About SLAC

SLAC lab at night

Since its opening in 1962, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has been helping create the future. Six scientists have been awarded Nobel prizes for work done at SLAC, and more than 1,000 scientific papers are published each year based on research at the lab. As our second half-century unfolds, we’re just getting started.


To find the fifth laboratory director of SLAC, a 12-member committee has been appointed to conduct an international search. Learn more about the SLAC Director Search and departments within the Director’s Office.

Director's Office Overview »


SLAC is a leader in exploring frontier questions of science. Our facilities are used to uncover scientific mysteries, from the workings of subatomic particles to the structure of matter.

Vision and Mission »


The lab is organized into one mission support directorate and five scientific directorates, each of which plays an important role in advancing our mission.

Organization Overview »


In 1962, construction began on what was the longest and straightest structure in the world: the two-mile linear particle accelerator. Learn the story of SLAC, from its founding to the 50th anniversary in 2012.

SLAC History »


Download a variety of fact sheets about SLAC science and facilities, from “SLAC by the Numbers” to descriptions of our research and programs.

Brochures and Fact sheets »


Want to learn more about SLAC? Find out how to call, email or visit us.

SLAC Contact Information »

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