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1 - 8 of 8 results for: MTL

MTL 299: Edgework: New Directions in the Study of Culture

Workshop. Required of first-year students in the doctoral program. Methodologies of different disciplines, the possibility and difficulty of interdisciplinary work within these disciplines, and their connection with the individual projects of students in Modern Thought and Literature. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Spr | Units: 1-3 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: , .

MTL 334A: Concepts of Modernity 1: Philosophical Foundations (ENGLISH 334A)

Preference to first-year graduate students in Modern Thought and Literature and English. Kant's 18th-century development of the critique of reason; how it set the stage for the themes and problems that have preoccupied Western thinkers. Focus is on texts that extend and problematize the critique of reason. Writers include Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Weber, Freud, Lukács, and Heidegger.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Moya, P.

MTL 334B: Concepts of Modernity 2: The Study of Culture in the Age of Globalization (ENGLISH 334B)

20th-century theory with focus on the concept of culture and methods of studying it from diverse disciplines including sociology, anthropology, history, literary and cultural studies. Modernization, postmodernization, and globalization in their relations to culture broadly understood, cultures in their regional, national, and diasporic manifestations, and cultures as internally differentiated such as high and low culture, subcultures, and media cultures. Readings include Gramsci, Adorno, Horkheimer, Williams, Hall, Gilroy, Hebdige, Jameson, García Canclini, Foucault, Bourdieu, Geertz, Clifford, Saïd, Appadurai, and Appiah.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Heise, U.

MTL 390: Qualifying Paper

Preparation and writing of the qualifying paper for the Ph.D. in Modern Thought and Literature. (Staff)
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-5 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: S/NC
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Cohen, J.;... more instructors for MTL 390 »
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Cohen, J.; Domanska, E.; Dupuy, J.; Ebron, P.; Elam, H.; Elam, M.; Ferguson, J.; Fishkin, S.; Friedman, M.; Gumbrecht, J.; Hanretta, S.; Heise, U.; Jain, S.; Longino, H.; Lowood, H.; Lunsford, A.; Majumdar, S.; Malkki, L.; McGinn, R.; Moretti, F.; Moya, P.; Mudimbe-Boyi, E.; Palumbo-Liu, D.; Proctor, R.; Roberts, R.; Saldivar, R.; Schiebinger, L.; Sohn, S.; Stacy, H.; Turner, F.; Weisberg, R.; White, R.; Woloch, A.; Yarbro-Bejarano, Y.

MTL 395: Ad Hoc Graduate Seminar

Graduate students (three or more) who wish to study a subject or an area not covered by regular courses and seminars may plan an informal seminar and approach a member of the faculty to supervise it. May be repeated for
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-5 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Cohen, J.;... more instructors for MTL 395 »
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Cohen, J.; Dupuy, J.; Ebron, P.; Elam, H.; Elam, M.; Ferguson, J.; Fishkin, S.; Friedman, M.; Gumbrecht, J.; Hanretta, S.; Heise, U.; Jain, S.; Longino, H.; Lowood, H.; Lunsford, A.; Majumdar, S.; Malkki, L.; Moretti, F.; Moya, P.; Mudimbe-Boyi, E.; Palumbo-Liu, D.; Proctor, R.; Roberts, R.; Saldivar, R.; Schiebinger, L.; Sohn, S.; Stacy, H.; Weisberg, R.; White, R.; Woloch, A.; Yarbro-Bejarano, Y.

MTL 398: Research

Students pursue a special subject of investigation under supervision of a member of the committee or another faculty member. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-15 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Cohen, J.;... more instructors for MTL 398 »
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Cohen, J.; Domanska, E.; Duffey, C.; Dupuy, J.; Ebron, P.; Elam, H.; Elam, M.; Ferguson, J.; Fishkin, S.; Friedman, M.; Gumbrecht, J.; Hanretta, S.; Heise, U.; Jain, S.; Longino, H.; Lowood, H.; Lunsford, A.; Majumdar, S.; Malkki, L.; McGinn, R.; Moretti, F.; Moya, P.; Mudimbe-Boyi, E.; Obenzinger, H.; Palumbo-Liu, D.; Proctor, R.; Roberts, R.; Rose, J.; Saldivar, R.; Schiebinger, L.; Schnapp, J.; Sohn, S.; Stacy, H.; Turner, F.; Weisberg, R.; White, R.; Woloch, A.; Yarbro-Bejarano, Y.

MTL 399: Reading for Orals

Reading in preparation for the University Oral Examination. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-15 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: S/NC
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Cohen, J.;... more instructors for MTL 399 »
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Cohen, J.; Domanska, E.; Dupuy, J.; Ebron, P.; Elam, H.; Elam, M.; Ferguson, J.; Fishkin, S.; Friedman, M.; Gumbrecht, J.; Hanretta, S.; Heise, U.; Jain, S.; Longino, H.; Lowood, H.; Lunsford, A.; Majumdar, S.; Malkki, L.; McGinn, R.; Moretti, F.; Moya, P.; Mudimbe-Boyi, E.; Palumbo-Liu, D.; Proctor, R.; Roberts, R.; Saldivar, R.; Schiebinger, L.; Sohn, S.; Stacy, H.; Turner, F.; Weisberg, R.; White, R.; Woloch, A.; Yarbro-Bejarano, Y.

MTL 802: TGR Dissertation

Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 0 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: TGR
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Camarillo,... more instructors for MTL 802 »
Instructors: Anderson, R.; Bukatman, S.; Callan, E.; Camarillo, A.; Cohen, J.; Dupuy, J.; Ebron, P.; Elam, H.; Elam, M.; Ferguson, J.; Fishkin, S.; Friedman, M.; Gumbrecht, J.; Hanretta, S.; Heise, U.; Jain, S.; Longino, H.; Lowood, H.; Lunsford, A.; Majumdar, S.; Malkki, L.; Moretti, F.; Moya, P.; Mudimbe-Boyi, E.; Palumbo-Liu, D.; Proctor, R.; Roberts, R.; Saldivar, R.; Schiebinger, L.; Schnapp, J.; Sohn, S.; Stacy, H.; Weisberg, R.; White, R.; Woloch, A.; Yarbro-Bejarano, Y.
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