J. Miguel Acosta |
FOMC Responses to Calls for Transparency: Evidence from the Minutes and Transcripts Using Latent Semantic Analysis |
May 2014 |
Shaan Chugh |
The Impact of Rising Interest Rates on the Opitmal Social Security Claim Age |
May 2014 |
Cole W. Davis |
Pension Obligations: A Threat to Fiscal Stabilty? |
May 2014 |
Lydia Cox |
Victory by Affiliation? Evaluating the Relationship Between Division I Athletics and Institutions of Higher Education in a Conference-Centric Landscape |
May 2014 |
Sherlene Chatterji |
The Long-Term Effect of the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) Program on Academic Achievement: Evidence from a School District in Texas
May 2014 |
Daniel Fang |
Pricing Dynamics and Risk Taking in Partially Segmented Incomplete Markets |
May 2014 |
Valeria Fedyk |
CEO Overconfidence: An Alternative Explanation for Corporate Financing Decisions |
May 2014 |
Paul Ferrell |
Dead Weight Loss, Windfall Profit, and the Solution to the Helium Market |
February 2014 |
Casatrina Lee |
Modeling the LoJack Effect in the Cyber Security Market - A Study of Incentives |
May 2014 |
Robert Liu |
Comparing Fiscal Strategies for the U.S. in a New Keynesian Framework |
May 2014 |
Robert Scott Lemons |
Amateurism and College Athletics |
May 2014 |
Namir Shah |
In-State Merit Aid and College Choice: New Jeresy's STARS Program as a Tuition Subsidy |
May 2014 |
Henry Zhu Tang |
The Collaborative Filtering Effect of Netflix Ratings for Indie Films versus Blockbusters and Heavy Users versus Casual Users |
May 2014 |