NATIVEAM 25SI: Our Country, Our Way of Life: Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Justice
The struggles of indigenous peoples from Gwich'in to Alaska to the Ngai Tahu of Aotearoa (New Zealand) to protect their lands, resources, and ways of life from the desecreations and exploitations of colonialism and neocolonialism. Topics: self-determination, sovereignty, environmental justice, natural resource management, sacred geography protection, water rights, cultural survival, and intellectual property rights.
Terms: Win
Units: 2
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Wilcox, M.
NATIVEAM 109B: Indian Country Economic Development (CSRE 109B)
The history of competing tribal and Western economic models, and the legal, political, social, and cultural implications for tribal economic development. Case studies include mineral resource extraction, gaming, and cultural tourism. 21st-century strategies for sustainable economic development and protection of political and cultural sovereignty.
Terms: Aut
Units: 5
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Biestman, K.
NATIVEAM 116: Language, Culture, and Education in Native North America
Communication and language in crosscultural education, including literacy and interethnic communication in relation to native classrooms in the mainland U.S., Alaska, and nations and territories of the Pacific. Focus is on implications of social, cultural, and linguistic diversity for educational practice in bridging intercultural differences between schools and native communities.
Terms: Spr
Units: 5
UG Reqs: GER:DBSocSci
Grading: Letter
Instructors: Nelson-Barber, S.
NATIVEAM 123: American Indians and the Cinema (CSRE 123)
Hollywood and the film industry have had a major influence on American society for nearly a century. Initially designed to provide entertainment, the cinema broadened its impact by creating images perceived as real and essentialist. Hollywood's Indians have been the main source of information about who American Indians are and Hollywood has helped shape inaccurate and stereotypical perceptions that continue to exist today. This course looks chronologically at cinematic interpretations and critically examines accurate portrayals of American Indians and of American history.
Terms: Aut
Units: 5
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Shively, J.
NATIVEAM 197: The Rite to Remember: Performance and Chicana Indigenous Thought (CHICANST 197, CSRE 197, DRAMA 355M)
Indigenous technologies, philosophies, and aesthetics as expressed through performance, visual art, and the ceremonial practices of Chicana, indigenous, and African women artists and spirit practitioners in America.
Terms: Spr
Units: 3-5
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Moraga, C.
NATIVEAM 200R: Directed Research
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
Units: 1-5
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Biestman, K.; Lafromboise, T.; Snipp, C.; , .
NATIVEAM 200W: Directed Reading
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
Units: 1-5
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Biestman, K.; Lafromboise, T.; Snipp, C.
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