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Dee, Thomas S.
Academic Title
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Program Affiliations
Professional Experience
Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Co-editor, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Policy Editor, Behavioral Science and Policy
Editorial Board, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
Editorial Board, Educational Researcher
Courses Taught
EDUC 255B Causal Inference in Quantitative Educational and Social Science Research
EDUC 339 Quantitative Policy Analysis (Workshop)
Recent Publications
“School Turnarounds: Evidence from the 2009 Stimulus,” NBER Working Paper No. 17990, April 2012.
"The Effects of NCLB on School Resources and Practices," with Brian Jacob and Nathaniel Schwartz, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, forthcoming.
“Stereotype Threat and the Student Athlete," Economic Inquiry, forthcoming.
"Do Parental Involvement Laws Deter Risky Teen Sex," with Silvie Colman and Ted Joyce, revised manuscript under review, November 2012.
"When a Nudge isn't Enough: Defaults and Savings among Low-Income Tax Filers," with Erin Todd Bronchetti, David Huffman, and Ellen Magenheim, revised manuscript under review, November 2012.
“Rational Ignorance in Education: A Field Experiment in Student Plagiarism,” with Brian Jacob, Journal of Human Resources 47(2), Spring 2012: 397-434.
“Conditional Cash Penalties in Education: Evidence from the Learnfare Experiment,” Economics of Education Review 30(5), October 2011, 924-937.
“The Impact of the No Child Left Behind Act on Student Achievement,” with Brian Jacob, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 30(3), Summer 2011, 418-446.
“The Non-cognitive Returns to Class Size,” with Martin West, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 33(1), March 2011, 23-46.