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Welcome to the Stanford Decisions and Ethics Center

The Stanford Decisions and Ethics Center has been pioneering Decision Analysis research since the 60s. The goal of the center is to promote research on decision analysis, voluntary social systems, and ethical analysis. This portal is an attempt to collect some of the research that we've undertaken and make it available to the public.

A lot of good Decision Analysis research done in the 60s, 70s and 80s is no longer available online. We are grateful for any help in obtaining such papers (primarily copyright - we can do the scanning here if we get a paper copy). What we have so far can be accessed in the Library section.

For students in the Department of MS&E, check out our classes. You may also check our current research.

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Copyright 2009, The Stanford Decisions and Ethics Center. Cite/attribute Resource. admin. (2007, April 02). Welcome to the Stanford Decisions and Ethics Center. Retrieved April 05, 2012, from Portal Web site: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Creative Commons License