Oral Communication Program


If you ask me what I came into this life to do,I will tell you: 
I came to live out loud.
- Émile Zola

The Oral Communication Program at CTL provides a wide range of opportunities for undergraduates and graduate students to improve their oral communication skills. 


For more information on the following, please click on the title links.

Presentation Coaching Appointments

Oral Communication coaching is available to all Stanford students. Highly-trained peer Oral Communication Tutors (OCTs) are available to provide coaching on all stages of the presentation process. OCTs can also advise on designing effective visual aids, reducing speech anxiety, and practicing for job interviews.

Courses on Public Speaking

Courses and workshops offer a comprehensive approach to speech communication that includes training in the fundamental principles of public speaking and the effective delivery of oral presentations. With the goal of enhancing students' general facility and confidence in oral expression, the program also provides innovative, discipline-based instruction to help students refine their personal speaking styles in small groups and classroom settings.

Workshops and Other Resources

We work directly with various departments and campus organizations to offer specialized workshops. We also conduct regular workshops such as Drop-in Vocal Yoga (open to the public) and T.E.A. (Thursday English Advising, casual conversation practice for non-native English speakers).



About the Oral Communication Program

For Current OCTs

Become an OCT