New Location: The Center has moved into our new home in the "old" Law School. Stop by and see us on the 3rd floor, rooms 317-327 (find us).
If you are not sure who to refer your question to, begin by contacting the Center/Program administrative associate Breana Dinh.
Mailing address for the Center/Program:
Center for Ethics in Society
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Crown Quadrangle (find us)
Stanford CA 94305-8610
MC 3099
650-736-2629 (main number)
650-736-0937 (fax)
Debra Satz (Philosophy) Director of the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society
[email protected]
Room 321
Rob Reich (Political Science) Director of the Program in Ethics in Society (undergraduate honors program)
[email protected]
Joan Berry Associate Director of the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society
[email protected]
Room 322
Breana Dinh Administrative Associate
[email protected]
Room 323
Lily Clausen Communications Specialist
[email protected]
Room 325
Mailing Lists
The McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society maintains a one-way electronic mailing list for announcements and distribution of pertinent information. If you would like to subscribe to the list, please email Breana Dinh. Please be sure to specify if you are a student, faculty, staff, post doc, or community member.
Once a year the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society publishes its newsletter. The newsletter is available electronically or in hard copy. To receive a copy of the newsletter, please email Breana Dinh and let her know which version you prefer.