Beckman Center For Molecular and Genetic Medicine

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? Munzer Hall
? Beckman Bistro


The Beckman Center houses the following facilities:

Munzer Hall

View schedule for Munzer Hall

Munzer Hall is a 101-person capacity lecture hall located on the ground floor of the Beckman Center in Room B060.

Scheduling Munzer

Please submit request via email (see below) and be sure to include time and date requested, event title, sponsoring department, and contact name and phone number. For special inquiries or other problems, please contact:

Jane Kroeten
Beckman Administrative Office, Room 062
(650) 723-8423
email » [jkroeten]


Usage Policy

Munzer Auditorium’s primary function is to serve as a venue for the School of Medicine research community. The Beckman Center will accept Munzer reservation requests prioritizing research seminar series, one-time seminars and symposia. The order of priority is:

1. Beckman Departments—the academic year

2. School of Medicine research—the academic year

 3. Other Medical School departments, SUHC ,LPCH departments / lab meetings, training, workshops, orientation, grand rounds —3 months in advance

 The auditorium is available only when the Beckman Center is open, Monday-Friday, 7:00AM to 7:00PM. We do not accept requests for weekend reservations or from outside organizations.

 Food Policy: Food and drink are strictly prohibited in Munzer. Refreshments may only be served AFTER your event. Please advise your caterer to schedule delivery after the event start time. The department/organization/group holding the event is responsible for advising attendees of the policy as well as enforcing it.

 Space for receptions is very limited. The small hallway outside Munzer is a fire exit and easily blocked by people congregating around the food table. Please use the ground floor lobby or patio for your post-event refreshments.


Room Features

Named for Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Munzer, generous contributors to the construction of the Beckman Center.  Equipment includes:

Audio-Video Resources

For additional audio-video equipment, contact Stanford Event Services.

Beckman Bistro

The Beckman Bistro specializes in fresh Mex and is located on the ground floor of the Beckman Center near Munzer Hall. Tables with umbrellas are available for outdoor seating. Breakfast and lunch are served Mon-Fri.

For catering service, please contact the Bistro manger:

Amadeo Penas
(650) 725-8484


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