- Please reserve your room early at the Stanford Guest House. Please mention "Ultrafast VUVX meeting" when booking your room.

Welcome to the Ultrafast Vacuum Ultraviolet & X-ray Physics Workshop
July 19 - July 21, 2010
Kavli Auditorium
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Menlo Park, CA
With the successful commissioning of the LCLS hard x-ray free electron laser (FEL) in April 2009 and the advent of the user program in October 2009, a new era in ultrafast x-ray physics has begun. Along with high harmonic generation sources and the FLASH vacuum-ultra violet/soft x-ray FEL source, researchers now have a variety of ultrafast short wavelength tools available to interrogate matter and processes on the femtosecond and even attosecond time-scale.
The Ultrafast VUV and X-ray Science satellite meeting to the Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics meeting will be held on the SLAC campus July 19-21. Invited speakers will present the current state-of-the-art of FELs and laser based ultrafast VUV/soft x-ray along with key new scientific discoveries enabled by these new sources. Participants will be given the opportunity to present their results in a poster session, with a few contributions selected to given brief oral presentations at the meeting. Registration is $225 through June 30th and $250 after that date.
A special LCLS tutorial session is being arranged for June 21st with detailed technical presentations on the operation of the LCLS. The goal of this session is to show users how the LCLS works and educate them about the origin and effects of different operating modes on the properties of the FEL.