Thinking of majoring in Communication?
Talk to the peer advisors. Visit the CDC Communication website to learn about careers.
The undergraduate curriculum is intended for liberal arts students who wish to build a fundamental knowledge of communication in society. Majors take courses from two orientations within the Communication Department, one class in statistics, and a selection of elective courses.
Courses include both theory and practicum courses in media and society, journalism, and communication research. Through electives, including an optional senior project or honors thesis, a student may build greater depth in any of these areas.
To be recommended for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication, a student must complete at least 60 units within the Communication Department, plus statistics. No more than 10 units of transfer credit, Summer Session credit or courses from outside of the department may be applied to meet department requirements. Students are required to pass a writing-intensive course within the major (WIM). The 2011-2012 WIM courses are Communication 104W, Reporting, Writing, and Understanding the News, and COMM 137W, The Dialogue of Democracy.
Communication majors and minors must register for all Communication courses for a letter grade if offered, and must maintain a C average (2.0) in courses towards the major/minor. Only courses with a grade of C- or above will be counted towards the major/minor. Click here to calculate your Comm Major GPA.
The statistics prerequisite (typically Stats 60/Psych 10) does not count toward the 60 units needed to complete the Communication major, and may be taken for a letter grade or credit. This introductory statistics course should be taken either prior to or concurrent with registration in COMM 106, Communication Research Methods, in preparation for courses in methodology and advanced courses in communication processes and effects.
Students should declare the major during Spring quarter of sophomore year.