FRENLIT 120: Coffee and Cigarettes: The Making of French Intellectual Culture
Explore this unique characteristic of French culture by reading some of its greatest works. Readings and discussion in French. Texts by Sartre, Camus, Voltaire, Molière, and many others.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3-5
UG Reqs: GER:DBHum
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
FRENLIT 122: Great Moments in French Culture and History
How did France stay in the global limelight for over three centuries? Discover and discuss some of its cultural high points such as Versailles and the French Revolution in this gateway course to French studies. Prerequisite: FRENLANG 23 or equivalent.
Terms: Spr
Units: 3-5
UG Reqs: GER:DBHum
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
FRENLIT 130: Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance French Literature
Introduction to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The birth of a national literature and its evolution. Literature as addressing cultural, philosophical, and artistic issues which question assumptions on love, ethics, art, and the nature of the self. Readings: epics (La Chanson de Roland), medieval romances (Tristan, Chrétien de Troyes' Yvain), post-Petrarchan poetics (Du Bellay, Ronsard, Labé), and prose humanists (Rabelais, Montaigne). Prerequisite: FRENLANG 126 or consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBHum
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Alduy, C. (PI)
FRENLIT 131: Absolutism, Enlightenment, and Revolution in 17th- and 18th-Century France
The literature, culture, and politics of France from Louis XIV to Olympe de Gouges. How this period produced the political and philosophical foundations of modernity. Readings include Corneille, Molière, Racine, Lafayette, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Beaumarchais, and Gouges. Prerequisite: FRENLANG 126 or consent of instructor.
Terms: Win
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBHum
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Robert, Y. (PI)
FRENLIT 132: Literature, Revolutions, and Changes in 19th- and 20th-Century France
Major literary genres, and social and cultural contexts. Focus is on the emergence of new literary forms such as surréalisme, nouveau roman, and nouveau théâtre. Topics of colonization, decolonization, and feminism. Readings include Balzac, Baudelaire, Césaire, Colette, and Ionesco. Prerequisite: FRENLANG 126 or consent of instructor.
Terms: Spr
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBHum
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Apostolides, J. (PI)
FRENLIT 133: Literature and Society in Africa and the Caribbean (COMPLIT 141)
Major African and Caribbean writers. Issues raised in literary works which reflect changing aspects of the societies and cultures of Francophone Africa and the French Caribbean. Topics include colonization and change, quest for identity, tradition and modernity, and new roles and status for women. Readings in fiction and poetry. Authors include Laye Camara, Mariama Ba, and Joseph Zobel. In French. Prerequisite: FRENLANG 126 or consent of instructor.
Terms: Win
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBHum, GER:ECGlobalCom
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Mudimbe-Boyi, E. (PI)
FRENLIT 152: Fashion and Image in Post-Romantic Paris
This course explores the roles of fashion and image in the literature and visual culture of late-nineteenth-century Paris. Classes will engage a variety of topics ranging from the formation of aesthetic values to the impact of the media on popular taste. In addition to discussing texts, we will examine visual genres such as caricature, cosmopolitan portraiture, and advertising. Readings include essays and short fiction by Balzac, Gautier, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Flaubert, de Maupassant, and Zola.
Terms: Win
Units: 3-5
UG Reqs: GER:DBHum
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
FRENLIT 159: Confessions in 19th-Century French Literature
Evolution of confessional mode in 19th-century first-person narrative. In what way the confessional mode of the Christian practice was preserved in literature and what changes it underwent in the narratives about the self. How did the religious crisis in 19th century France invest the literary confessions? The topics are confessors, conversion, sincerity, repentance, guilt. Authors include Saint Augustine, Rousseau, Musset, Constant, Sainte-Beuve, Fouché, Guizot, Lamartine, Verlaine, Nerval. Taught in French.
Terms: Spr
Units: 3-5
UG Reqs: GER:DBHum
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
FRENLIT 189A: Honors Research
Senior honors students enroll for 5 units in Winter while writing the honors thesis, and may enroll in 189B for 2 units in Spring while revising the thesis. Prerequisite: DLCL 189.
Terms: Win
Units: 5
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Edelstein, D. (PI); Gumbrecht, J. (PI); Harrison, ...
more instructors for FRENLIT 189A »
Instructors: Edelstein, D. (PI); Gumbrecht, J. (PI); Harrison, R. (PI); Landy, J. (PI); Mudimbe-Boyi, E. (PI); Schnapp, J. (PI); Springer, C. (PI); Wittman, L. (PI)
FRENLIT 189B: Honors Research
Open to juniors with consent of adviser while drafting honors proposal. Open to senior honors students while revising honors thesis. Prerequisites for seniors: 189A, DLCL 189.
Terms: Spr
Units: 2
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Alduy, C. (PI); Apostolides, J. (PI); Dupuy, J. (P...
more instructors for FRENLIT 189B »
Instructors: Alduy, C. (PI); Apostolides, J. (PI); Dupuy, J. (PI); Edelstein, D. (PI); Galvez, M. (PI); Gumbrecht, J. (PI); Landy, J. (PI); Mudimbe-Boyi, E. (PI); Serres, M. (PI); Wittman, L. (PI)
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