Zhenan Bao named recipient of Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award

September 8th, 2010

Zhenan Bao

Zhenan Bao

ZHENAN BAO, associate professor of chemical engineering and the David Filo and Jerry Yang Faculty Fellow, is among the recipients of the prestigious Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award.

The award, given by the American Chemical Society, recognizes and encourages excellence in organic chemistry.

Ten Arthur C. Cope Scholars are named annually: four between the ages of 36 and 49, four age 50 or older, and two 35 and younger. The award consists of $5,000, a certificate and a $40,000 unrestricted research grant to be assigned by the recipient to any university or nonprofit institution.

Bao was recognized for her contribution in “advancing the chemistry and understanding of organic semiconductors for electronics and energy applications.”

Visit the American Chemical Society’s Chemical and Engineering News site for more information on 2011 award winners.

Visit the website of the Bao Research Group. Research areas include synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials, organic electronic device design and fabrication, and applications development for organic electronics.