Site Set Up & Administration How-To Guides

Guides Description
Request a Project Site

Project sites are available for any academic collaborative effort not associated with a course and can be used to share documents, communicate by email, schedule meetings or conduct discussions. Any faculty or staff member can request a project site by submitting a HelpSU request.

Create a Course Site

Stanford faculty or staff members can set up their own course sites in a matter of minutes, using the Worksite Setup tool.

Add Site Participants

The official Axess course rosters will be added to most course sites automatically. You can also manually add anyone with a SUNet ID to your site.

Add or Remove Tools

Tools can be added or removed from a site's menubar.

Manage Site Access

Options for managing site access include unpublishing a site (making it unavailable to students and guests), enabling anyone at Stanford to join a site, and disabling access to a site after the end of term.