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1 - 10 of 15 results for: AMSTUD

AMSTUD 66SI: Introduction to American Sports in American Society

American sports are elemental to American identity. The rules, history and cultural impact of football, basketball, and baseball are examined to understand how these sports effect society. For students with limited sports knowledge. Readings on history and societal impact of these three games, as well as watching different sporting events through a variety of media.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Glasser, T.

AMSTUD 101: American Fiction into Film: How Hollywood Scripts and Projects Black and White Relations

Movies and the fiction that inspires them; power dynamics behind production including historical events, artistic vision, politics, and racial stereotypes. What images of black and white does Hollywood produce to forge a national identity? How do films promote equality between the races? What is lost or gained in film adaptations of books?
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:ECAmerCul | Grading: Letter
Instructors: Mesa, C.

AMSTUD 114N: Visions of the 1960s

Preference to sophomores. Introduction to the ideas, sensibility, and, to a lesser degree, the politics of the American 60s. Topics: the early 60s vision of a beloved community; varieties of racial, generational, and feminist dissent; the meaning of the counterculture; and current interpretive perspectives on the 60s. Film, music, and articles and books.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBHum, GER:ECAmerCul | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Gillam, R.

AMSTUD 123G: Mark Twain: A Fresh Look at an Icon and Iconoclast, 100 Years after His Death (ENGLISH 123G)

The vitality and versatility of a writer who has been called America's Rabelais, Cervantes, Homer, Tolstoy, and Shakespeare. Journalism, travel books, fiction, drama, and sketches by Mark Twain; how Twain engaged such issues as personal and national identity, satire and social justice, imperialism, race and racism, gender, performance, travel, and technology. What are Twain's legacies in 2010, the centennial of his death, the 175th anniversary of his birth, and the 125th anniversary of his most celebrated novel? Guests include actor Hal Holbrook.
Terms: Spr | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBHum, GER:ECAmerCul | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Fishkin, S.; Obenzinger, H.

AMSTUD 137: Jefferson in Paris

Thomas Jefferson's years in Paris (1784-1789). The historical, political, literary, aesthetic, domestic, romantic, and transformative aspects of the Paris sojourn, through an interdisciplinary approach to the facts and fictions Jefferson generated. Sources include letters, articles, books, histories, novels, and films.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBHum | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Mesa, C.

AMSTUD 150: American Literature and Culture to 1855 (ENGLISH 123)

Sources include histories, poetry, autobiography, captivity and slave narratives, drama, and fiction. Authors include Mather, Bradstreet, Rowlandson, Franklin, Brockden Brown, Emerson, Douglass, Hawthorne, and Melville.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBHum, GER:ECAmerCul | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Richardson, J.

AMSTUD 156H: History of Women and Medicine in the United States

Women's bodies in sickness and health, and encounters with lay and professional healers from the 18th century to the present. Historical contstruction of thought about women's bodies and physical limitations; sexuality; birth control and abortion; childbirth; adulthood; and menopause and aging. Women as healers, including midwives, lay physicians, the medical profession, and nursing.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:ECGender | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Horn, M.

AMSTUD 160: Perspectives on American Identity

Required for American Studies majors. Changing interpretations of American identity and Americanness.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBHum, GER:ECAmerCul | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Gillam, R.

AMSTUD 179: Introduction to American Law (LAWGEN 106, POLISCI 122)

For undergraduates. The structure of the American legal system including the courts; American legal culture; the legal profession and its social role; the scope and reach of the legal system; the background and impact of legal regulation; criminal justice; civil rights and civil liberties; and the relationship between the American legal system and American society in general.
Terms: Win | Units: 3-5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBSocSci | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Friedman, L.

AMSTUD 183: Border Crossings and American Identities (CSRE 183)

How novelists, filmmakers, and poets perceive racial, ethnic, gender, sexual preference, and class borders in the context of a national discussion about the place of Americans in the world. How Anna Deavere Smith, Sherman Alexie, or Michael Moore consider redrawing such lines so that center and margin, or self and other, do not remain fixed and divided. How linguistic borderlines within multilingual literature by Caribbean, Arab, and Asian Americans function. Can AnzaldĂșa's conception of borderlands be constructed through the matrix of language, dreams, music, and cultural memories in these American narratives? Course includes examining one's own identity.
Terms: Aut | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBHum, GER:ECAmerCul | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Duffey, C.
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