About SLAC Today

SLAC Today is a daily web and email newsletter for SLAC staff, users and community members, published by the SLAC Office of Communications. SLAC Today published its first issue in early 2006, and has covered the lab ever since. See SLAC Today Archives for back issues and links to previous SLAC newsletters.


SLAC Today is automatically emailed daily to all SLAC email addresses. Non-SLAC email addresses can subscribe or unsubscribe any time simply by clicking the appropriate link below and hitting "send" in your email client:

We want your input!

Please send your story ideas, suggestions or feedback about SLAC Today to today(at)slac.stanford.edu.

Announcement and Event Submissions

Anyone with a SLAC Windows or Unix login can submit SLAC Today announcements highlighing lab news, events and more.

  1. To create a new item, use the Submit Announcement form.
  2. To manage your submitted items, use My Announcements. You can view, edit or delete items there.

Please allow a minimum of 24 hours from submission to publication (to be published in the following day’s edition of SLAC Today, submissions must be received by 9 a.m.). Items will be edited for news style, clarity, and to get the news at the top of the piece.

Submission Guidelines

News should be a quick read, so aim to be clear and to-the-point.

  • Put the new information first, for readers with limited time.
  • Use plain English. Translate any field-specific terminology (jargon) into everyday words.
  • Keep it short. From 100 to 500 words is typical.
  • Include at minimum: Who is doing the action, what is happening, when, where, and tell us why it's important to colleagues from other divisions and/or SLAC users.
  • Suggest a short headline that points to the heart of what's new or unique about your announcement.
  • Items cannot support, or appear to support, a commercial business. See "Use of SLAC Information Resources Guidelines."
  • Lab Announcements will appear on SLAC Today for a maximum of five business days.
  • An editor will contact you if there is any question or need for clarification on your item.

Important: Make sure any work-related announcement text has been vetted with the appropriate lab management prior to submission. In most cases, that is the manager responsible for the subject area: the department manager, the organizer for events or classes, etc. Special cases are: the CIO for computing-related items, and the ES&H director for all safety topics.

What kind of announcement should I submit?

Each type of announcement below appears in its own section of SLAC Today, with a link to a reverse-chronological archive. Events also appear on the Calendars.



Where Published



Lab Announcements

SLAC Today page, lower left

Work-related items. Examples include:

  • Announcement of new policies (please link to your policy on your department website)
  • New training classes or requirements
  • Infrastructure project updates
  • Conference announcements
  • Calls for proposals
  • Notices of future events (suggestion: pre-announce events here as Lab Announcements, and enter them on the appropriate calendar, below)
  • Computing alerts


The Calendars and SLAC Today right column (today's events only)

The event calendars are divided into three categories:

  • Scientific events: conferences, seminars, colloquia, public lectures, etc.
  • Training: classes and workshops open to SLAC staff and users
  • Staff Calendar: staff celebrations, all-hands meetings, payroll dates, SLAC holidays and more

Access Notices

SLAC Today right column (current items)

Road closures, computing and phone outages.

Community Bulletin Board

SLAC Today right column

Items of general interest across the lab that have a SLAC connection. Examples include charity drives, recreational activities, retirement parties, obituaries for SLAC staff members and more.

For items that do not have a direct SLAC connection, please use the Flea Market.

Content Tagging

Tags categorize content in the News Center for easy retrieval. You can locate stories and announcements in a given category using tags in two ways:

  • On the SLAC Today search page, enter a word related to the content you'd like to find under "Tags" in the Advanced Search box. A list of tags containing that word will appear; select one and click "Search."
  • Open any story or announcement in the News Center. To see a listing of related items, click on a tag name under Tags near the bottom of the right-hand column.

When submitting an announcement, check at minimum the tag(s) for the organization(s) submitting the announcement (found under "Programs & Facilities" in the Tags section of the Submit Announcement form).

The Flea Market

The SLAC Flea Market is provided as a service for SLAC community members to post personal items for sale, rent, or as "wanted." Submissions to the Flea Market will be reviewed by a SLAC Today editor before posting, generally within 24 hours.

  • Please note: items cannot support or appear to support an ongoing outside business. See "Use of SLAC Information Resources Guidelines."
  • An editor will contact you if there is any question or need for clarification on your item.