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Haertel, Edward
Academic Title
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Jacks Family Professor of Education, Emeritus
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Dr. Haertel is an expert in the area of educational testing and assessment. His research and teaching focus on psychometrics and educational policy, especially test-based accountability and related policy uses of test data. His recent work has examined standard setting methods, limitations of value-added models for teacher and school accountability, impacts of testing on curriculum, students, and educational policy, test reliability, and generalizability theory.
Functions of test scores in discourse about education; how testing shapes ideas of success and failure for students, schools, and public education as a whole.
"It is not hard to understand why accountability testing is popular with policy makers. Testing enjoys broad popular support. Calling for more or higher-stakes testing is a visible, dramatic response to public concerns about education. Moreover, the idea that demanding higher test scores will improve schooling carries with it the not-too-subtle implication that students, teachers, and administrators just aren't trying hard enough."
- from his article, "Performance Assessment and Education Reform"
- PhD (Measurement, Evaluation and Statistical Analysis), University of Chicago, 1980;
- BA (Mathematics), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1971
Time at Stanford
Since 1980.
Assistant Professor of Education (1980 - 1987);
Associate Professor of Education (1987 - 1992);
Professor of Education (1992 - 2008);
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs (2005 - 2010);
Jacks Family Professor of Education (2008 - 2012);
Jacks Family Professor of Education, Emeritus (2013- )
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Chicago (1979-1980)
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Test Theory (Ed 252)
- Educational Assessment (Ed 276)
- Problems in Measurement: Item Response Theory (Ed 353A)
- Problems in Measurement: Generalizability Theory (Ed 353C)
Recent Publications
“Evaluating Teacher Evaluation” in Phi Delta Kappan (2012, with L. Darling-Hammond, A. Amrein-Beardsley, and J. Rothstein);
“The Briefing Book Method” in G. Cizek (Ed.), Setting Performance Standards (2012, with J. Beimers and J. Miles);
The Effect of Ignoring Classroom-level Variance in Estimating the Generalizability of School Mean Scores” in Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice (2011, with X. Wei);
Problems with the use of student test scores to evaluate teachers (2010, EPI policy brief , one of ten authors, listed alphabetically, available at https://www.epi.org/publications/entry/bp278)
Gaining Ground in the Middle Grades: Why Some Schools Do Better (2010, co-authored with Trish Williams and Michael Kirst, available at Available at https://www.edsource.org/middle-grades-study.html)
Assessment, Equity, and Opportunity to Learn (2008, co-edited with Pamela A. Moss, Diana C. Pullin, James Paul Gee, and Lauren Jones Young)
Uses and Misuses of Data for Educational Accountability and Improvement (2006 NSSE Yearbook, co-edited with Joan L. Herman)
Reliability (2006, chapter in Educational Measurement, 4th ed.)
Current Activities
Faculty Advisor for SchoolsOut (School of Education LGBT Student organization); Member, State of California Advisory Committee for the Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999 and Chair, Subcommittee on the Academic Performance Index (1999 - ); chair, National Research Council's Board on Testing and Assessment (BOTA), Vice-President for Programs, National Academy of Education (2009 - )