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1 - 10 of 15 results for: MCP


Diseases of the nervous system. First lecture of each week focuses on the clinical, epidemiological and behavioral aspects of a selected disease or syndrome. Second lecture exposes the cell biological, electrophysiological, biochemical and/or molecular biological processes that underlie each disease presented. Instructors maintain some flexibility in the diseases chosen for elucidation, but students can expect those covered to range from the relatively straightforward, for example Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), to the more complex, for example, Schizophrenia or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). 3 units for lecture and discussion on... more description for MCP 126 »
Diseases of the nervous system. First lecture of each week focuses on the clinical, epidemiological and behavioral aspects of a selected disease or syndrome. Second lecture exposes the cell biological, electrophysiological, biochemical and/or molecular biological processes that underlie each disease presented. Instructors maintain some flexibility in the diseases chosen for elucidation, but students can expect those covered to range from the relatively straightforward, for example Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), to the more complex, for example, Schizophrenia or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). 3 units for lecture and discussion only; 4 units includes a paper. Prerequisite: Biology or Human Biology core.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-4 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

MCP 199: Undergraduate Research

Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Brunger, A. (PI); Garcia, K. (PI); Goodman, M. (PI... more instructors for MCP 199 »
Instructors: Brunger, A. (PI); Garcia, K. (PI); Goodman, M. (PI); Kobilka, B. (PI); Lewis, R. (PI); Madison, V. (PI); Maduke, M. (PI); Nachury, M. (PI); Nelson, W. (PI); Smith, S. (PI); Tsien, R. (PI)

MCP 200: Cardiovascular Physiology

Offered jointly with the Department of Medicine. Lectures, small group instruction, clinical presentations, and lab demonstrations of normal and disordered human cardiovascular physiology. Prerequisite: understanding of general biochemistry.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

MCP 202: Advanced Immunology II (IMMUNOL 202)

Readings of immunological literature. Classic problems and emerging areas based on primary literature. Student and faculty presentations. Prerequisite: IMMUNOL 201/MI 211.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

MCP 216: Genetic Analysis of Behavior (NBIO 216)

Advanced seminar. Findings and implications of behavioral genetics as applied to invertebrate and vertebrate model systems. Topics include biological clocks, and sensation and central pattern generators. Relevant genetic techniques and historical perspective. Student presentation.
Terms: Win | Units: 4 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

MCP 221: Advanced Cell Biology (BIO 214, BIOC 224)

For Ph.D. students. Current research on cell structure, function, and dynamics. Topics include complex cell phenomena such as cell division, apoptosis, compartmentalization, transport and trafficking, motility and adhesion, differentiation, and multicellularity. Current papers from the primary literature. Prerequisite for advanced undergraduates: BIO 129A,B, and consent of instructor.
Terms: Win | Units: 2-5 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Instructors: Kopito, R. (PI); Nachury, M. (PI); Pfeffer, S. (PI... more instructors for MCP 221 »
Instructors: Kopito, R. (PI); Nachury, M. (PI); Pfeffer, S. (PI); Straight, A. (PI); Theriot, J. (PI)

MCP 222: Imaging: Biological Light Microscopy (BIO 152)

Survey of instruments which use light and other radiation for analysis of cells in biological and medical research. Topics: basic light microscopy through confocal fluorescence and video/digital image processing. Lectures on physical principles; involves partial assembly and extensive use of lab instruments. Lab. Prerequisites: some college physics, Biology core.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

MCP 232: Advanced Imaging Lab in Biophysics (APPPHYS 232, BIO 132, BIO 232, BIOPHYS 232)

Laboratory and lectures. Advanced microscopy and imaging, emphasizing hands-on experience with state-of-the-art techniques. Students construct and operate working apparatus. Topics include microscope optics, Koehler illumination, contrast-generating mechanisms (bright/dark field, fluorescence, phase contrast, differential interference contrast), and resolution limits. Laboratory topics vary by year, but include single-molecule fluorescence, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy, and optical trapping. Limited enrollment. Recommended: basic physics, Biology core or equivalent, and consent of instructor.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Block, S. (PI); Smith, S. (PI); Stearns, T. (PI)

MCP 256: How Cells Work: Energetics, Compartments, and Coupling in Cell Biology

Open to graduate and medical students, and advanced undergraduates. Dynamic aspects of cell behavior and function, including cellular energetics, homeostasis, heterogeneity of membranes, structure and function of organelles, solute and water transport, signaling and motility. Emphasis is on the principles of how coupling of molecular processes gives rise to essential functions at the cellular level. Mathematical models of cell function. Student presentations.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Instructors: Goodman, M. (PI); Maduke, M. (PI)

MCP 258: Information and Signaling Mechanisms in Neurons and Circuits (NBIO 258)

How synapses, cells, and neural circuits process information relevant to a behaving organism. How phenomena of information processing emerge at several levels of complexity in the nervous system, including sensory transduction in molecular cascades, information transmission through axons and synapses, plasticity and feedback in recurrent circuits, and encoding of sensory stimuli in neural circuits.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
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