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Speeches & Writings

See also: Columns in Stanford magazine


2012 Commencement, June 17, 2012


2011 Commencement, June 12, 2011

2011 Address to Academic Council, April 15, 2011


President Hennessy's remarks at the 2003 Freshman Convocation: September 18, 2003

The rights and privileges of education bring a responsibility: June 15, 2003

Pursuing academic excellence in challenging economic times: May 1, 2003
Remarks at the annual meeting of the Academic Council.

'The War in Iraq': March 31, 2003
President Hennessy's statement on the war in Iraq


'Going Forward: The Challenges Ahead After A Year of Change': April 18, 2002
President Hennessy's annual State of the University address


'Students, you represent our best hope': Sept. 21, 2001
President Hennessy's welcome to new students

'A great injustice has been committed': Sept. 14, 2001
President Hennessy's comments at a campus memorial service honoring those killed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks

'I hope that you leave this campus with a strong reservoir of the Stanford spirit': June 17, 2001
A speech to new graduates at Stanford's 110th Commencement

Statement on Faculty Diversity: June 1, 2001
Hennessy, Etchemendy enumerate steps to diversify faculty

Taking Stock: Five Continuing Successes - and Five Challenges for the Future: March 2001
Remarks at the annual meeting of the Academic Council

A Report on Undergraduate Education: Jan. 2001
President Hennessy's essay in the 2000 Annual Report


Stanford in the 21st Century: Oct. 20, 2000
President Hennessy's address at his inauguration as Stanford's 10th president

Convocation Address: Sept. 22, 2000
A welcome to new students

'Freedom of scholarly inquiry is our greatest privilege': Apr. 5, 2000
Remarks by President Hennessy at his announcement as Stanford's 10th president