Econ 325 Social Science History

Term: Fall
Date and Time Speaker(s) Title (click for more details) Location
Wed, Sep 23, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Xavier Duran
Northwestern University

Formation of Expectations and the Expected Private Profitability of the First Transcontinental Railroad Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Sep 30, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Richard Sutch
UC Berkeley

Henry Agard Wallace, the Iowa Corn Yield Tests, and the Adoption of Hybrid Corn Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Oct 7, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Jeffrey Greenbaum
UC Berkeley

Land Endowments, Child Labor, and the Development of Public Schooling: Evidence from Early 20th Century U.S. Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Oct 14, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Estefania Santacreu-Vasut
UC Berkeley

Diversity and Institutions: Theory and Evidence from the Spread of Industrialization Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Oct 21, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Nathan Nunn
Harvard University (visiting Stanford)

The Potato's Contribution to Population and Urbanization: Evidence from an Historical Experiment Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Oct 28, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Kris Mitchener
Santa Clara University

Arresting Bank Panics: Fed Liquidity Provision and the Forgotten Panic of 1929 Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Nov 4, 1:30PM - 3:00PM L. Kamran Bilir and Petra Moser
Stanford University

Do Stronger Patent Rights Encourage Technology Transfer? Evidence from the U.S. Accession to the Paris Convention in 1887 Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Nov 11, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Christopher K. Paik
Stanford University

Historical Underpinnings of Institutions: Evidence from the Neolithic Revolution Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Nov 18, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Nancy Qian
Yale University

The Institutional Causes of China's Great Famine, 1959-1961 Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Nov 25, 5:45PM

Thanksgiving Week Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Dec 2, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Estefania Santacreu-Vasut
UC Berkeley

Diversity and Institutions: Theory and Evidence from the Spresad of Industrialization Econ Bldg 351
Term: Winter
Date and Time Speaker(s) Title (click for more details) Location
Wed, Feb 10, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Seema Jayachandran
Stanford University

Modern Medicine and the 20th Century Decline in Mortality: Evidence on the Impact of Sulfa Drugs Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Feb 17, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Alex Whalley
UC Merced
Shawn Kantor
UC Merced
Separating the Roles of Church and State in the Ascendancy of American Higher Education, 1900-1914 Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Feb 24, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Ludger Woessman
University of Munich

The Empire Is Dead, Long Live the Empire! Values and Human Interactions Ninety Years after the Fall of the Habsburg Empire Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Mar 3, 4:00PM - 5:30PM Fabian Waldinger
University of Warwick

Peer Effects in Science (Joint meeting with Social Science and Technology Seminar) *Note Special Time and Location* SIEPR B*
Wed, Mar 10, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Steve Nafziger
Williams College

How Did Ivan's Vote Matter? The Political Economy of Local Democracy in Tsarist Russia Econ Bldg 351
Term: Spring
Date and Time Speaker(s) Title (click for more details) Location
Wed, Apr 7, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Peter Zeitz

Short-Run Incentives and Myopic Behavior: Evidence from State-Owned Enterprises in China Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Apr 14, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Alexander Field
Santa Clara University

Behavioral Economics: Lessons from the Military Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Apr 21, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Pauline Grosjean
Univeristy of San Francisco

A History of Violence: Testing the 'Culture of Honor' in the US South Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Apr 28, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Debin Ma
London School of Economics

Incentives and Information: an Institutional Analysis of the Traditional Chinese State and Great Divergence in the Early Modern era Econ Bldg 351
Wed, May 5, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Rick Hornbeck
Harvard University

The Enduring Impact of the American Dust Bowl: Short and Long-Run Adjustments to Environmental Catastrophe Econ Bldg 351
Wed, May 12, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Aldo Musacchio
Harvard Business School

The Great Leap Forward: The Political Economy of Education in Brazil, 1889-1930 Econ Bldg 351
Wed, May 19, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Petra Moser
Stanford University

How much did the US gain from the arrival of German-Jewish Emigres? Nazi expulsions & American scientific innovation (Joint with Social Science and Technology Seminar) Gunn SIEPR Bldg Room 120
Wed, May 26, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Kaivan Munshi
Brown University

Identity and Mobility: Linking the Past to the Present in the American Midwest Econ Bldg 351
Wed, Jun 2, 1:30PM - 3:00PM Dan Trefler
University of Toronto

International Trade and Institutional Dynamics: A Death in Venice (With Diego Puga) Econ Bldg 351