David Lobell
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) has awarded a 2010 James B. Macelwane Medal to DAVID LOBELL, an assistant professor of environmental Earth system science and a center fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment and at the Program on Food Security and the Environment.
Established in 1961, the Macelwane Medal is awarded annually to as many as five individuals “for significant contributions to the geophysical sciences by an outstanding young scientist (less than 36 years of age),” according to the AGU website.
Lobell’s research focuses on identifying opportunities to raise crop yields in major agricultural regions, with a particular emphasis on adaptation to climate change around the globe, including Africa, South Asia, Mexico and the United States. He earned a PhD in geological and environmental sciences from Stanford in 2005 and a ScB in applied mathematics from Brown University in 2000.
Lobell and two other medalists will receive the award in December at the AGU annual meeting in San Francisco. Previous Stanford medalists include Azadeh Tabazadeh, Steven Gorelick, Paul Segall, Norman Sleep and Amos Nur – all from the School of Earth Sciences.
—Mark Shwartz