Graduate Students Directory

Namesort icon First Name Email Year in Graduate School Fields of Interests
Foo Patricia [email protected] 1
Fradkin Andrey [email protected] 2
Fragiadakis Daniel [email protected] 2
Garg Manuj [email protected] 6 Micoreconomic Theory, Market Design, Auction Theory, Social and Economic Networks
Gomez Lemmen-Meyer Ana [email protected] 2
Gonzalez Guzman [email protected] 1
Grodzicki Daniel [email protected] 1
Guo Haiqiu [email protected] 8
Hafstead Marc [email protected] 5
Hansen David [email protected] 5
Hegeman John [email protected] 4
Hilpert Simon [email protected] 1
Huang Zhuo (Albert) [email protected] 6

Financial Econometrics, Empirical Finance, Applied Econometrics, Financial Engineering, Commodities Pricing, Industrial Organization

Jha Saumitra [email protected] Economic History, Development Economics, Political Economy, Microeconomic Theory, Industrial Organization
Jha Akshaya [email protected] 1
Karmali Nadeem [email protected] 5
Knoepfle Daniel [email protected] 2
Kothari Siddharth [email protected] 2
Kuchler Theresa [email protected] 3
Landvoigt Tim [email protected] 3