French Culture Workshop

The French Culture Workshop brings together participants from different disciplines, including French literature, History, Comparative Literature, and Art History, to examine questions relevant to French culture and society from the modern period (1650 to present). Topics of discussion include political and intellectual history, imperialism and colonialism, nationalism and national identity, immigration and minorities, gender, and francophonie.

The French Culture Workshop is co-sponsored by the Stanford Humanities Center, the DLCL Research Unit, the France-Stanford Center, and the Europe Center at the Freeman Spogli Institute

Laura Monkman (Ph.D. Candidate, History) 6 June 2013
Derek Vanderpool (Ph.D. Candidate, History) 30 May 2013
Rudy le Menthéour (Bryn Mawr, French) 23 May 2013
Jared Holley: Eighteenth Century Epicureanism and the Reception of Rousseau's Second Discourse 16 May 2013
History of Human Rights Workshop 9 May 2013
Robert Morrissey: From Books to Data (and back) 3 May 2013
Mark Greengrass: Painting Power: Antoine Caron's "Massacres of the Triumvirate" 25 April 2013
Nathan Perl-Rosenthal on "Ending Cosmopolitanism?: American Sailors in a French Revolutionary World, ca. 1792-1799" 18 April 2013
Bernard Franco: Laocoon: Expression, or Time in Space 9 April 2013
Michaela Hulstyn: The Threatened Self, the Self Regained: Altered States and the Ethics of their Insight in Twentieth Century French-Language Literature 14 March 2013
Thomas Kaiser on "Making War to Make Peace: Diplomacy, ‘Patriotism,’ and Public Opinion in Choiseul’s Grand Exit Strategy at the End of the Seven Years’ War" 7 March 2013
Nicolas Rieucau: Comment dater un manuscript sans le dater? Le cas des Archives Condorcet. 21 February 2013
Katherine McDonough: Building with Authority: Real and Imagined Roads in Early Modern France 7 February 2013
Mary Terrall: A Spectacle Pleasing to the Mind: Natural History on Display 31 January 2013
Olivier Wieviorka: France: a self-liberated country? The role of the French resistance reassessed 25 October 2012
Göran Blix : "The Great Civic Banquet”: Animal Politics in Michelet’s Natural Histories 18 October 2012
Kelly Summers: Accidental Outlaws: Directorial Military Justice and the Émigré Shipwreck at Calais, 1795-6 11 October 2012
Nicholas Paige: Fiction (and Other Assorted Technologies of the Novel) 31 May 2012
Maria Teodora Comsa: Society Theater: a Laboratory for Esthetic and Social Change (1750-1815) 24 May 2012
Roundtable discussion on the French Presidential Elections 4 May 2012
Graduate Coordinator(s): 
James P. Daughton (History)
Dan Edelstein (French and Italian)
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