Sociology M.A. for Current Graduate Students

The M.A. degree in Sociology is available to current Ph.D. candidates in Sociology and to students in advanced degree programs (Ph.D., J.D., M.D.) from other Stanford departments and schools.

Am I eligible for the M.A. in Sociology?

University regulations pertaining to the M.A. are listed in the "Graduate Degrees" section of the Stanford Bulletin

How do I apply?

While formal application to the M.A. program is not required, applicants from outside of the Sociology department must submit the following to the Sociology student services office:

  1. A completed Graduate Authorization Petition form (available from the Office of the University Registrar )
  2. A completed Program Proposal for an M.A. form (available from the Office of the University Registrar); and
  3. A short statement of purpose (one or two pages)

When do I submit my paperwork to the Sociology department?

Students submit the above to the student services office prior to completion of 45 units of Sociology coursework.  Workshop, independent study, or directed research units do not count towards the MA.

How do I get the M.A. in Sociology?

Students must complete a minimum of 45 units of Sociology course work with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) or better. All 45 units must be taken in courses taught by Sociology faculty and must be taken for a letter grade if possible.

Can I use workshop, independent study, directed reading, or research units?

No.  All 45 units taken towards the MA in Sociology must be Sociology coursework.  Students must have enrolled in the SOC course offerings (not cross-listed sections) and taken the course for a letter grade.

Do I have to write a thesis?

A thesis is not required, but many students work closely with a Sociology faculty advisor to develop a publishable paper.

If you have further questions, please contact the Sociology student services office for additional information and approval of programs.

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