Speeches & Writings
See also: Columns in Stanford magazine
2012 Commencement, June 17, 2012
2011 Commencement, June 12, 2011
2011 Address to Academic Council, April 15, 2011
President Hennessy's remarks at the 2010 Freshman Convocation, September 14, 2010
President Hennessy's remarks at 2010 Commencement, June 13, 2010
Video of President Hennessy's virtual tour for the 2010 Academic Council, May 13, 2010
President Hennessy's remarks at 2009 Commencement, June 14, 2009
2009 Address to Academic Council, April 30, 2009
President Hennessy's remarks at 2008 Commencement, June 18, 2008
2008 Address to Academic Council, May 15, 2008
President Hennessy's remarks at the 2007 Freshman Convocation, September 18, 2007
President Hennessy's remarks at 2007 Commencement , June 17, 2007
2007 Address to Academic Council, May 23, 2007
Stanford’s Commitment to Faculty Diversity: A Reaffirmation, April 19, 2007
Statement Regarding Virginia Tech Tragedy by Stanford President John Hennessy, April 17, 2007
President Hennessy's remarks at Commencement 2006, June 21, 2006
2006 Address to Academic Council, April 20, 2006
2005 Address to Academic Council, March 31, 2005
Look to future of women in science and engineering: February 11, 2005
President Hennessy's remarks at the 2004 Freshman Convocation: September 20, 2004
Concluding remarks at 113th Commencement, June 13, 2004
President Hennessy's remarks at the 2003 Freshman Convocation: September 18, 2003
The rights and privileges of education bring a responsibility: June 15, 2003
academic excellence in challenging economic times: May 1, 2003
Remarks at the annual meeting of the Academic Council.
'The War in Iraq': March 31, 2003
President Hennessy's statement on the war in Iraq
Forward: The Challenges Ahead After A Year of Change':
April 18, 2002
President Hennessy's annual State of the University address
you represent our best hope': Sept. 21, 2001
President Hennessy's welcome to new students
great injustice has been committed': Sept. 14, 2001
President Hennessy's comments at a campus memorial service honoring those killed
in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
hope that you leave this campus with a strong reservoir of the Stanford spirit':
June 17, 2001
A speech to new graduates at Stanford's 110th Commencement
Statement on Faculty Diversity: June 1, 2001
Hennessy, Etchemendy enumerate steps to diversify faculty
Stock: Five Continuing Successes - and Five Challenges for the Future: March
Remarks at the annual meeting of the Academic Council
Report on Undergraduate Education: Jan. 2001
President Hennessy's essay in the 2000 Annual Report
in the 21st Century: Oct. 20, 2000
President Hennessy's address at his inauguration as Stanford's 10th president
Address: Sept. 22, 2000
A welcome to new students
of scholarly inquiry is our greatest privilege': Apr. 5, 2000
Remarks by President Hennessy at his announcement as Stanford's 10th president