Honors Thesis 2014

J. Miguel Acosta FOMC Responses to Calls for Transparency: Evidence from the Minutes and Transcripts Using Latent Semantic Analysis May 2014
Shaan Chugh The Impact of Rising Interest Rates on the Opitmal Social Security Claim Age May 2014
Cole W. Davis Pension Obligations: A Threat to Fiscal Stabilty? May 2014
Lydia Cox Victory by Affiliation? Evaluating the Relationship Between Division I Athletics and Institutions of Higher Education in a Conference-Centric Landscape May 2014
Sherlene Chatterji

The Long-Term Effect of the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) Program on Academic Achievement: Evidence from a School District in Texas

May 2014
Daniel Fang Pricing Dynamics and Risk Taking in Partially Segmented Incomplete Markets May 2014
Valeria Fedyk CEO Overconfidence: An Alternative Explanation for Corporate Financing Decisions May 2014
Paul Ferrell Dead Weight Loss, Windfall Profit, and the Solution to the Helium Market February 2014
Casatrina Lee Modeling the LoJack Effect in the Cyber Security Market - A Study of Incentives May 2014
Robert Liu Comparing Fiscal Strategies for the U.S. in a New Keynesian Framework May 2014
Robert Scott Lemons Amateurism and College Athletics May 2014
Namir Shah In-State Merit Aid and College Choice: New Jeresy's STARS Program as a Tuition Subsidy May 2014
Henry Zhu Tang The Collaborative Filtering Effect of Netflix Ratings for Indie Films versus Blockbusters and Heavy Users versus Casual Users May 2014