SLAVLIT 189A: Honors Research

Senior honors students enroll for 5 units in Winter while writing the honors thesis, and may enroll in 189B for 2 units in Spring while revising the thesis. Prerequisite: DLCL 189.
Terms: Win, Spr | Units: 5 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Fleishman, L. (PI); Greenleaf, M. (PI); Safran, G.... more instructors for SLAVLIT 189A »
Instructors: Fleishman, L. (PI); Greenleaf, M. (PI); Safran, G. (PI)
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