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Hoover Institution welcomes National Fellows and National Security Affairs Fellows

November 2nd, 2010
Front row, left to right: Lieutenant Colonel Leif Eckholm and Lieutenant Colonel Brenda Cartier, both U.S. Air Force Back row, left to right: Lieutenant Colonel Joseph “JP” McGee, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Minter Ralston, U.S. Marines; and Commander David Slayton, U.S. Navy

2010-11 National Security Affairs Fellows: Front row, left to right: Lt. Col. Leif Eckholm and Lt. Col. Brenda Cartier, both U.S. Air Force. Back row, left to right: Lt. Col. Joseph “JP” McGee, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Minter Ralston, U.S. Marines; and Cmdr. David Slayton, U.S. Navy.

2010-11 National Fellows: Front row, left to right: Jeffrey Lax, Michael Tomz, Laura Veldkamp, Catherine Hafer, and Elizabeth “Lisa” Cobbs Hoffman Back row, left to right: Scott Littlefield, Rob Fleck, Jonathan Rodden, Dimitri Landa, and Colonel Chuji Ando Not pictured: Christophe Crombez, Stephen Kotkin, James “JJ” Prescott, Alberto Simpser, Yuri Slezkine, and Bruce Thornton

2010-11 National Fellows: Front row, left to right: Jeffrey Lax, Michael Tomz, Laura Veldkamp, Catherine Hafer and Elizabeth “Lisa” Cobbs Hoffman. Back row, left to right: Scott Littlefield, Rob Fleck, Jonathan Rodden, Dimitri Landa and Col. Chuji Ando. Not pictured: Christophe Crombez, Stephen Kotkin, James “JJ” Prescott, Alberto Simpser, Yuri Slezkine and Bruce Thornton

The Hoover Institution‘s National Fellows and National Security Affairs Fellows have arrived for the current academic year. The National Fellows program allows participants to take time away from teaching to conduct research projects. The National Security Affairs program is open to members of the military and government agencies who want to pursue topics relevant to their branches of government and to the practice of diplomacy.

—Adam Gorlick

Photos: Stanford Visual Art Services