
Stanford requires permits for its on-campus lots. Visitors may park in lots or spaces designated with a green "P" or an "E" sign. Parking in these spaces costs $1.50 per hour between 8:00am and 4:00pm., Monday through Friday.  Weekend and holiday parking is normally free.

Visitor parking will have either a meter at the parking space or a permit vending machine located in the parking lot. Coins are necessary for meters; pay machines generally accept currency, coins, and credit cards.  There is a two-hour limit at meters unless displaying a permit issued from vending machine.

Parking Maps

Parking Options

(Near the Stanford Visitor Center)

  • Visitor Center Lot (L-95)
    Galvez Street, between Nelson Road and Campus Drive
    (Visitor Parking Permit Vending Machine)
  • Varsity Lot (L-97)
    Nelson Road, off Galvez Street adjacent to Stanford Stadium
    (Meters or purchase Parking Permit at Visitor Center Lot)
  • General information for visitor parking
    (provided by Parking & Transportation Services)

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Last update: September 1, 2010 2:59 PM