Developmental Biology


Ask Jane: A searchable database of commonly-asked questions of the Student Services Center.

Associated Students of Stanford University's (ASSU): As the only student group of which every Stanford student is a member, the ASSU is tasked with advocating on behalf of the student body and ensuring the best possible Stanford experience.

Biomedical Association of the Interest of Minority Students (BioAIMS): BioMedically Affiliated Stanford Students (BioMASS) provides useful career resources and information, arranges fun social events, and imparts a political voice to the approximately 600 students enrolled in biological science graduate programs in 14 research departments here at Stanford University.

Biosciences Diversity: Cultural diversity in the PhD program in Biosciences.

Campus Report, The Stanford Daily: Stay current with updated campus news.

Center for Teaching and Learning: A great resource for Teaching Assistants.

CMGM, Bioinformatics Resource: Gain access to multiprocessor UNIX servers, SGI Modeling Workstations, UNIX Sequence Analysis and Modeling software, terabyte disk arrays, scientific databases, Mac & PC software and hardware.

Funding Opportunities: List of funding opportunites and it's deadline for graduate students.

Graduate Student Academic Policy and Procedures: University-wide policy for students.

HelpSU: Using your SUNet ID, you can send help request such as password issues, student account questions, etc.

Hume Writing Center: Writing workshops, one on one consults, and other writing resources.

HRP 214: Scientific Writing Course: A writing course.

SOM Career Center: Get help with job searches, career management, networking, etc.

Stanford University Libraries & Academic Resources: Links to all university libraries and resources.

Stanford University Bulletin/Explore Courses: Up to date yearly course catalog.

Stanford University Student Services Center: When in doubt, stop here first. A “how to” guide for most student needs (ID, Loans, Tax Info).

Vaden Health Center: Find out more about your health coverage and clinic hours.

Unofficial Guide to Stanford: Fun eats and reviews of campus spots.



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