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our lab in the news

02/02/12 - KQED Forum: First Person with Lera Boroditsky
10/04/11 - BBC 2 “Planet Word” TV series hosted by Stephen Fry
10/09/11 - National Geographic TV series “Brain Games”
08/30/11 - Scientific American piece on grammatical gender
08/11/11 - Pour La Science reprints an essay of mine (in French)
07/06/11 - BBC 4 "All in the Mind" interview on how metaphors shape reasoning
03/04/11 - NPR's "On the Media" features our work on metaphorical framing for social issues
02/23/11 - our work on how metaphors guide reasoning covered in Nature News (link) and Discover Magazine (link)
02/21/11 - Scientific American summarizes our work on time
02/01/11 - an article of mine appeared in the Scientific American
01/25/11 - RadioLab episode including our absolute space & time work
12/20/10 - a debate in The Economist on whether language shapes thought - I represented the "pro" side
11/12/10 - our research hillariously remixed into "8 bazillion awesome ways that language is totally whack!" by Cracked.com
11/05/10 - article on our work on space and time in an Aboriginal community in Australia in Science News
10/13/10 - Lera's lecture for Long Now is one of the picks of the week in the SFWeekly
10/18/10 - conversation about language, culture, and time in Snob.ru (in Russian)
10/09/10 - bloggingheads conversation with Joshua Knobe
09/01/10 - cover article on language and thought in the New Scientist
08/30/10 - interview with Radio Free Europe (in Russian)
08/27/10 - an article featuring our work in the Israeli magazine "The Calcalist" (in Hebrew)
08/26/10 - our research featured in the New York Times
08/09/10 - Schweizer Radio DRS (Swiss NPR) 1/2-hour radio special on Time (in German)
07/24/10 - an essay of mine in the Wall Street Journal
05/01/10 - feature in Stanford Magazine
04/16/10 - essay of mine published in Suddeutsche Zeitung (in German)
02/13/10 - article in Science News
12/17/09 - article in The Economist
12/01/09 - research featured in Italian WIRED
10/31/09 - research featured in La Repubblica
07/09/09 - article in Newsweek
07/09/09 - "Word of Mouth" interview for BBC
07/01/09 - interview on NPR's "Here & Now"
06/30/09 - interview on NHPR
06/18/09 - piece in the LA Times
04/06/09 - interview on NPR's Morning Edition
04/23/08 - article in the New York Times
05/01/07 - articles on language and color perception in Nature News, The New Scientist
02/04/07 - radio interview on NPR show Philosophy Talk on Mental Imagery
10/22/06 - radio interview on NPR show Philosophy Talk on Language and Thought
09/11/04 - interview on CBC radio Quarks and Quirks (listen here)
02/21/04 - radio interview for the Commonwealth Journal on WUMB radio
02/06/04 - BBC World Service radio interview (in Russian) (listen to it)
01/08/04 - story in the Economist (on-line version)
02/01/04 - story in the Indonesian journal Tempo (read it here in Indonesian)
02/07/04 - story in the Israeli paper Haaretz (read in here in Herbew)
11/18/03 - profile in the Boston Globe (on-line version)
11/30/02 - cover story in New Scientist magazine (read it here)
05/29/02 - 1hr chat about Linguistic Relativity aired on WBEZ Chicago Public Radio (listen to it)
03/25/02 - an article in the Scientific American (read it here)
03/20/02 - a 30-minute interview on NPR (low quality or high quality)
02/14/02 - an article in the Boston Globe (on-line version or print version)