EFSLANG 197: Directed Study
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-3
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Hubbard, P. (PI)
EFSLANG 397: Directed Study
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-3
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Hubbard, P. (PI)
EFSLANG 683S: Workshop in Oral Communication for International Students
Provides support in the development of listening and speaking skills in English, including academic listening, small group discussion, oral presentation, and intercultural communication. Weekly classroom sessions with individual or small group tutorials. Limited to visiting undergraduates and students in the High School Summer College program.
Terms: Sum
Units: 1-2
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Mawson, C. (PI)
EFSLANG 683W: Workshop in Written Communication for International Students
Provides support in the development of English reading and writing skills and vocabulary development for non-natives. Writing assignments are negotiated with the instructor and may include practice in composition, SAT or TOEFL writing, and writing university application essays and statements of purpose. Weekly classroom sessions with individual or small group tutorials. Limited to visiting undergraduates and students in the High School Summer College program
Terms: Sum
Units: 1-2
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Hubbard, P. (PI)
EFSLANG 688V: Intensive English and Academic Orientation for Stanford Visiting Scholars
Goal is to improve English proficiency and introduce the university environment. Writing, pronunciation, listening, discussion, oral presentation, and spoken usage. Enrollment limited to 14.
Terms: Sum
Units: 5
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Hubbard, P. (PI); Rylance, C. (PI)
EFSLANG 689E: Learning English on Your Own
Independent English language learning. Learning strategies and objectives, setting and maintaining practice schedules, and evaluating progress. Focus is on exploiting web-based resources. Individual meetings.
Terms: Sum
Units: 1
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Hubbard, P. (PI)
EFSLANG 689H: American Humor
Analysis of jokes, humorous stories, and situations through modern media. Practice in advanced listening comprehension and English idioms.
Terms: Sum
Units: 1
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Streichler, S. (PI)
EFSLANG 689L: Living in the USA
Life and relationships outside the University classroom. Goal is to familiarize international students with the cultural expectations and forms of language use in a variety of situations in the University community and in other social situations. Enrollment limited to 14.
Terms: Sum
Units: 1
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: McPherron, P. (PI)
EFSLANG 689P: Pronunciation
The sounds of English, and stress, intonation, and rhythm patterns important to natural-sounding speech. Enrollment limited to 14.
Terms: Sum
Units: 2
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Mawson, C. (PI)
EFSLANG 689T: Interacting in California's Vineyard Culture
Focuses on communicative skills in the context of California's renowned wine culture. Emphasis on the language of wine using appropriate terminology, and interacting knowledgeably with restaurant and retail wine staff. Topics include learning the fundamentals of vineyard techniques, varietal characteristics, tasting techniques, drinking and ordering etiquette. Course is co-taught by a wine expert and an ESL instructor. Class consists of a short interactive lecture, a communicative activity such as role playing, and a tasting of four specially selected wines. Participants must be at least 21 years old. Fee.
Terms: Sum
Units: 1
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Rylance, C. (PI)
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